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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Kudos to Keith he was on right lines with anti competition case. Hopefully this leads to a settlement now the club has picked up baton.
  2. Some of the repercussions of breaking U.K. competition law - Your business could be fined up to 10% of global turnover. Directors can be banned from running a company for 15 years. Individuals can go to prison for 5 years. In short Masters, Hoffman, Spurs and Liverpool might be a tad concerned.
  3. It’s a common misconception that Ashley being drunk cost us a takeover by Sheik Mansour. It is rumoured they looked at us pre Man City bid, but the drunken night out was in relation to Zabeel Investments in Dubai. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1057300/Dubai-says--8216-8217-Ashley-drinks-cocktail-public.html
  4. More convinced about this story being a game changer after just listening to Kennedy. The people who have provided the information are the ones who give the story the go ahead, however they’ve now said to hold off. Draw your own conclusion where this information has come from.....
  5. Depends when City began their legal action in relation to the accounts, not sure.
  6. Bird and Bird will be getting plenty of business out the PL, I wonder if Beloff is representing the PL in this case.
  7. Undoubtedly they’ve used the ESL as a means to protest against the Glazers, similarly Arsenal with Kroenke.
  8. If Man U we’re in our current position I believe they’d be protesting against the PL, in particular Masters and Hoffman.
  9. The last thing they would do is sit back and do fuck all. They’d be applying pressure by every avenue possible, even more so in light of ESL revelations. If there was even a whiff of a conspiracy to stop the sale they’d be out on the streets.
  10. This thread is a perfect example of why where absolutely fucking shite as a fanbase. Some don’t even know what we’d protest about, I find that staggering. If Man Utd had a sale to PCP and the PL refused to sanction it, do we think the red army would protest ? Imagine the scenario they’d finally thought they’d got rid of the Glazers, only for the PL to obstruct and delay the takeover for 12 months. They then find out in all likelihood there’s been input from other clubs and a foreign tv station. The answer is there’d be fucking hell on. Masters and Hoffman would have men in balaclavas outside their house and the PL’s headquarters would have had the windows put out. But we don’t even know what we’d be protesting about ?
  11. It’s also noticeable that Liverpool and Man City fans have not organised the same level of protest as Man U and Arsenal. There is no way City fans would want rid of Mansour to be replaced 50+1. We all know Arsenal and Man U fans have latched on to the ESL objections to try and get rid of Kroenke and the Glazers. This is nothing to do with 50 + 1 they simply want owners that will take them back to the top. Would they object to the Saudi’s would they hell. The narrative is certainly there for us to protest more than anyone else. We’ve been shafted by the PL and the so called big 6. I still believe the NUST are the one organisation who could arrange something, and after the MUST’s efforts I don’t accept that this is not their role.
  12. Linda Bush from NUST was recently on the radio championing the 50+1 model and denouncing rich owners. The Trust later came out and said they backed the takeover and acted upon the 97% of it’s members. However, for me the Trust need to clarify what their current stance is. Do they prefer 50+1 or Saudi ownership, because let’s be clear they’re not compatible objectives. If I was a betting man I’d back the majority of our support would want the PCP consortium as opposed to a bunch of fans running the club. Let’s be honest as a fan base we can’t organise a piss up in a brewery never mind run a football club. It’s clear to me that if the trust are backing 50+1, then in effect they are against the PCP takeover. They simply cannot back both as they are incompatible. The idea of rich owners allowing fans to make key decisions after spending 340 million on the club is ludicrous. As a fan base we argue and agree on nothing, the fan members on the board would be accused of being self publicists and attention seekers. The trust need to wise up and come clean, if this is about an emergency fund if we do a Sunderland fair enough. Otherwise if it truly is about 50+1 then it’s not for me, I choose owners with the finance and nouse to take us to the next level every time.
  13. Interesting that we are always told that the trust isn’t a protest movement. Seems like MUST think differently and organised yesterday’s protest. We’ve had no bigger issue in our clubs recent history than the blocked PCP takeover. People would be naive to think that MUFC supporters protesting yesterday all want 50+1, they just want rid of the Glazers and would be ecstatic at the Saudis coming in for them. As the largest supporters trust in the country surely NUST could muster a similar protest at St Jame’s, after all 97% of the membership backs this takeover. 50+1 is idealistic and a pipe dream in my opinion, we should be fighting tooth and nail to get this takeover through. Yesterday wasn’t an example of how we should all be fighting for fan ownership, it was that we should demand good and responsible ownership such as Leicester City. It also shows us that the likes of Liverpool and Man U fans would not have accepted the PL blocking a transformative takeover of them. The NUST made a great start in demanding answers, however they accepted the PL’s version of events, and have simply moved on to other projects. The takeover of our club should still be at the forefront of their thinking. The likes of Arsenal, Man U and other fans would bite your arm off for the Saudis. We should be ramping up the pressure on the PL at every opportunity. The return of fans in coming weeks should be used by us to vocally and visually leave the PL in no doubt about what we think of this blocked takeover. The eyes of the trust should still be on a realistic, attainable and transformative takeover of our club. https://www.imust.org.uk/Blog/Entry/protest-at-2pm-outside-old-trafford-before-liverpool-match
  14. It’s not twitter bollocks though is it ? If Mehdrad or De Marco tweet they’re 2 key figures in the takeover. If Keith tweets it’s someone who has an ongoing legal case with the PL and is regularly in touch with club. I still don’t even know why you come in here, you’ve made it clear you believe there’s no takeover. If I felt that way I wouldn’t waste my fucking time. As previous poster stated, I also don’t go on betting thread because it has no interest to me whatsoever. But I don’t go in there and tell everyone its a fucking mugs game.
  15. You’d let us crack on with it ? Very generous ?
  16. City and the Mackems have always been pally. Drawn together by an inferiority complex brought on by bigger neighbours.
  17. I would imagine if the info comes out then the club are happy with it. I got the impression he was hinting that the club we’re maybe taking arbitration slowly, there’s clearly a lot going on and maybe the PL house might fall on Masters and Hoffman first. His legal case has been parked by the PL, i think with all respect we would need a legal expert to confirm whether they are able to do this. As for the trust all I heard was that he was concerned about a metro radio interview where Linda Bush had came out against big money owners. Bearing in mind our potential owners fall into this category I can see his point. If she was taken out of context fair enough, but you’d have to show me where he’s called people for pledging ? I don’t believe he has.
  18. Don’t worry Jinky i think they wind themselves up more than us positive lads. A lot of people can’t seem to see the bigger picture, Keith alluded to it tonight on the podcast. The club are bound by disclosure agreements, what better then to have a loose cannon prodding and poking the PL publicly at every opportunity. He’s playing a role whether some folk like it or not, let him get on with it.
  19. If you find me tedious block me, simple really.
  20. That may be your opinion but some of us like the craic around the takeover. In the politest possible way if you don’t like reading it fuck off and don’t. If Keith wants to talk about it fucking great, you won’t dictate to anybody what people want to discuss. Do you yourself a favour and tune in when it’s announced and do the rest of us who enjoy this thread a favour. This goes for some of the other tedious cunts who have infested this thread in recent days.
  21. There’s going to be humble pie on here I can feel it.
  22. Roll up, Get your t shirt bids in lads all goes to the foodbank. Should be a good one tonight.
  23. I’m convinced it’s worth the wait, but let’s see.
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