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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Aye it was when Caulkin did the takeover 2.0 article. They thought takeover was days away and money was in the country awaiting approval. The PL must have given some indication it would be approved. I think what we can take from this is that Staveley had every right to believe it was close to being signed off.
  2. Never read the article mate haven’t got an Athletic subscription anymore. Caulkin is close to Staveley so I presume she would know if arbitration had begun.
  3. At least we know Govt want this without any shadow of a doubt now. This article certainly shows why Staveley thought deal was days away in September after political pressure. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9476763/Brilliant-Boris-said-told-Newcastle-deal-track.htmlic
  4. I’m the most optimistic person behind manorpark in relation to takeover, however this is due to mussels always being at there best when the month finishes with ‘ber’ at the end. I do however think he knows the correct spelling of ‘leeks’.
  5. Liam Kennedy on Wraiths podcast Monday night said he suspects it has started, without being able to confirm for definite.
  6. I suppose it boils down to the fact can it be argued MBS is a figurehead and is it reasonable for the Governor to be the named Director for the purpose of running a football club. I wouldn’t claim to know how the legal team will argue the toss on this. I mean would it be reasonable for the whole of the PIF board to be submitted for the test as you could argue they could all hold influence. I’m sure when the deal was originally called off, Staveley in her interview with Caulkin said they had offered to put the whole PIF board forward but they wanted the state. What did she mean by the whole PIF board ? What I can say for certain is that De Marco and Fatima will know a hell of a lot more about separation than Luke fucking Edwards.
  7. I don’t think we’ll ever know in what capacity he was acting under. However, what’s changed we know MBS is chairman of PIF and lawyers knew this before the Mail article. This tweet below in response to a cretin in the local media is a good summary in my view.
  8. Exactly, add to this the impact on North East economy and I bloody hope Boris would show some interest in this. The fact Lord Grimstone also tried to act as a go between shows the govt want this takeover.
  9. Think it’s a coincidence and more to do with lobbying in light of Cameron. For all the noise today separation will be decided by a technicality argued by QC’s. The arbitration is based solely on this one point. Even for all the talk of wrong doing by the PL today, I don’t think this will have any bearing on arbitration and would only come into play in NCSL’s anti competition case. The Mail article even tries to link the deal being back on due to lobbying, which we know is bullshit. We knew MBS held a call with Boris not to long back, it wouldn’t take a genius to guess this was brought up in that conversation. However, governments will often support companies get trade deals abroad, and there’s nothing in that article to damage the separation argument. I’m sure the likes of Ben Jacobs will dramatise it to full effect, but for me it’s interesting nothing else and will have no impact on arbitration.
  10. Exactly this, the governor of PIF hand delivered letter from Saudi Royal Court to PL. The conversation between MBS and Boris could have been around separation. This is a side issue to do with Cameron and cronieism, no impact as far as I’m concerned.
  11. Decent read and analysis of events in this thread.
  12. Aye seems the shop manager found out via Twitter according to some folk. I’m sure there’ll be a copy up by the end of day.
  13. Remember this at the time in Houses of Parliament, let’s hope the arbitration panel come to same conclusion. The Musgrove article is a good read.
  14. Good take sounds feasible. I suppose Rangers would be the most obvious comparison. I’m not sure if Castore have taken over the operation of their club store ?
  15. Let’s a hoy a zebra picture in here before Edwards and Ryder burst our bubble in next couple of hours.
  16. Nagelsmann would be exciting, if any bloke can make Joelinton look decent you’d have to consider him a genius.
  17. Simple as this. Our commercial income is laughable and everything is out sourced. Bringing the club shop back in house points to him being all but gone, if staff have indeed been laid off from Sports Direct.
  18. Had away let the cunts rot down there.
  19. So he’s just after compensation. Delighted you’ve cleared that up for everyone who’s been wasting there time in this thread.
  20. You should get on the blower to Mike and save him a fortune in legal fees. I’m sure the tight cunt hoys away millions on the back of blind optimism all the time.
  21. What a bear pit the old place was that day. Pedro at his brilliant best, happy new year happy new year hello hello....
  22. Spotted it before obviously liked you’re analysis ?
  23. Are you a member of the Magpie Group HTT ? If not they liked you’re post.
  24. Aye been like mutes on there last few trips to Wembo, part time cunts always have been always will be. The number of empty seats in their end for the play off final should dispel any myth that this lot are anywhere near our league. Sir Tom Cowie got it spot on years ago with this lot.
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