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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. Well he's a weak as p*ss journalist then. If he can't separate his professional life from his personal one he shouldn't be doing the job. I'm sorry I disagree completely with that, firstly he's easily the best North East journalist, and secondly i'm fairly certain pretty much most people would struggle to slate there mates to the entire world, rightly or wrongly, at least Caulkin's willing to admit that he struggles to criticise him, unlike some. I get that's he's being honest and that is commendable but his job is to report the facts. He wouldn't be criticising Bruce's character and personality, he would be reporting on what is without question an awful managerial performance. It's not even up for debate - the stats completely substantiate the fact that we are shit in every department. If a journalist can't report that because the guy is his mate, that's bullshit. Do your fucking job!
  2. Well he's a weak as piss journalist then. If he can't separate his professional life from his personal one he shouldn't be doing the job.
  3. Holmesy

    Emil Krafth

    Saw him put in 3 defensive blocks, pretty good ones too. Probably the biggest contribution of any of players today. Too work lad!
  4. Holmesy


    Good to see this guy is back to being absolutely shit. Fooled us for a couple of weeks with a couple of slightly less terrible performances but he’s right back on track.
  5. Yeah but Roy Hodgson is well known for coaching and drilling his teams - learnt it in Italy apparently. Dickhead! ?
  6. Get me out of lockdown so I can stop giving a shit about this lot again!! FFS!
  7. As an ex Liverpool player, why is he so determined to back Bruce over a Liverpool legend. Odd. I think the modern day pundit needs to justify their position as an 'expert' by going against what supporters feelings are because they wrongly presume that fans are judging their thoughts by emotion rather than their own football knowledge, god forbid a fan speaking more sense than someone that played the game professionally. One of my pet hates with them is the sentence "what the fans don't understand is". Rednapp, O'hara and the likes of Jason Cundy are not very high up the IQ scale, but they played the game so they must no what they are talking about Pundits get paid to talk, they don’t get paid to know. They’re just trying to keep themselves relevant so they keep getting picked. If a requisite for the job was intelligence and knowledge there would be 2-3 pundits Max. Talksport have made a successful radio station from deliberately talking shite to antagonise fans, Sutton is the latest pundit to do it. The whole profession is basically a fucking racket build on peddling shite.
  8. That's why all the nasty boys think you should be nowhere near the job, Steve. Every other manager in the league has at least half a brain, and uses it. Try your best!? Fuck me man, we're relegated.
  9. This guy worked under the most successful manager in the history of the Premier League for 9 years. This is the thing i find most baffling. Of course he's never going to be as good as him or have players as good at his disposal, but surely when your own shit plan isn't working you'd just revert to copying exactly what Fergie did?
  10. I’d take the lad from Lincoln in a heartbeat over this useless cunt, at least he’s achieved something
  11. Pardew was utterly detestable but there were some entertaining performances during his tenure (most of them despite him rather than because of him). The 4-4 against Arsenal springs to mind. Under Bruce we’ve seen nothing in 18 months and if anything, it’s getting worse. I know Pardew had better players but Bruce could have the Man City first team and we’d still be boring as fuck to watch. He’s No.1 for me now
  12. Fulham passing the ball around and taking the game to Spurs just reiterates a) how out of his depth Bruce is in the PL b) What a fucking coward he is and c) how depressing it is that teams just coming up are about 100 times more enjoyable to watch than we are
  13. I still can't get my head around this prick setting up defensively against the team with the joint lowest goals for tally in the league. The man is an idiot. He can try and convince us he was playing with two false 10s all he wants, but he blatantly set up to not concede against a team that can't hit a barn door. I don't even know what the words are to describe that.
  14. As others have said, our only hope is the takeover. If it looks like we’re dragged into the shit and that could potentially jeopardise the takeover Ashley might pull the plug.
  15. Holmesy

    Jeff Hendrick

    Every player gets a free pass from me until Bruce leaves. You can’t judge anyone properly while they’re playing for this fraud and being so incompetently coached.
  16. Should’ve put more than a fiver on it. Missed opportunity!
  17. I honestly can’t believe what I’m watching. We are absolutely pathetic. This is literally as bad as I’ve ever seen us play
  18. Getting dry bummed by the team rock bottom of the league. Bruce ball at its finest.
  19. From the little we saw of him he seems to have good feet, tenacity and he’s yet to have the confidence and motivation drained out of him by the 3 Steves. Given how many low impact midfielders we have in the first team squad, we might as well start him against Sheff Utd
  20. We're going to end up with Bentaleb again, nailed on
  21. Tactics, gameplan, players to fit a specific system - it'll never catch on.
  22. When fans are paying £50+ for a match ticket you have an obligation to entertain them, rightly or wrongly. Bruce is getting an easy ride because there are no fans in the stadium but he should be given absolute dog's abuse when the stadium allows supporters in, regardless of our league position, because he's serving up a bowl of shit when people are paying for fine dining. We're comfortably the worst team to watch in probably the top two divisions. Any result we get feels more like a fluke than an orchestrated plan. That's not entertaining!
  23. Put a bet on 10 minutes ago for us to win 0-1, to try and salvage something from my Friday night. Wilson scored, looking good! Fucking Joelinton man! Now the fucker turns up! ??‍♂️
  24. Holmesy


    Deservedly, he was shite! Probably still is
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