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Everything posted by Holmesy

  1. It feels like Joelinton is so close to being a really good footballer but he’s just not right now. How someone who knows football could watch him and think he’s worth £40m is baffling! He must’ve had a couple of absolute worldie performances in front of our scouts. Or someone was pissed!
  2. I haven’t actually been repulsed watching us for the past 25 minutes. Feels weird!
  3. He repeatedly shouts their names, I think that’s his thing. I've heard him shout 'time!' on a few occasions. You know, the kind of thing I shout to fat Lee on a Wednesday night kickabout.
  4. Holmesy

    Miguel Almirón

    Unbelievable how short people's memories are. On his day, ASM is one of the best in the PL. Pundits, other team's fans, the media etc. were frothing over his performances last season - he was lighting the league up. It's no coincidence that since our neolithic manager tinkered with his positioning and probably sapped a lot of his motivation, we've looked a lot less dangerous as a team and ASM has looked a fraction of the player he was last season. Some of that is no doubt down to other teams figuring out how to play him but most of it is down to our shit deployment of him In the right scenario ASM is a game winner - Bruce isn't that scenario, ever!
  5. That's gonna hurt even more when this saga is all over, NUFC are in the Championship and Neil Warnock walks through the door. I'd snap your hand off for Neil Warnock right now
  6. He’s played 4-5 games at a new club, with new teammates, under a shit manager and shit coaches. Chill out!
  7. Did anyone expect anything more when Steve Bruce was confirmed as our manager?! I think we were pretty unanimous in our expectations of how this was going to turn out.
  8. As long as the current version of football has existed, the rule had been free kick awarded for DELIBERATE handball and there was nothing wrong with it. It worked. Things have only become fucked since they started messing around with it.
  9. VAR would’ve been and still could be fine. The problem is they got referees to decide on the implementation and usage of it. If they’d given it to a panel of players, you know, people that have actually played the game, the implementation would’ve been fine. Exactly the same thing should be done when deciding on rule changes but instead they leave it to people who have never played the game and they consistently fuck it up. Who’d have thought?!
  10. Very easy to force change - if all the clubs agree to pass the penalty to the opposition keeper instead of taking a shot, the PL would act within a week. except they won't agree to that, hell they'll all be adopting the strategy of aiming at arms instead of the goal Of course, too much self interest. They'd rather take advantage of it than try to restore the integrity of the game. But if they wanted to, they could force change
  11. Very easy to force change - if all the clubs agree to pass the penalty to the opposition keeper instead of taking a shot, the PL would act within a week.
  12. We literally don’t do anything well under SB, nothing. We don’t move well, can’t attack for shit, can’t defend, we’re not dangerous at set pieces, can’t mark, can’t press as a unit, we’re badly organised and tactically inept. I honestly think we might fair better without a manager!
  13. Pretty sure Almiron hasn’t controlled the ball a single time yet. Just keeps bouncing off him!
  14. Why would you play 5 at the back when you don’t have 3 fit CBs?! Surely you play the formation that suits the best players you have available to you. Or is that too obvious?
  15. Personally, I love signings like this. Zero risk and nothing known about him but there’s just that small chance he could turn out to be brilliant. Far more exciting than signing already established players!
  16. That's got to be a miss-print though, surely?! He's not going to spend 60% of his wages on a mansion. And what the hell kind of place does £40k per month get you anyway?!
  17. https://www.smh.com.au/sport/soccer/from-sydney-park-soccer-to-the-epl-how-a-french-star-slipped-through-the-cracks-20200921-p55xui.html £10,000 per week mansion?! Really?! How much money is ASM on FFS?!
  18. Holmesy

    Fabian Schär

    His fault clearly, but it’s not just one mistake is it - he looks a shadow of the player he has been, in every capacity. He’s been sat on the bench most of the season and then played in an unfamiliar midfield role 2 games in a row where he didn’t exactly excel. Then he’s put into a back 4 against a high-pressing Spurs team. Bruce sees him every day and should know his strengths and weaknesses. Maybe Rafa’s attention to detail has given me unrealistic expectations of what a manager should be/do. ??‍♂️
  19. Holmesy

    Fabian Schär

    What the fuck has Bruce done to this lad?! He’s gone from being one of the classiest CBs in the Premier League to an error-prone liability. Poor bastard!
  20. I can't see Saudi Arabia going to the effort of cleaning up the piracy thing off the back of a 'maybe'. Why bother? It's £300m which is a drop in the ocean for them. The only reason I can see them doing it is that they're promised to do it as part of an already signed agreement.
  21. Holmesy

    Nabil Bentaleb

    It’s frustrating because he was class against Bournemouth and it felt like he might’ve turned a corner but he was noticeably stand-out wank today! No one covered themselves in glory but to be the shittest player in that pitiful performance is just embarrassing!
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