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Everything posted by InspectorCoarse

  1. >>>>>IGNORE THE BELOW POST IF YOU DON'T WANT TO READ A NON-OPTIMISTIC APPRAISAL OF THE TAKEOVER OF NUFC<<<<< Neither of those things are illegal (obviously). Here's what has actually happened, and what will come to light when this sorry saga finally peters out for good: this Keith Patterson bloke and his pal have spunked some money up the wall to pay for a letter from a very expensive QC. The letter had no impact on anything because its argument (that the Premier League not approving a takeover of a club by the biggest pirates of Premier League IP was a violation of competition law) was nonsense. That's where Robert O'Donoghue's involvement began and ended - he knew it was nonsense but someone paid his fees so he had little choice but to put together a nonsense argument (note that the talk of 'letters before action' and legal action being imminent disappeared into the ether...). The idea that Patterson is part of a co-ordinated legal attack concocted by some mixture of Ashley, Staveley, the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia and the Reuben brothers is genuinely insane. Recruiting local gobshites to pen appallingly-written letters to MPs is not how billionaires pursue legal strategies. Patterson, like Wraith, is a know-nothing gobshite using the desperation of fans to raise his profile for reasons we can only speculate on. The Saudi takeover of NUFC no longer exists as a going concern. Ashley is pursuing damages on the grounds of restraint of trade. No-one should give a s*** whether he gets what he wants on that front. Thank you for clarifying matters
  2. Man speaks with a mackem accent it sort of points towards a particular conclusion ? Can anyone vouch for him being kosher ?
  3. Whats he done other that talk to people like Wraith and draw fire on twitter ? Has he actually acheived anything ?
  4. The takeover is like listening to Moonriver on a loop ... " its just around the bend " ...
  5. Has anyone checked his bona fides ? Man speaks with a mackem accent and seems to like Ashley . Think i prefer the blonde with the more sober point of view
  6. Shearer still refusing to criticise his drinking buddy - the cunt
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/football/the-set-pieces-blog/2021/jan/06/tino-asprilla-newcastle-25-years-was-a-joy Posted here because ...
  8. If things get worse relegation wise and Bruce gets the tin tack is that not proof that theres still hope for the takeover ? Otherwise Ashley will keep Bruce all day long even if we go down
  9. Did he just say he cheered for Bruce at first ?
  10. He seemed to have lots of time and space on the ball under Rafa , thought he was shaping up to be a young Robert Lee . Blame Bruce not the kid
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