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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 9 minutes ago, Ashley17 said:

    The contract could have any number of clauses in. The compensation might go up for every year he’s with us. It could be that the figures reported in March were wrong. Who cares? It’s a drop in the ocean now


    You’re right, it doesn’t matter apart from it’s make me incredibly unhappy at the thought of that useless slug being given a sum that high :lol: 

  2. Just realised you can get odds of 33/1 for Jones to be our next manager.


    Not totally unrealistic to think he may be given it until the end of the season if he’s put in caretaking charge and does a reasonable stabilisation job.


    You only need them to take charge of 10 games to be paid out

  3. Just now, Manxst said:

    Isn’t it that every day he wakes, he’s still got three years left? Maybe the 8m is for all the Steves to go? 


    Their deals will all end at the same time. Jones the exception. They’ll also be on a fraction of Bruce.


    Even removing our entire backroom and academy team, I have no idea how it’d cost that much.

  4. Just now, FinnMag said:

    If Conte is a new manager, you can forget the slow rebuilding process. Conte wants CL quality team. He is superb coach but is he good fit with us? 


    The new manager is a massive indication of what we’ll see in January imo. If it’s someone like Conte will be throwing money around and possibly bringing in some fantastic talents.


    If it’s someone progressive like Potter, I’d expect the transfers to be more modest.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ManDoon said:



    Still doesn’t make sense how the reported cost has doubled in the last seven months. With his reported wages it makes no sense.


    4 minutes ago, Ashley17 said:

    It was everywhere in the summer when there were rumours of a new deal. Luke Edwards was one and we all know his source is impeccable 


    As I said, even if it is a rolling contract, just don’t trigger it renewing and put him on gardening leave until the summer. Would cost about a million.

  6. Just now, Ashley17 said:

    It’s been widely reported that it’s a rolling 3 year contract so it won’t be up at the end of the season.

    Wheres that reported? Everywhere I’ve seen has just said three years. Even if it is a rolling contract, the ability to break it would be after three years and the gardening leave would still be relevant.


    Back in March, the Times reported the cost of sacking him as £4m. How has it doubled despite seven months being chalked off his deal?

  7. Still no idea where this £8m figure has come from.


    Interestingly his wage is reported differently by different sources. The Times reported £1m a year (£20k a week) in March this year, The Express reported £2.75m a year (£57k a week) in 2020. The Mirror reported £20k a week with an incentive for every place finishing about 17th.


    He signed a three year deal when he took charge in 2019, so his contract is up at the end of next season. He can only have 7-8 months left.

    Even at the highest reported wage of £2.75m, it’d only be £2m odd.


    The backroom staff will all be on a fraction that he is. Jones will have the lengthiest contract though. But still no idea how people are getting up to £8m.


    Even if he had a ‘break clause’ of a higher fee, they could just sling him on gardening leave and pay him until the end of his deal and save a fortune.

  8. My favourite post on that Derby forum was this one :lol: 


    You know what this might be good, problem is the toon think they should be winning the Prem because they came close 20 years ago, if he could achieve a fraction at Derby what he did for Newcastle (a stable mid-table Premier League club) he would be considered one of our greatest ever owners.”


    Ignoring the ridiculously wrong myths about us expecting to win the league. When were we ever a stable mid-table PL club?

  9. Not a chance we go down. Even without the takeover, removing Bruce would have been enough.


    The fact we’re likely to appoint a competent manager and make signings in January, I wouldn’t be surprised to see us finish in the top half.


    Everyone from Wolves down has a chance of going down imo.

  10. As others have said, 17th in the PL and yoyo’ing between the divisions was never acceptable to us, but would be like winning the CL for Derby where they are now.


    His ceiling matches theirs, it’ll probably end up being a good match based on that.

  11. 1 minute ago, Wolfcastle said:

    I don't believe it. Always ruled out the mackem/Ashley fantasy because they don't make money - money being the only reason he was here, stayed here and was at Rangers.


    £50-£70m to buy them and pay off their debts (which he’ll just assign as a loan to them).


    Get them in the PL and he’ll be able to shift them for a healthy profit. Stinks of Ashley this does.

  12. He’d probably turn them into a West Brom/Norwich type yoyo team which would probably be considered a success there.


    An initial investment to get them there which will tie the club into loads of loans to him and SD advertising. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:



    If anything that should be a negative point :lol: Three of our top 10 transfer fees aren’t paid during the Ashley era, despite football transfers rocketing during his period.


    Only spent £20m+ four times in fourteen years ffs.


    Alan Shearer who we bought in the fucking mid 90s is still our 6th highest transfer.

  14. 1 minute ago, Andy said:


    I'd imagine there's a hell of a lot for them to work through behind closed doors, it'll happen but it's entirely possible he could still he here next week IMO. 



    That’d be a massive mistake by them, imo.


    Even just having a caretaker in charge next week would be better.

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