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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 3 minutes ago, christ said:

    Who said it’s a good thing? It’s not going to make a blind bit of difference. Jones is a capable coach, but if he was able to impart anything that groundbreaking on the training ground you’d have hoped he’d have done so in the last year when I’m sure he’s already had a massive amount of input.


    The fact of the matter is we already run with a skeleton amount of staff across the club. I’d guess coaching is no different. Once Bruce goes his minions are likely to follow which leaves who? Jones and Simon Smith as the only non-Bruce related coaches? I’m not even sure what state our youth set up is currently in given the turnover of staff there, so I wouldn’t want to guess how many we could call up to help hold the fort. It’s going to take a few days to work that out.

    I understand why people want him out the door asap but it doesn’t matter whether he’s sacked in a couple of hours or a couple of days. 


    I mean you can’t seriously think that’s true? Of course it makes a fucking difference. Bruce is a negative piece of shit at the best of times, his energy sapping bollocks being trudged around the club all week is not helpful at all.


    We’re still in a relegation battle with a very winnable home game coming up. Every point is important and allowing this game to pass us by, is a mistake.


    Jones may have been here for a year but there’s a massive difference between him having to maintain a relationship with Bruce and exerting himself fully on the team. 


    Bruce’s minions only need to follow if we sack them too. Nothing would stop us sacking Bruce, putting Jones in temporary charge and everything remaining the same.


    Regardless, Ben Dawson could be temporarily promoted again if we need to get rid of the two Steves.

  2. The market doesn’t have a clue either. Not even entirely sure we’ll know who we want until the Sporting Director is in.


    Rodgers, Favre, Lampard, Gerrard, Conte and Martinez have all lead the market in the space of four days. 


    I’m sure Sky will keep wheeling out options to encourage a few quid on the betting market though.

  3. 1 minute ago, Alan Pardew said:

    Relax. He will be gone soon enough.


    I’m sure he will.


    I just hope it’s soon enough for whoever is in temporary charge to be able to undo the damage he’s done, before an important game on Sunday.

  4. 2 minutes ago, christ said:

    A new and unique take on ‘Newcastle fans and their ridiculous expectations’.


    How is it a ridiculous expectation to expect him to have been sacked after they’ve spent the last four days telling the media he’s going to get sacked?

    Maybe you can give a reasonable answer as to why keeping him in post is a good thing which outweighs the many negatives?

  5. I wouldn’t be massively excited by Rodgers. I think he has some key limitations which has ultimately ended up with Liverpool pissing up the title and Leicester pissing up top four, x2.


    That said, he’s a million times better than Bruce and I’d be willing to give anyone a chance. It’s difficult to turn your nose up at anyone in our situation.

  6. Just now, Andy said:


    They haven't even been in the door a week man :lol:


    What difference does that make if they’ve already made the decision to sack him? It’s been widely reported since the day they took over.


    There’s not a single reason to still have him in post. There’s multiple reasons as to why it’s causing problems though.

  7. The consortium are obviously amazing and there is a real possibility of good times ahead, but they shouldn’t be immune to criticism or have excuses made for them.


    Ashley was rightly ridiculed when McLaren was turning up for work every day while we were working on Rafa in the background and everyone knew it.


    How is this any different?


    There is zero reason to still have Bruce in post, especially if the decision has apparently already been made to boot him before Sunday. Every day that goes by is impacting on our preparations for an important PL game.


    All of this crap about “it takes time”, “contractual discussions” “they’re nice and wanted to meet him” etc. is all bollocks. You don’t have time in football for courtesies at times. Bruce has also shown us none since taking the post.


    He should have been sacked at the weekend to give Jones as much time as possible to organise the team. Each day that passes is a massive early mistake.

  8. 28 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    He’s like Piers Morgan, picks his sides, occasionally hits the right notes and can be agreeable, but underneath all that veneer still sits a cunt.


    Tends to be a strong positive correlation between having veneers and being a cunt. It’s like a way of people self identifying.

  9. 2 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    No idea if this is relevant or not as I can't view it here. Headline implies but could simply be he is done for the day lol




    He didn’t look too impressed when conversing with Lewis.


    Other than that it’s a one minute clip of someone getting into their car with their back to the camera for the entire duration.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Klaus said:

    Downie still saying he expects Bruce to be 'relieved of his duties' but couldn't say when. He keeps saying today or tomorrow. 


    Nowt to worry about :thup:


    I don’t want him to be relieved. I want him to cry himself to sleep every night, the useless sack of shit.

  11. The only possible reason I can think of keeping him on is if they have confidence we’ll be able to appoint a new manager fairly soon and they plan to sack him and announce the new man pretty instantaneously.


    Would also make sense if we plan to chop the entire backroom staff, Jones included.


    That said, I do hope they don’t make their first mistake by allowing him to remain in post for the Spurs game.

  12. I disagree. We’re one point from safety with 31 games to go.


    This squad is more than good enough to easily stay up and any half decent caretaker would achieve that.


    If we signed someone like Conte on a pre-agreement to join in the summer, allowing Jones to steady the ship wouldn’t concern me too much at all. 


    If results began to sour or he didn’t get us clear enough of the drop, we could change it instantly and use the January window to keep us clear.


    Of course if there is a good managerial appointment available now, we should be snapping them up. This scenario is only relevant if we have to wait until January or the summer to bring someone in.

  13. 3 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:



    There is little suggestion at this moment that Jones could be appointed permanent manager, but he is popular with the players and sources have told 90min that he could very well be trusted to take the role until the summer, particularly if manages to keep the club well clear of the relegation zone, where they are currently stationed.


    Conte also said through third parties he wouldn't be ready according to this - but knowing he takes jobs in the summer this could work until a long term manager is appointed. Risky but you never know


    @gdm 33/1



    No reason to doubt such a credible source as 90min.

  14. 10 hours ago, joeyt said:

    It's a ridiculous rule


    No idea when it changed but not sure what the defender is meant to do


    Let the ball go through, apparently.

    Which makes a mockery of the delayed linesman's flag too. If there wasn’t a delay in the linesman flagging, he would’ve been called offside and potentially the defender wouldn’t have even needed or tried to play it.


    By delaying the flag, the defender has to go for it, but by doing so, makes the attacker onside.



  15. 5 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    How is it normally done at this level? I mean forget about Mike Ashley, that would be a text message but I mean, classy establishments which it seems we’re going to be run like.


    Will he get the courtesy of a face to face meeting?


    I assume it’s taken this long because they have been waiting to meet with him face to face today.

  16. 8 hours ago, Heron said:

    I agree.


    However, what I would argue is that at a point in history, we also would have had human rights abuses on a list as long as our arms. We just live in a different world now, with increased surveillence and spotlights on such crime. Perhaps, this is a movement by the Saudis into the modern world. Perhaps I'm being naive, but I suppose everyone needs the chance of redwmption, as a nation (not so much as individuals). 


    This is similar to where I sit on this, rightly or wrongly. It’s probably a strange take and I don’t expect everyone to agree.


    What is acceptable and what isn’t acceptable is driven by society.


    Thankfully, our society has moved on from periods where we kept minorities as slaves and subjected them to degrading and disgusting treatment.


    We also used the death penalty. People have been burnt alive in history because people believed they were a witch, ffs.


    Has our society completely moved on? America has subjected some people to horrific torture in Guantanamo (some with very little credible evidence to hold them in the first place). America still uses the death penalty in some states.


    KSA is a long, long way behind us. They need to modernise and their human rights is shocking. But let’s not re-write history.


    Will shouting, sanctions or conflict with them change anything? No.


    Will I stand in the street waving a KSA flag? Absolutely not.


    I don’t fully understand why NUFC fans are expected to take the moral high ground when KSA money is pumped into thousands of Governments, organisations and sports around the world.

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