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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Conveniently rejoined at the time when he thinks the Trust might be able to sit in the posh seats :lol: 


    He’s such an odious little cunt.


    Goes to show how little say Greg has too. Alex calling the shots as per usual. Did members revote him back in? It’s a democracy, I thought…

  2. Fans will continue to act like that until proper punishments are handed out. Kick the cunts out of the competition or ban them from the next.


    They’ll never learn otherwise.

  3. 1 minute ago, McCormick said:

    For those that say Lampard isn’t that bad, are there 3 Premier League managers worse than him? Which ones?





  4. I actually think that’s a decent call by the ref.


    We often moan that some fouls given outside the box are never given in, that is one of the examples often seen. Always a foul anywhere else on the pitch and should be in the box too.

    Edit - may need to see it again based on what some are saying on here (he kicks the ball well before the player dives towards it).

  5. 3 minutes ago, Big Geordie said:

    Police in riot gear on the concourse where the Hungarian supporters are (BBC 5Live)



    Unclear what’s prompted it or what they’re even doing.

  6. The thread name changes are very unsettling.


    Is this game today? Or tomorrow? What games do we talk about now?


    Who’s next manager are we discussing in the Next Manager thread?


    We’re internet dweebs. We require consistency.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Armchair Pundit said:

    I really hope we don't buy too many opportunists or journeymen. I mean, I expect there will be some flops along the way but even though money might not be an object as such, I still don't seem to be able to get out of the mindset that I expect value for money.


    Ayoze Perez at £1m was getting booed if he didn’t score a hattrick every week. Imagine what’ll happen to Mbappe at £500m if he doesn’t score on his debut :lol: 

  8. 2 minutes ago, ponsaelius said:

    The difficulty with that is you simply couldn't do it unless you had another stadium to play in temporarily. Not a development you could do over the summer or without affecting the game like a new stand. 


    Could it be done in stages like Anfield? 

  9. Just now, christ said:

    Yes, because we still look dogshit even with Graeme Jones on the staff and by all accounts he’s basically been co-managing the team. 


    And what about the numerous examples of dogshit sides pulling off a result immediately after binning their manager when someone internally steps up who has been involved all along?

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