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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 44 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

    Been looking on Brighton’s forum and they’re all up in arms about the Saudi stuff (fair enough) and saying shit about how delusional our fans are. Standard, boring stereotyping. I hope they end up having to play at that Athletics Stadium again. 

    For this reason alone, we need to get Potter and ruin their season.





    That Brighton forum has always been salty towards us, hasn’t it? They were having a meltdown when we beat them to the Championship title.

  2. Just now, NUFCDoog said:

    How many season tickets are we allowed to sell does anyone know? Isn’t it like 40,000? They have to keep some back for public/members sale I believe? Plus hospitality etc.


    Couldn’t justify buying a season ticket as won’t get to every game so just wondering how many will be left over game to game to scramble for with a membership 


    I think it’s somewhere around the 35,000-40,000 mark.


    Highly unlikely I’ll get mine back, resigned to that already. To be fair, since jacking it in it’s been quite refreshing not having to plan everything around the match. 


    No idea what I’ll do. I really want one (especially with the access to aways) but not sure how often I’ll be able to use it. Might see if someone fancies sharing one.

  3. “There’s a reason they picked the mags.
    They knew fine well they’d love it and welcome them with open arms.”


    Aye :lol: I can just imagine every other club chasing them out of town.

  4. Just now, andyc35i said:

    I keep hearing the comparisons that Man City gave Mark Hughes a chance. This situation is completely different quite simply because Bruce is shite. We are in the relegation zone and the sole reason for that is the manager. He deserves to sacked immediately and shouldn’t be given a ‘crack’ at it 


    Would also dampen on the feel good factor when he’s getting booed at the next game.

    Even sacking him without a replacement would be acceptable at this stage. 

    Although we really should have someone stepping through the door this weekend to give them a week with the players before the first game.

  5. Just now, Nepharite said:

    The person that put £90K on Bruce going next must be gan range atm. 


    If I was about to win a small fortune I’d be shopping somewhere much nicer than there tbh.

  6. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    Aye I’ve disliked him ever since reading it, the stuff with his girl is fully mental, proper controlling weird stuff, and just laughing up his mum racially abusing people. He’s a great player for sure, but the PL has no leg to stand on for the brand. It’s full of dickheads lol 


    Neither does Elliott atm, ironically.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    He was flogging shirts under the guise of charity on Depop but taking the money, went off the deepend on his gf because she followed team mates of his on Instagram, his mum was super racist about a black player that fouled him and he basically screenshotted it with laughing emojis. 

    Nothing on the level of rape of course but this brand stuff is pure nonsense. Didn’t Ravel Morrison go to court for hitting his GF as well. 


    Diouf gobbing on everyone.

    Carragher gobbing on a little girl but keeping his job on Sky.

  8. Just now, ManDoon said:

    It’s not even just Ronaldo really, Barton played in the PL after prison. That lad at Liverpool Harvey Elliott has some very questionable exploits. The brand is dirt basically. They don’t give a fuck and never have 


    What are these? 

  9. Just now, Shadow Puppets said:

    I understand your point, but is there actually any evidence against Ronaldo or just an accusation?


    I mean the fact he paid her off rather than freely contested it, has a bit Prince Andrew about it.

  10. 5 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    A very very probable rapist just won player of the month lol. Yeah we are damaging the brand 


    Don’t forget the convicted child sex offender who was allowed to play every week.


    Or the other one who is currently on remand for rape.


    Or the other one who is being investigated for child sex offences.


    What about those gambling companies who sponsor everything, they’re really ethical.


    And the alcohol promotion at every opportunity. Alcohol doesn’t ruin lives.


    What about all that cash coming in from Qatar? I hear they’re a resounding leader in human rights.


    And those owners from Thailand, China, Russia… what have they ever done wrong?


    But aye, this is one step too far :lol: 

  11. Just now, ManDoon said:

    They literally played and supported a peadophile. A convicted peadophile and they would absolutely have him back tomorrow


    Scored against the Mags though.

  12. 1 minute ago, Kimbo said:

    I would have taken them over Bruce, but that’s it. Gerrard really hasn’t done anything to show he’s going to be a top manager yet. I see him the same as I would a manager that has won the Greek or Austrian league. Neil Lennon has 5 SPL’s.


    Are we looking for a top manager though? Or are we looking for someone to take us up a few levels?


    The consortium have talked about gradual improvement and how many top managers are going to want to work with a squad of Joelintons?

  13. 4 hours ago, Nasdotin said:



    Great woman


    I’m so pleased to see idiots like this join up :lol: It just goes to show how relevant we are now and have scared other fans are.


    Where were they when Ashley’s employees were giving birth in the toilets at work, because they were so terrified of missing out on pay as they live so finely on terrible working conditions? Didn’t see any other fans rocking up then.


    Let them all join. Might make a portfolio of their posts so I can flick through them and giggle, whilst we’re passing them all in the table.

  14. It feels weird as an NUFC fan to sit here seeing people turn their nose up at people like Martinez or Gerrard.


    A week ago I’d have licked a cats poo in the garden for either of them.


    It’s going to take me a while to recognise we’re not shopping from the bins anymore. 


    My ultimate wish would be Conte, but to be frank I’d be happy with anyone and give them all a clean slate to work with.

  15. We’ll have to start getting used to it, it’ll be thrown our way forever.


    This discussion will become the new “takeover will or won’t happen” on here.


    Our club and entire city is going to benefit immensely due to massively needed investment. Thousands of lives will change for the better. New jobs, increased production and a successful football club.


    I don’t agree with the human rights in KSA. I’ll happily voice that on here and in life everyday. Hopefully the takeover may positively benefit progressions in KSA, maybe the Trust could use their voice when liaising with the club to keep it on the agenda.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Inferior Acuña said:

    If we end up class, I'd actually wish them to get back in the PL. It's funny them being down there, but it isn't good for the region. While we're shit I like it because I can't be doing with playing them in our state. If we're gonna beat them though, let's see them back as a consistent middling to shit PL team.


    That’d be a bigger disaster for them. They’d probably prefer to be in the Championship/League One every year rather than lose to us.


    When we’re in the same league, their whole season resolves around the game with us.

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