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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Was there this much focus when Putin’s mate took over at Chelsea? I can’t specifically remember.


    Every billionaire is dodgy as fuck, that tends to be why they’re so minted.


    Leicester’s owners who are praised almost every second of every day, subject people to some disgustingly bad working conditions in Thailand which leads to deaths.


    People are literally dying whilst building football stadiums for the next World Cup. How rotten is that? 


    Football sold it’s soul a long time ago. Where does the line stop?


    Are people outraged at Disney or Uber? Or is it acceptable for those organisations to be fed by Saudi money? People tend to only be outraged by something when it doesn’t mean they have to change their own behaviour.

  2. How fucking exciting it is reading about their plans, listening to their vision etc.


    Couldn’t give a fuck if we spend £20, £20m or £200m in January. Having owners who want to succeed is something we’ve been starved off.

  3. 7 minutes ago, STM said:

    How many other clubs in a similar situation would have sparked the scenes like last night?


    Very few.


    Our scenes were questionably larger than Leicester’s the night they won the fucking league :lol: 


    Imagine when we actually do win something.

  4. The Premier League have been explicitly clear that our owners have absolutely no links to the Saudi government and therefore cannot be accountable for their actions.


    Thanks to the vigorous O&D test.

  5. 1 minute ago, Sn0rky said:

    GTF. Likely more games under my belt than most. this isnt a pissing competition, its realpolitik.  shouty troll smearing is infantile and knee jerk.  This is a kick in the balls after the MA reign of horror


    You’ve contributed fuck all before now, I’m sure you won’t be missed.


    Go write a letter or something.

  6. Just now, Chris_R said:


    Content count: 1

    Joined 12 minutes ago


    Yeah, you clearly have Newcastle Untied's best interests at heart. Jog on, troll.


    Let them come :fwap: They’re all terrified.


    Can’t wait for them all to hate us. It’ll mean we’re relevant and successful.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

    Now just shy of 4,000 


    I’m sorry I’ve neglected you. I’ve been out on the sauce. Can’t wait to celebrate winning the CL with you negative bastard.

  8. I’ve been at the pub since 5pm, just left my meeting and got the ping through to say it’s happened.


    I’ve cried. I’ve jumped around like a loon. Shared the moment with my best mates and can’t wait for what the future holds.


    Love you all. Love everything about this. 


    A good thread but Douglas and all of the other spineless bastards can get to fuck. He’s saying this now but why hasn’t he been saying it for the last 13 years? Too worried about getting his press pass taken off him.

  10. Just woke up, had no sleep and feel absolutely sick.


    Still can’t believe it, hasn’t sunk in yet at all. 13 years of utter bullshit and the last 20 months of waiting.


    I’m busy as hell at work today, no idea how I’m going to concentrate when this news is going to break any moment.

  11. Just now, Ashley17 said:

    I actually can’t wait for all the SD tat to be removed, get our home looking nice again. So many easy PR wins to come in the next week. Please don’t be fucking arseholes after all of this :lol:


    I fucking hope they do it before the Spurs game or I get a feeling people will get silly and do it themselves…

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