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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 minute ago, manorpark said:

    Why would you think that, with two very (very) winnable legal procedures taking place over the next few weeks and months?

    Because 12 months ago a deal was in place to buy the club and we just needed to pass the O&D test.

    Now there is no deal in place, the deal has been blocked with two complex legal procedures in the way.

    It’s hardly rocket science. You’re in the wrong thread posting your unrealistic nonsense.

  2. The keepers were both horrific in the shootout mind. De Gea didn’t look like he’d save a penalty even if they were still going now.

    There were three or four that should’ve been comfortably saved.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Unbelievable said:

    I know for a fact that Feyenoord winning the Uefa cup 19 years ago still ranks as the best day of supporting their club for many Feyenoord fans here.


    i know Froggy is taking the piss, but if these so-called big club players and fans care so little for it why don’t they just withdraw when they drop in from the CL group stage?

    Not true at all. The mackems winning 6 in a row was the best moment for Feyenoord-friends.

    Someone in peace said so on RTG.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Froggy said:

    Says the lads refusing to the support their team and hounding their managers out year after year? 

    :lol: Heads gone.

    Put your Man Utd jim jams on and go to bed mate. 

  5. Just now, HTT II said:

    The most boring bastard ever, imagine him riding his poor lass, must be excruciating for the poor mare! Even worse, imagine him as your dad, what a fucking boring drip cunt, makes Michael Owen seem full of life and interesting. BT man, they have the worst pundits and commentary team going. 

    At least Owen is so repulsive you can muster the energy to dislike him. 

    It’d be difficult to even have any sort of feelings towards Scholes.

  6. Just now, Froggy said:

    I wish I was raging. :lol: I'm looking to the future. I've cared more at some PL defeats this year. 

    :lol: Fantastic.

    Keep it going Ole, you’re doing a wonderful job.

    Fuck it, no pressure to ever win a trophy again as long as you can scrape into the top four. 

    Don’t worry about getting past the CL group stages either, just concentrate on that top four again. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Froggy said:

    I'm just happy to get to bed and can't believe I stayed up until 11pm to watch that. 

    It would have been nice to win a trophy, but it's biggest appeal is CL qualification. It had much more riding on it tonight for Villarreal and it showed. 


    Quick! Backtrack and pretend it’s all okay that Man Utd have won fuck all in four years.

    Some massive checking of the Ole rose-tinted glasses manual tonight.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Robster said:

    I think he might be a bit pissed off if his £ 300 million pound sale doesn't go through.

    Probably. But he’s had plenty of opportunities to sell us before, obviously wasn’t too bothered then.

    He’ll be more bothered about keeping his relationship open with the Saudi’s. 

    30 minutes ago, Thumbheed said:

    All of the £17m belongs to him...

    Money he never had - a gambling man like Ashley is more than willing to take a punt, especially if it’s money he never started with.


  9. 12 minutes ago, Ben said:

    This takeover is not happening is it ? 


    But don’t let that stop you being distracted from the lack of transfer activity, Bruce being in charge, shit football, a lack of protests and no ambition.

    Uncle Mike is on our side. He’s spending the deposit money on a fruitless public court case... That’s right, it’s not even his own money he needs to use to carry on this whole charade. 

  10. I’m still unsure how it’s not possible to get promoted from a league when you outspend the other 23 clubs combined :lol: 

    The likes of Lincoln going for promotion, who could be outspent and resourced using someone’s personal credit card.

  11. Ole still managing to produce the square root of fuck all.

    No trophies and couldn’t be further away from winning the league. Absolutely fantastic for non-Man Utd fans. The fact they idolise him and think he’s brilliant is even better. Keep him there :lol: 

    Even if they turn this around, 2nd and winning the Europa wasn’t good enough under Mourinho.... It’d be the world’s greatest achievement now.

  12. Wonder if those four will accept a new deal or fuck off elsewhere on a free.

    They absolutely have to get the recruitment right this year imo. If they cock this up they could end up going backwards and ending up mid-table or worse.

  13. 2 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    The amount of grief he gets for not winning trophies at Spurs is a joke. It’s Spurs. They have 2 league titles in their entire history, they have never been an elite club, regardless of what narrative the broadcasters want to push on us. If he fails to win things at PSG then that would be a big deal.

    Well he has just fucked up the league on his first attempt in a one team league. Took over just after New Year so pretty much had half a season.

    They drew 4 and lost 8 all season, he oversaw exactly half of those.

    Only got through to the cup final on penalties in the semi against Montpellier too. As well as being beaten comfortably home/away by Man City.

  14. Blimey. I really started to doubt it. But it’s now being covered by MLex to their 6,000 Twitter followers, written by the superb Simon Zekaria, to all 400 of his followers.

    Phew. Things are really hotting up.

    :lol: Keith saying “@SimonZekaria typically looks at the issues...” like he had ever heard of him before 9.20pm today.

  15. If someone actually took Bruce off us (and paid us), I would suck off every single supporter at their next home game. 

    I wouldn’t even care that the inside of my throat would look like goats cheese. I would sleep soundly at night knowing that fucking useless and pity craving arsehole darkened someone else’s door.

  16. 1 hour ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Choudhury is just an ever so slightly more mobile version of Hayden isn't he? Think both he and Willock would compliment each other well. Signing only Choudhury though and not Willock is pointless.

    He’s nowhere near as good as Hayden like. He’s also not mobile at all. A combination of Shelvey and Cattermole.

    Thick as mince, lazy as fuck and makes horrible tackles to show how he ‘gets stuck in’.

    Offers nothing from a footballing point of view. 

    A signing like this would show we have zero ambition though and would be a good enough reason to not watch next year.

  17. 2 minutes ago, toon25 said:

    Gutted for Leicester, like. Their league form just completely collapsed in the last few weeks.

    City and Pep just stepped it up after Christmas.

    They’ve been poor since Slavia Prague knocked them out of Europe.

    Weird really, Tottenham’s form also nose dived after getting knocked out by Zagreb.

    Maybe it’s better to take Europa seriously. More wins and progression in a competition does great things for form/morale.

  18. Days spent in the top four:

    Man City - 130

    Leicester - 242

    Man City won the league and Leicester finished 5th, with 20 points separating them. I’m not sure how that’s even possible :lol: 

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