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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 hour ago, Groo said:

    Just caught in stride looked like.


    We've been bad today, set up wrong from the start. The unfortunate thing we threw away auto promotion by going out to play in fear rather go for wins since the new year.

    Was that a one off poor performance or has it been the case across the season? Considering the importance of the fixture you were completely toothless. Was really surprised.

  2. 2 minutes ago, POOT 2.0 said:

    Putting these back-and-forward arguments aside, for one moment...

    ...what are people's thoughts on why the PL didn't just deny the takeover and instead left it hanging? I know they say they were waiting on a response from whoever. But there surely must be a reason they didn't just say 

    nope? I don't know, which is why I'm asking.

    I’d assume they left it open to evidence how much opportunity they tried to give the consortium to comply. No idea though.

    I’m at the stage now where I’d quite like them to just do the deal and see if the PL have the bottle to disqualify us from the league :lol: Especially after no punishment was handed out to the top 6.

  3. 1 hour ago, Nate said:

    Aye, only two other winners since Shearer. Demba Ba in December 2011 and Krul in November 2013. 

    That’s insane. Goes to show how utterly shit we’ve been.

  4. 1 hour ago, Thumbheed said:

    Mad seeing the same people who've shamelessly transitioned from "the takeovers off" to "the takeover won't go through" still have the balls to try and call out someone else's judgement/opinions.  




    You’ve got such an odd take on everything.

    The takeover is currently off, PIF pulled out. That’s the definition of being off. And I do think it is is unlikely to go through, based on what we’ve heard to date.

    I’m not sure what your point is. There is no ‘shameless transition’. 

    What about those who have moved from ‘the takeover is happening’ to ‘it’s looking unlikely’. Have they had a shameless transition? Is it not possible for people to change their viewpoint based on the information in front of them?

    The opposite is the problem. Some people are unwilling to change their viewpoints, even with overwhelming noise of the deal being in bother. I’d argue it’s more of an issue for those people, rather than those who are happy to assess what is in front of them.

  5. :lol: An 11 year old article about a bizarre sabotage of an interview = Ben Jacobs can’t be right about anything.

    Keith didn’t “challenge” him at all. He asked the same question (“Who is your PL source?”) over and over again in about 30 different ways of asking.

    The questions he put to Jacobs were really poor. Keith was content on (and failed) trying to discredit Jacobs rather than asking relevant and good questions to tease out information about the current goings on.

    Whitley has failed to find any positive spin for last night so it’s back into defence mode and immediately jump to trying to discredit Jacobs.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Candi_Hills said:

    I honestly don't know what to make of Keith. "Amanda said she wanted fan led action and that's why I stepped forward." Listening to it again, I think he might just be saying that he responded to her public request for fan action, although he has said on twitter before that he's had contact with buyer and seller. Then again, he has repeatedly stated that he needed to first establish whether there was still a willing buyer and seller, so his contact with the buyers may just have been some preliminary legal letter.

    It's a comforting thought to think Amanda has her hand up his arse and is working him like Rod Hull but I think the truth might be that he really is the little man who tried to take on the machine and he gets bits of info here and there. A lot of what he says is obviously informed by Robert O'Donoghue. I wish she'd put her hand up my arse.

    He was getting close to sounding silly at points. Claiming O’Donoghue reckons the BeIN letter could win the case on its own was scarcely believable and appeared to be a massive exaggeration. 

    Especially when Jacobs claims there is evidence it was sent to all 19 clubs and not just the top 6.

  7. 28 minutes ago, astraguy said:

    Not a chance, give him a team without insane cash or one of the best players in the world then let's see , give him the title winning side of Leicester or the Liverpool team of this season he wouldn't of done better

    But there’s no evidence to say he’d be a total flop too? 

    Spending money doesn’t equal success. You still need to be talented to achieve success, even with an open chequebook:

    OGS spent £200m at Man Utd a couple of seasons ago to finish 4th. 

    The mackems outspent all of their 23 opponents combined to lose in the playoffs.

    Aston Villa spent a record sum in the Championship to finish in the bottom half.

    There are three examples just off the top of my head, there are plenty more.


  8. 1 minute ago, NE27 said:

    Fair I suppose. Still find it odd why he's picked this story up and ran with it though.

    Journalists who cover nufc don't even go to such depths, unless you count the baldy feminist over at the telegraph.

    He’s an journalist predominantly focusing on Middle East and sport, it’s a major news story crossing over his two fields. It’d be like Laura Kuennsberg not reporting on a political news story.

    That’s also why his opinion is a good one to listen to. His contact book is far greater (and balanced) than people like Liam Kennedy.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Candi_Hills said:

    Just finished watching Ben vs Keith.

    I don't know how anyone could watch that and think anybody won or made the other look daft. We simply don't have the information, either relating to the case or as lawyers ourselves, to know who sits in a stronger position.

    One example: Ben saying MBS lobbied the government and Keith saying he didn't. First you have to understand what would constitute lobbying this case (I don't). Then you have to consider all the legal precedent, the context and all the other information the lawyers are going to be leaning on (I know none of that either). Then you have whatever dodgy corrupt shit is going to be piled on top of the legal case (I daren't think).

    You're talking world class legal personnel combing through a highly complex case, which itself going to be tarred with corruption and lobbying, and then you've got people sitting here with 2% of the case material at their disposal beating away at their gavels.

    In months gone by I argued the toss that Amanda and PIF were still trying to buy club when Fanny and the gang were saying "Mike just wants compo". That much I felt confident about saying. I'm out when it comes the details of the legal case though. I haven't got a sodding clue who has the stronger case.

    I don’t think anyone is ‘beating away at their gavels’. There is a weird perception that any post which isn’t entirely positive means people either hope or expect the takeover to fail entirely or are making judgements.

    I’m certainly not making judgements on what will or won’t happen. I don’t know what will happen to the takeover. I certainly don’t want it to fail.

    All I am saying is that my expectations on what will happen is built around the fact that the negative press around the takeover seems to have more substance than the positive.

    An example tonight was Keith’s whole argument for the last hour was “disclosure will reveal something damming for the PL”. He doesn’t know that. It’s impossible to know that. It’s speculative.

    Whereas Jacobs was explaining how he has seen evidence to support his knowledge that there are two imminent stories that will be disruptive for the takeover.

    There will be two stories coming out that are going to be negative. It’s not guaranteed disclosure will support our case at all.

    I don’t think I’ve seen a single post from ‘me and the gang’ where someone has tried to tell everyone what will definitely happen. I’ve just seen people posting their own opinions.

    Well, apart from Manorpark and Whitley who are constantly telling us the takeover definitely will happen.

  10. Always thought ET should happen but each team removes a player every five minutes, like we used to at school :lol: 

    Extra time is largely bollocks tbf. Should just go straight to pens.

    Always disliked away goals, so not bothered by that going at all. Always found it weird different competitions had different rules. Another reason I dislike VAR as it’s not universal across all competitions and levels.

  11. 1 minute ago, joeyt said:

    Didn't you join a long time after tubes was banned?

    Yeah. Well, that depends on which tubes account you’re talking about :lol: 

    Browsed the forum for many years. On and off at times though. There was a period where I didn’t come on at all for about a year. But apart from that, probably 6+ years before I joined.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

    Klopp spotted that Preston centre back who has never kicked a ball for them as well. He also pretty much discovered Thiago. 

    van Dijk was a literal nobody until Klopp signed him IIRC.

  13. Shameful self-advertisement :lol: 

    That t-shirt is dreadfully tight on you too. Look like you’ve just been kicked through Topman.

    Apart from that, I do remember the collection book and I enjoyed your video - and I don’t often watching stuff like that.

  14. 1 hour ago, Wullie said:

    I hope Man City win purely because I can't stand this Chelsea side. Tuchel's 8 defenders I find crushingly dull.

    I get this, but Tuchel has that endearing ‘crazy German’ personality, similar to Klopp and Muller. Really want him to be successful.

  15. Every player from Benitez’s reign has regressed under Bruce. You can’t write off anyone playing under that tosser. 

    Maybe Murphy the only exception, but that’s probably only due to getting a run of games.

  16. 3 hours ago, Wullie said:

    To take a club that had spent essentially its entire existence in the 3rd and 4th tiers of English football from bottom of the 4th tier on -17 points to established Premier League safety for several seasons, in the space of about six years, is one of English football's greatest ever achievements. 

    And then because that tiny club then got relegated again eventually, the manager becomes a laughing stock to some people.

    Really gets my goat, and shows how in thrall some people are to the "Premier League/Sky/Big 6 etc" narrative that they claim to hate. Basically unless you're one of the world's best managers, in charge of a club with the resources to win everything all the time, you're shit.

    It is fairly unbelievable, until you realise @Tubestationatmidnightposted it.

  17. 10 minutes ago, NE27 said:

    Why is Ben Jacobs so in the loop though. Is he doing actual journalistic work or what?

    Still perplexed at his deep knowledge and/or deep interest in it.

    His points might be right mind, I don't listen to wraiths podcast or any twitter nonsense.

    Well, I mean it’s his job? He’s a journalist.

    He was very balanced again tonight. He’s by far the best journalist covering this story, but as he said himself - unfortunately, he puts out both sides of the story and certain sections of the fan base can’t accept that.

    He again made it clear the only pathway to this takeover is NUFC winning arbitration. Let us hope they do. But based on what I’ve heard tonight, my confidence on that is low.

    Will be intrigued to hear these two stories; one proving Saudi money was involved in the ESL and the other making separation difficult to prove.

    Clearly two stories leaked by PL sources (or those not wanting the takeover) ahead of the imminent arbitration, but potentially two damaging stories.

    Just got to sit back and hope we get the right result. But the amount of shit Jacobs has taken for doing his job is absurd. Along with all of this shit everyone gets who dares not blindly believe the ‘positives’.

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