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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I think it says a lot about Wolves that they’ve sacked their manager, who is now making a step up and they’re replacing him with someone who most people would’ve needed to Google.

    Their agent-led decision making will end up in relegation at some point. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Nobody said:

    I don't remember when Man U got knocked out of the CL last season, but the only reason they made it to the EL final this year was because of their failure at the Champions League. Unless you win the bloody thing, I'd say it's better to get knocked out of the quarters in the CL rather than make the final of the Europa League, especially if you were in the Champions League to begin with. 

    They weren’t in it. Finished 6th the year before.

    On 01/06/2021 at 18:01, Froggy said:

    8th (no trophies) > 4th (no trophies) > 4th (no trophies) > 2nd (won the CL) > 1st. 

    I can remember Klopp getting a bit of stick that third season from a lot of people, but his direction was clear and the progress was obvious. 

    He has also had the backing of the club and spent over half a billion quid. 

    Great manager though. Still gutted he went to Liverpool. 

    Klopp is a world class manager with a great CV which afforded him the time. OGS isn’t.

    Also worth pointing out the bit in bold - as you say, it was clear what Klopp was trying to implement. OGS doesn’t have a clear direction and the progress is far from clear.

  3. Sounds like a really decent bloke - did a job for us in the Championship and first season back in the PL. Another player who should’ve been thanked and moved on years before he actually is.

    What a moment he delivered for us at Cardiff too :fwap: 

  4. Just now, Kaizero said:

    We apparently won't meet Celtic's demand of £6m + add-ons for Ajer. We truly suck.

    Looks unlikely we’ll be spending £30m on Abraham then :lol: 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    How many purples do you want in attack?

    Seriously though, not many clubs have two £30m level strikers beneath the elite clubs. 

    We wouldn’t. Wilson was £20m and Joelinton should be flogged to make way for Abraham.

    It’s ambition, so it clearly won’t happen - but there is no reason why we should accept not going for Abraham because we already have one striker. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    He’s ok and his heart is in the right place as he does want to see the club progress (naturally as a supporter). Noticed he has went from saying he is fully confident the takeover is happening to one of saying he’s not sure these last couple of months. Right way to go as nobody knows for sure. I mentioned last week

    I just wish all the people claiming to be in the know or having some supposed knowledge would just give it a rest and let the legal cases make the decisions. I just can’t see any of these ‘in the know’ voices having any effect whatsoever in either case. Nobody knows what is being presented by either side and nobody will get to know until a decision has been made. Opinions for either side winning the case carry no credence for these very reasons. Just can’t see any point of the consistent calling out, when not one person knows what is being presented within their arguments by either legal side.

    I woke up this morning and saw that 64 new posts had been made in the takeover thread and thought there might have been some news/updates being discussed. However, nearly every single post was a back and forth charade of who is right and who is wrong (again) based on very little apart from I’m right kids play. 

    I can see media voices, arguments on here, Twitter, exclusives building up even more unfortunately with the current set case deadlines approaching. Just wish everyone would let it play out and wait for the legal cases to be heard. This is a general post not aimed at anyone specifically. Just sick of hearing who is right or wrong. 

    I agree generally, the only comment I would make is I haven’t seen many, if any, people claiming to be ITK.

    Most people are just sharing their opinion and people then discuss that opinion and either agree or disagree with it.

    Of course nobody can know the outcome of the case, neither the PL or NUFC will know either. 

    But yeah, I agree. My post was because I don’t rate Kennedy at all, never really have.

  7. Why wouldn’t we sign him even with having Wilson? Our next striking option is either Joelinton, Gayle or Carroll ffs.

    Wilson also has regular injuries. Relying on one striker is why we nearly ended up in a relegation battle.

  8. 21k tickets in League One would be impressive for anyone, us included. The fact it’s their fourth consecutive season there is more impressive.

    That said, their blind faith has been one of their biggest issues. Although they’re going into a new season with a new regime so they’re right to give it every chance.


  9. The only way he leaves is if another club has a brainfart moment (Palace with Pardew), he succumbs to a long-term health condition or Ashley sells the club.

    Any of those three options would be glorious, but basically, it’s more likely he gets a new contract. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Robster said:

    You can almost taste the smug " I told you so's " though.

    Why would anyone want to take this stance? Everyone in this thread wants the takeover to go through.

    If I’m wrong expecting it to fail, fucking fabulous. I’ll carry Whitley naked up and down Barrack Road before plunging Fab ice lollies into every orifice he has if it goes through.

    Couldn’t give a toss about being right or wrong - just want Ashley to fuck off at the earliest opportunity.

  11. 3 hours ago, ToonArmy1892 said:

    Anyone think we'll be under new ownership come the first game of the season?

    No. Even if we ‘won’ arbitration, I’d assume it’d drag on into the season. The deal would need to be re-negotiated, plus the O&D process would need to resume. We’ll see how serious Ashley is about selling when the re-negotiations start.

    Others have made it clear the club are worth less now than they were before.

    I do think we’ll be sold soon(ish) though. If the PIF deal is confirmed as a dud during 2021, either through arbitration or CAT, I expect someone else to come in and Ashley get rid.

    Would be over the moon if arbitration went in our favour, but just can’t see it happening.

  12. 9 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    I’d like you to show us why section f shouldn’t have been applied rather than rely on Jacobs ? Jacobs is towing the PL line that you seem quick to accept. If you can point me to the para in PL rule book that would be greatly appreciated Fanny.

    Why would I tell you when I don’t have a clue? But what Jacobs says, imo, sounds plausible and much more likely than anything else.

    Plus, knowing the fact the PL have had legal advice from day one - I’m assuming they’ve not scored such a massive own goal as ‘Xander’ is trying to highlight.

    The paragraph (and interpretation) has been pointed out to you. Sadly, you don’t want to listen - but looking at your last couple of posts in here you’re absolutely a lost cause.

    You and others have screamed like 53 year olds at a Westlife reunion gig about how important your own thread is and how everyone else should stay out. Why are you in here posting stuff which is proven time and time again to be factually incorrect? 

  13. 13 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

    If it means much they talk about us almost as much as Sunderland! They've got a 400+ page thread on us over on GrandOldTeam and that started just over 2 years ago (to this very week) 

    They’re very similar to the mackems in the sense that they’re permanently in their rivals shadow, scrambling around looking for other supporters to pat them on the head.

    As a club/team I’m not really arsed by them. If they were successful, great - well done. If not, meh - wouldn’t care either way.

  14. 4 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    As I've said, I don't mind Jacobs, he actually explains his position with relevant information and laws.  At the same time its probably best to be mindful he will get a majority of his information from Quatari sources.

    That's the problem here, it's just his interpretation. The same as I have my interpretation and other NUFC fans will have theres. Granted he Jacobs has access to more information, but he won't have the full picture. The only arguments that matter are the ones made before the arbitration panel. No amount of Twitter debate will impact the outcome.


    He was fairly clear on the podcast - his sources are BeIN, PL and the consortium side. He has sources across all three. Hence why he’s posted balanced content and even some positive snippets.

    He also checks out the legal stuff with a legal eagle before he posts it. 

    Probably more reliable than Xander then.

  15. 1 hour ago, Froggy said:

    You were doing well until the end. :lol:

    But aye, you didn't really even have to explain yourself, as it's so incredibly basic to understand.

    We finished 6th. OK Ole, we expect you to finish top 4 next season. Done.

    We finished 3rd. OK Ole, we expect you to improve on that and maybe challenge for some honours. Finished 2nd, got to the final of the Europa league. Done.

    We finished 2nd and got to a final. OK Ole, now we expect you to challenge for the title, and win a trophy.

    We finished higher than last year. We got further in a cup than last year. We won more games than last year, we lost less games than last year. We've scored more goals every year Ole has been here.


    Progress? A top four finish is a top four finish, whether you finish 2nd or 3rd is largely irrelevant when you’re so far away from 1st place.

    Trying to claim that as progress is hilarious.

    The aim this year was to ‘maybe challenge for some honours’? :lol: OGS is absolutely laughing. One of the biggest jobs in world football and the only expectation of him is to try and do well, doesn’t matter if you don’t win at the end of it.

    Regarding the stats at the end - do we really need to go through the horrific records he’s also set as Man Utd manager? Or shall we ignore them? 

    But okay - you reckon OGS needs to challenge for the title and win a trophy, we’ll look back on this next season. Although I’m fairly sure you said something similar before this season :lol: 

  16. 4 hours ago, Pandamninator said:

    They can always cobble together a decent looking First XI, but they will never be able to have the depth of the Top Clubs who will have 9 figures worth of players in their unused substitute list.

    After Lukaku they also never had a workhorse striker they can strap themselves to and give them 35 goals a season across all competitions.  

    But you could say the same about Leicester - beyond their first 11 the squad is really poor, but they’ve manage to do well (and much better than Everton) the last few seasons.

    Agree re: Lukaku leaving though.

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