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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 9 hours ago, Teasy said:

    What's your reason for assuming its rubbish?  I have no idea personally, but I'd like to know more.

    More people sprouting crap on Twitter they know nothing about and being explained they’re wrong, again (see Xander above). Whitley will probably believe it still though.

    9 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    Yeah Jacobs was proved to be talking bollocks. Section F of the rule book should have been applied, you might be easily fooled by the PL spouting gobshite but others aren’t.

    It’s already been clearly explained by Jacobs why Section F isn’t applicable. If you choose to stick your fingers in your ears and believe crap on Twitter from some chap with 12 followers, that’s your own problem.

    But again, you have your own thread for all of this fake twitter ITK crap - please use it.

  2. He’s the perfect example of why loans just shouldn’t happen without an option or obligation to buy.

  3. 3 hours ago, HTT II said:

    I think it’s a fair question to ask Froggy, but I also think the circumstances at both clubs are a tad different right now. Chelsea appointed a world-class manager to win things and quickly and he’s done that so the expectations will be higher and indeed the importance of winning. Chelsea have always been in that situation hence why they sack manager after manager, even when they win silverware. OGS is to Man Utd what Lampard was to Chelsea, only they sacked their manager to land a world class one and have won a CL title, yet finished behind Man Utd in the table this season. Both need to win a major honour, the title in particular, only Tuchel has already done so. The pressure is more on the latter!

    Just find it bizarre how there is so much noise about how much Chelsea have spent and the expectations of them, yet Man Utd are a bigger club with bigger resources and bigger spends but it’s absolutely fine if they don’t win anything.

    Maybe I’m missing something completely obvious but how have their fanbase been conditioned so quickly that this is acceptable? Not a hint of disgruntlement.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Dancing Brave said:

    I read that. They said Rafa was lucky to win the Champions League as it was all down to Steve Gerrard... and he's fraud FFS ?

    I wonder is that just "banter" or do they actually believe it ?  Have they any idea how many trophies he's won as a manager ? 


    Mad that they talk about him more than we do on here.

  5. 3 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

    The fact it would take weeks as opposed to months, would certainly have suited the PL at the time. They we’re deliberately kicking the can down the road and dragging their feet. They we’re also well aware that the agreed deal with Ashley was due to expire and hoping the whole thing would just go away.

    Some good stuff from this account, certainly shut Jacobs up yesterday on the matter of arbitration and disqualification.


    He’s been proven to be talking bollocks, you have your own thread for stuff like this.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

    Dont bite Froggy

    Ridiculous that people get so pathetic over a straightforward question. 

    It’s a fair question to ask. Why are the expectations different? Forgive me for thinking people will engage in a conversation.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Froggy said:

    Funny enough nobody said a thing about Man Utd. 

    I did? Asked a reasonable comparison question which you seem to have avoided.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ben said:

    Looks like City want Kane and Grealish according to the Athletic Stirling could be sold to part fund it.

    I do think Kane would be more suited to Chelsea as well tho.

    It’d be weird seeing Kane at Man City imo. I don’t know if he’d fit well there. Man Utd or Chelsea would be much better for him imo. 

    Whoever gets him will instantly become one of the favourites for the league.

  9. 4 hours ago, Froggy said:

    I think there will be a big difference in Chelsea now that there is expectation. There was no pressure on Tuchel when he took over. They weren't even expected to get top four. Now that they'll be expected to challenge on all fronts, the pressure will be different.

    Why is there pressure on Tuchel next season but OGS has had two and a half seasons with no expectations?

    Both clubs have had ‘tricky’ periods in recent past and required a rebuild.

    Funnily enough Man Utd have spent more than Chelsea during that time too.

  10. 6 hours ago, reefatoon said:

    Go into the positive thread. See Fanny going on about people talking shite. Come into this thread. See Fanny talking just as much shite. 

    Where’s my post about people talking shite in the positive thread? Not like people to exaggerate and make things up.

    As I’ve said to others, don’t like my posts? Block me. Or, contribute to the threads with something worthwhile rather than drivel like the above.

  11. 46 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    Went for a fairly basic:

    10+ corners, 3+ cards, Werner 1+ SOT


    Werner came in early - ref completely fucks it up and fails to give Man City a clear corner there :lol: not long after a corner was chalked off for a late offside. Furious.

  12. 3 minutes ago, samptime29 said:

    Werner gets into really intelligent positions. I like the runs he makes just his finishing is wank.

    Completely agree - he can do everything apart from strike the ball with conviction.

    Needs to stop being offside every five seconds too.

  13. 4 minutes ago, B-more Mag said:


    Based on the PL rule definitions of director and control, and the way the High Court opinion and CAT opinion describe the issue in the arbitration, I'd rather be in the PL's shoes than the club’s (though, to be very clear, fuck the PL). I just haven't seen anything to suggest that the KSA doesn't have the authority to control the PIF by virtue of the authority to appoint its directors, or that the PIF wouldn't have the authority to ultimately control the club. I suppose it's possible the KSA doesn't actually control its own sovereign investment fund, with its board comprising a bunch of KSA ministers, but ... not really. And that "Football Law" piece some have mentioned was all about how the KSA shouldn't be disqualified as a director--not that KSA wouldn't fall within the definition of a director.

    :thup: Really helpful, thanks.

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