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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 30 minutes ago, Rocker said:

    You're telling me that Keith getting put in his place puts to bed any hopes of a takeover?

    He's not the one taking the PL to court, nor is he in arbitration with the PL.

    No. The information Jacobs is providing should put to bed the hope.

    The BeIn letter was sent to all clubs, that he’s been very open in explaining he has spoken to all sides, that there are two imminent stories to cast doubt on the separation further...

  2. 31 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:

    Dominic Cummings (I assume) also leaked Boris Jonson's conversation with Lord Lister on 7th September:

    Boris Johnson:

    “Any news from Saudi?”

    Lord Lister:

    “A call is being set up.

    “The Newcastle deal [with the Saudi consortium] will hopefully be signed this week.”

    Boris Johnson:


    Nothing to say Lord Lister didn’t get that from the press info/buying side.

    PL have always maintained the deal was never close (Chi’s response?).

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tomato Deuce said:

    I’d put money on Brucey bringing him in. Though I thought for sure he’d bring in his shithead son too and that didn’t happen, mercifully.

    He’s been employed in our media team hasn’t he? Well you’d have thought so with how much guff he talks about us.

  4. 16 hours ago, et tu brute said:

    At one time I didn’t mind too much any English team winning the European trophies. Now though I get great satisfaction in seeing them (the super league 6) all lose and when there is two of these teams in the final it comes down to which one I dislike the most. Is it jealousy, bitterness or the fact that the league, media and tv channels kiss their arses and actively make it that no other club exists. Fuck them and a belated well done to Villarreal last night.

    Who have you decided you hate less ahead of tomorrow? :lol: 

  5. 23 minutes ago, Bishops Finger said:

    This is what makes me think they bowed down to peer pressure. Apparently it was hours from being passed to all of a sudden nothing. Like you say, if they had good reason to reject it they would have. There's something off there

    Worth remembering the “hours from being passed” only came from the buying side.

    Maybe they were overwhelming positive about it to apply pressure on the PL to approve it.

    The PL could be sat here with evidence to prove all of that is bollocks and it was never that close.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Wandy said:

    I watched Wraith's catch up with Ben Jacobs this morning and, to be honest, the guy was completely reasonable. I think we are underestimating just how strong a case the PL have, unfortunately and, for me, the odds are firmly stacked against this going through. Not saying it's impossible of course but I'm about 30/70 in the negative camp now.

    Of course we all know that if this was Man Utd, Liverpool etc then the PL wouldn't even be presenting a case. So they are still a bunch of complete cunts.

    Woah. You can’t say things like that. 

    Ben Jacobs is a BeIN mole determined to write Tweets to get reactions from NUFC fans. 

    Completely agree with your 30/70 ratio, that’s probably where I’m at and have been for some time. 

    And of course your last paragraph is completely true.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Froggy said:

    Oh no I'm absolutely not of the mindset that they are in any way comparable. I'm just saying there's so much more to a manager than pure results. It was a response to the implication that since Mourinho finished second and LVG won the FA Cup they must be better than Solskjaer and he's wrong for the club because he hasn't delivered a trophy after two seasons.

    No. Mourinho and LVG are far better than OGS based on their fantastic careers of winning things - which they also both managed at Man Utd.

    Don’t make things up to keep trying to justify your own poor ambitions.

  8. Just now, Froggy said:

    How does saying you are a terrible poster make me upset? 

    The forum must be full of children, or at least one, as I'm trying to make this as basic as I can and it is still not being understood. I don't know why you think there's no judgement on him. If he finished 5th he would have been sacked. If we went out of all the cups early, he would have been sacked. 

    You are also being hypocritical in your argument. You are saying I can't use 6/7 years ago to justify Ole's position now. Yet you are using our success from years gone by as a reason why he's not good enough, as Man United should be winning trophies.

    While this is a results based business, there is also much more to a manager. Why do you love Benitez? You were relegated under him? Steve Bruce just matched Benitez's highest ever points tally in the PL as well. So tell me, why Benitez over Bruce?

    “We were relegated under Benitez” :lol: You’ve just shown yourself up to being a bit of a tit.

    I’m not judging OGS on his performance in 10 games after taking over. I’m judging him on the full seasons he’s had where he’s achieved nothing, other than top four qualification. Wenger was ridiculed for that, despite having a CV extensively stronger than OGS’s.

    Man Utd should be winning trophies because of their incredible resources. Spending £200m in 2019/20 and ending up with nothing but the top four. Mental. :lol: Poor OGS, how can we ever judge him? He’s only had an open chequebook and can’t even beat the 7th best team in Spain in a European cup final.

  9. 4 minutes ago, manorpark said:

    It is inevitable that the Takeover will have to be approved, as there will be shown to be NO legal reason for it not to be.

    That is what these legal actions are all about.

    It is not relevant what some of our perceptions are about what the EPL might "want" to do (or want not to do) that is why fact-based legal action is being taken. 

    Can you please stay in your own thread.

    Your last paragraph is bollocks (again). You could say the same for the PL and their fact-based legal response.

  10. 31 minutes ago, Froggy said:

    It's very basic to understand. We were happy with Ole finishing third and qualifying for the CL, because we had been as low as 6th and 7th in previous seasons. We are happy going from 3rd to 2nd, and going from getting to semi finals to a final. Next season we will want finals turned into silverware, and 2nd to turn into a title challenge. Nothing happens overnight, and all you can ask for is progression. If you can't see the progression you are blind.

    "We've never looked further away from the title." - Eh? We finished 12 points behind. We were 33 points behind last year.

    Also, my stats about goals up above were in direct response to being called a boring team.

    Every time you post it confirms my thoughts that you are the worst poster on the football forum.

    :lol: Is this forum full of children? You try and have a conversation and they get so upset.

    You haven’t finished as low as 7th since 2013/14. A weird metric to measure OGS’s success on. It’s a bit like us justifying Bruce because we were relegated five years ago.

    Since then two managers have delivered an FA Cup, a League Cup and a Europa League. One even got a 2nd place finish too (with arguably worse squads).

    Every year you say “judge OGS next season”. You’ve said it again now. At what point will that judgement come? 


  11. 1 hour ago, Froggy said:

    I genuinely appreciate you having an opinion, but it's wrong. 

    1. Biggest home win since Sir Alex retired.
    2. First time we've scored 5 goals at Old Trafford since 2011.
    3. First time two players have scored 10+ goals at Old Trafford since 2008.
    4. First team in PL history to win four consecutive games by 3+ goals.
    5. Won 10 consecutive away games for the first time in our history. 8 in the league, also a record.
    6. Biggest win in the CL since 2013.
    7. Rashford and Martial first hat-tricks for the club under Ole.
    8. First side in PL history to score 2+ goals in 10 consecutive away games
    9. 9-0 vs. Southampton? 6-2 vs. Roma? 6-2 vs. Leeds? 5-0 vs. Leipzig? 4-0 vs. Chelsea?
    10. Under LVG, Moyes and Jose we scored 5+ twice in 302 matches. We've done in 9 times with Ole in 140 games.
    11. First team to score 6 in a European semi since 1964

    There's more, but there's no need. Boring? He's smashing attacking records all over the place. It is a really strange narrative people seem to have that is based on nothing.

    There are also many, many dogshit records he’s broken too.

    The fact is, Man Utd not winning a trophy for four years is terrible. But if you’re happy with finishing in the top four year on year, never getting anywhere close to the title and never winning a trophy - OGS is a great manager for you.

    Trying to justify keeping him is hilarious. ‘I know we’ve never looked further away from the title and we can’t win a trophy, but it’s okay because we scored 2 goals in 10 away games once” :lol: Almost as bad as the journalists scrambling around for stats to justify Bruce’s existence.

  12. 25 minutes ago, DurhamMag said:

    One question all Newcastle fans should ask themselves when it comes to the takeover is this..

    If the EPL are as confident as some of the Anti Takeover press seem to indicate then why are they fighting hard to get the CAT case thrown out and asking for extensions to deadlines..

    If there that confident they would be like "Ok bring it on"  

    The CAT case will be crucial and when disclosure is finalised then its going to open a rather large can of worms within the EPL

    That’s not really how it works at all.

    Getting the case thrown out before it even starts is ideal. They don’t have to go through any court case at all.

    Even if they are 95% certain they’ll win, getting the case thrown out removes the 5% possibility of losing.

    Nobody can go into a court case being 100% certain they’ll win. So it’s fairly straightforward to want to challenge it. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, mrmojorisin75 said:

    Instead of a whimper, good I'm all in.

    back 5

    greal rice mount

    sanco (or whoever) kane foden

    that'll beat most of the shite in the euros hands down just by being better than them, would rather take my chances it works against the better teams than play safe like we do every fucking time and still fail

    But you need to shoehorn Henderson in because he’s Henderson and plays for Liverpool.

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