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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 10 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    Taken Lyon out of his Insta bio, apparently this is a big deal?


    Similar to taking your love interests name out of your MSN name IIRC.

  2. One of those where the contact is nowhere near enough for you to collapse your legs and fall to the floor as the ball is conveniently running out of play.


    Never a penalty, but they’re often given in this soft shite age.

  3. Just been for a scout around and I see their outrage at us has simmered slightly because Wycombe are the scum today for failing to give up all of their own allocation to the mackems.

  4. 1 hour ago, Wullie said:

    365 offering a boost on Tavernier 10/1 anytime. Top scorer in the competition and takes all the pens and free kicks.


    Not sure how it’s fair if he’s taking Frankfurt’s free kicks.

  5. Saw the local rags in Manchester were crediting us with a £40m bid for Dean Henderson.


    If that’s true I’d rather claw my eyes out with hotdog sausages.


    Hope it’s just their toilet standard of ‘journalism’.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Even the main man knows who really made it happen Fanny. ? 







    I heard Nick De Marco looked up to the sky at the Spurs home game and mouthed, “You’ve done this, Keith”.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Rafalove said:

    This was interesting too specifically the last part 



    “A regular at Stamford Bridge over the years, Reuben counts Jamie Redknapp among friends and already has a detailed knowledge of players and managers across Europe.“


    Fucking hell, hope he isn’t taking that knowledge from Jamie Redknapp.

  8. 11 hours ago, wormy said:

    I know Brummie's already voted grump but so fuck I'm still gonna whinge. :lol: Pitch invasions just feel like the latest contrived 'moment maker' to me. In the same way everyone suddenly decided a couple of international tournaments ago that it's natural to throw your pints in the air when watching a football match in the pub. 


    Certain times obviously will have some spontaneity about it, e.g. if I was a Bristol Rovers fan I could certainly imagine getting swept up in that as that was fucking mental. But as with everything these days it feels like it has to be co-opted by bellends for attention.


    Absolutely hate this shite of throwing pints around. A majority of away games in the concourse you get little twats doing it for zero reason.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Teslact said:

    My dentist (near Seattle) took on another dentist recently, and their intro email would be so triggering:



    Can't believe he didn't mention it in person when I saw him last week (email came a couple of days later) and he asked where I was from.


    Your dentists send intro emails? :lol: 

  10. Great bloke who did a job for us. Considering his personal circumstances he always gave his all. 


    Hope he goes on to have a good career and wish him well :thup: 

  11. 5 hours ago, leffe186 said:


    This is it. I hate the “bottled it” trope in general, but the reason it’s being trotted out here is nothing to do with pre-season expectations and everything to do with the last few weeks.


    The funny thing is that the benefit of hindsight makes their performance look worse. Perhaps expectations should have been higher. They spent oodles of cash, didn’t have to worry about Europe at all and their manager had a couple of years to bed in. Of the seven teams that finished above them last year, Man U imploded from the top down, Leicester and West Ham were clearly held back by playing in Europe and Spurs sacked their manager in October. If they don’t make the CL it’s clearly a missed opportunity.

    Look at the BBC predictions:




    Not a single pundit predicted Spurs or Arsenal in the top 4 - out of 20. Then look at those fan videos from last night. It’s not just the media calling them “bottlers”.


    They’ve lost their last two games against a decent Spurs side (with refereeing decisions that could have easily have gone a different way)* and I think last night we would’ve given anyone in the league a good game.


    The manner of the defeats would be disappointing but I thought I heard they had a fairly patched up side with players playing through injury and key players out (may be wrong as not really that engrained in their detail).


    Prior to those defeats they got impressive results against Chelsea, West Ham and Man Utd.


    If anything, the run of three defeats before that against Palace, Brighton and Southampton are the cause of not getting the top four - which when you consider versus their form at the time, are a bit of an anomaly. It’s not like they’ve lost their last 5 games and  completely collapsed out of contention.


    I agree it’s a missed opportunity for them but it just seems so strange how much grief their getting when Leicester (at the time, and still if you listen to joey) got none for two remarkable collapses in comparison.


    Arteta has a big season next year though - will be higher expectations now.



    *I don’t disagree with the decisions, but how often do we see pens given for stuff like that first goal? 99/100 never given.

  12. 1 hour ago, joeyt said:


    Weren't you criticising Brendan Rodgers for doing this not long ago :lol:


    No. I was criticising Rodgers for being 10+ points clear and failing to get it over the line.


    I thought that would’ve been clear where I said “considering they were never clear of 5th”  but you probably got too excited in making your reply that you missed that key detail.


    Completely different circumstances and even without that I would also consider Arsenal to have a poorer team than those Leicester teams.


    Well done though, proud of you.

  13. My favourite was one mackem’s response to this:



    “Ideal club for tweeting stuff like that.. they absolutely lap up that sort of shit. I think most other clubs fans would see straight through it.”


    Aye. The really saw through Donald didn’t they? :lol: Had his card marked from day one, as they lapped up a free burger for changing pink seats.

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