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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 minute ago, gdm said:

    It’s absolutely nothing like that. 

    also wasn’t that long ago he said on gallowgate shots podcast that the PL have a stronger case than us 

    You do know things can change?

    A bit like the confidence other journalists had in the summer, they received new information that put it in doubt and the messaging changed.

    Jacobs is the opposite. He’s had consistently negative information about the takeover until recently. He’s also been spot on throughout.

    Someone as well connected to him to Bein/PL saying it’s likely to go through is huge news. 

  2. 1 minute ago, gdm said:

    Exactly he’s saying arbitration hasn’t started so there is no way he can have any info wether it’s likely to thru or not 

    That’s like saying our game against Liverpool away hasn’t started yet, so I can’t possibly know what the result will be.

    I do - best on an opinion I have developed. We’ll get smashed into next week.

    That’s sort of how journalism works. He’s developed an understanding of a story based on research and speaking to his contacts. Maybe the PL have expressed doubts about winning, that’d give him confidence in our case.

  3. 7 hours ago, gdm said:

    It’s not even news it’s a vague opinion 

    Well, his opinion has been right almost all the way through this and is based on information obtained through his various contacts.

    Your earlier post is a bit weird too.

    7 hours ago, gdm said:

    He had a thread an hour later he doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t know if it’s even started yet 


    He’s clearly saying in that thread arbitration hasn’t started. The only thing he’s unclear of is whether both parties are ready to start.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, Stifler said:

    If he’s saying that is a foul then he’s got to be off. You can’t give half a decision there.


    It should only be a foul if it’s decided it was intentional.

  5. Just now, Bimpy474 said:

    Aye i get that to a extent agree but as Joeyt just said, why not let the onfield ref have a look to decide if he got it wrong.

    I also agree as someone else alluded to, VAR being implemented by idiots isn't helping help it get accepted.

    As you say though, it's all subjective, no one will ever agree on things.

    Absolutely, should have directed the ref to have a look. 

    VAR has just replaced the same conversations we had before VAR about decisions. But added in even more confusion as some decisions are look at, and some aren’t. 

    All it has done is slow the game down, rule out goals that should remain, created confusion in stadiums and added more controversy. A win for Sky, I wonder why the media wanted it so much.

  6. Just now, Bimpy474 said:

    A professional referee looked at that replay and decided it wasn't dangerous play. That's the problem with VAR in regard to decisions like that, we have some of the worst refs in the world looking a replay. Ref's trained by one of the worst refs we ever had in Mike Reilly.

    VAR has no chance if you favour it with idiots like him in charge of it and our refs.

    As I’ve said above - there are plenty of people (not NUFC fans) who don’t think that was a foul. Commentators included in that.

    VAR is the problem, you could put the worlds greatest referee ever in front of it, it’d still be a problem.

    You can’t try and make exact decisions on subjective decisions.

  7. 4 minutes ago, NUFCDoog said:

    Won’t matter if we’ve beat Sheffield United and they don’t beat anyone else mind, which is what I think will happen

    The good times are here.

  8. 1 minute ago, NUFCDoog said:

    As long as we beat Sheffield United we’ll be fine, could lose every other game and still stay up, Fulham won’t win another game, they’re even worse than us

    They’ll beat us.

  9. Win today and we’re pretty much safe as we’ll squeeze another win or couple of draws before the end of the season.

    It’d also deflate Fulham further and I can’t see them getting 9+ points.

    There is no excuse not to be going all out for a win today against a poor Burnley side pretty much already on the beach.

    That said, if we lose we’ll still firmly be in the shit.

  10. 2 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    Nah he'd have to have touched it even at the start of the season.

    But it's a mad rule. Happened with us with Schar vs Villa


    I thought the same as Carragher during commentary, not sure where I got it from.

  11. Just now, joeyt said:

    There's no way that should be onside if Cash got a tiny touch on the ball

    Have they changed the rules again? Wasn’t it just an attempt for the ball needed earlier in the season?

    It’s just fucking shit. I dislike Liverpool as much as most people but there was nothing wrong with that goal whatsoever.

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