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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I’m sure there probably is one crazy bastard who supports/loves Bruce. But let’s not try and hide the fact they are absolutely in the minority. Irritates me how the media wheel people out to give that impression.
  2. Fuck off. PS - more blame on Ritchie. He said it’s now resolved after Ritchie apologised. Obviously all his fault then.
  3. 10:30 this morning Where is it available to watch?
  4. It’s weird how Bruce always seems to be at a club where there is a ‘leak’ to the press who shares stories of him in a positive light and negative for the players. One common denominator.
  5. But what is it he does? He doesn’t score, he doesn’t get many assists. He’s not even particularly high on chances created, especially when you consider who he plays for. People continuously say that but if you replaced him with a better striker, Liverpool would be much better off.
  6. Firmino’s ability is very much exposed now. When they were scoring for fun, his poor returns were masked by others. 6 goals in 26 appearances for a top side isn’t good enough. 9 in 38 last season when they won the league at a canter ffs.
  7. Absolute fucking joke that. VAR is ruining football, just as everyone predicted. The state of that.
  8. Yet are below us in the relegation zone 1 win away from overtaking us. It’s not the point they are in the relegation zone below us, it’s the fact they look like they could win a game of football and we look a total mess (on and off the pitch).
  9. I bet The Times have just worked that out based on his salary and remaining contract in they paid it in full. I’m sure there would be negotiation/clauses forcing him to not take the full whack. Regardless, even if it was £10m it’d be good business to sack the cunt.
  10. West Brom are gonna win this.
  11. If this was the case, why is he still here? MA obviously doesn’t care at all. Because NUFC fans want Bruce gone and if there is one thing that Mike Ashley will never do, it's give the fans what they want. He will cut his nose off to spite his face. Certainly looking that way currently as at no other club would he still be in the job. It’s possibly going to cost him 150m + and the possibility of a takeover, but, he’s still keeping Bruce in the job That's because neither he or his muppet DOF have any idea what to do about it. To replace him, you'd have to know something about the game. That was my original question, if Ashley was given the chance to rid for nothing, would he? He already has. This training ground incident could have been gross misconduct.
  12. That’s horrific. Even just beating us and being 5 points behind is a complete mockery considering the quality in each squad. If they beat us on Sunday, I’d expect them to catch us too tbh as I’d be amazed if we won another game under Bruce.
  13. If this was the case, why is he still here? MA obviously doesn’t care at all.
  14. I can’t say I’d be particularly interested in sitting through 10-20 minute highlight reels of some of the shit matches served up, tbh. I quite like short and snappy highlights of key points and goals. I’ve usually watched the match in full anyway, but if I haven’t it’s probably because it’s not a game I’m interested in.
  15. The article also says they’re in on Friday for a meeting. It doesn’t mention training Surely they are actually training on Friday?
  16. Wasn’t this similar under McLaren? Rafa changed it almost immediately when he came in and had double sessions most days.
  17. Worth remembering Lascelles is very good friends with Darlow. May explain why he reacted the way he did on Saturday. Not good to lose the confidence of your captain though.
  18. Bit early to say that. Had surgery in the middle of it. Aye. But he’s 34, seems to be picking injuries up a lot more frequently over the past two seasons and has been really poor during that run of 13 (albeit with an injury). He’s been missing chances he’d put away in his sleep and also not frequently getting into the positions he would before. It’s the first patch of poor form I can ever recall him being in, which is really odd in itself.
  19. Also, is this the start of Vardy’s decline? 1 goal in his last 13 appearances (9 of which have been 90 minutes).
  20. Always thought for years it was Dummett. Probably more than one when things are s**** though as Midds says. You can imagine Dummett being a total snitch.
  21. Why does Stephen Warnock look like you’d find him in a dimly lit Indie bar at 4am on a Wednesday night?
  22. Depends which thread you go in. Bruce is getting sacked. Samptime had a nice wank. The takeover is on. The takeover is off.
  23. Is that really a red for Jagielka? Was it also a clear and obvious error?
  24. Thought the same. We played on Saturday ffs.
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