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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point. Wrong good night ? Club statement Newcastle United has issued the following club statement on Thursday 19 November 2020: “The Club has previously not commented on the arbitration it is pursuing against the Premier League (‘EPL’) with respect to its conduct relating to the proposed takeover because of the confidentiality clause in the EPL's rules. "However, the Club is aware of public reports which state that, on 17 November, the EPL referred to legal proceedings with the Club (e.g. social media posts referring to the “Club’s own legal case”) in a letter to Newcastle supporters. "The source of some of the reporting is said to be the EPL. It appears, therefore, that the EPL has leaked the contents of their letter to some of those commenting in the public domain. "The Club understands that these will be matters of great concern to its fans and therefore considers that, in light of the information disclosed by the EPL, it has no choice but to respond and update its fans in response to this coverage. "The Club makes no comment on the substance of the arbitration, but it can confirm that it has issued arbitration proceedings against the EPL. "It is unclear when those proceedings will be resolved, given the approach of the EPL and its lawyers, Bird & Bird. Nevertheless, the Club will continue to use its best efforts to press for a fair, full and timely hearing of its claim.” The original discussion is about MA/PIF/AS releasing statements to say the takeover is on/off. They’ve all released a statement to say it’s off. Since then none of them have spoken officially to say it’s back on. The statement you have shared is MA potentially pursuing a case against the PL, which isn’t confirmation PIF/the deal are (or ever will be) back at the table. I was answering the question from a poster who said “it’s on until they say it’s off”, my point is - they all have already said it’s off. It’s technically the other way round.... it’s off until they say it’s back on. They’ve said it’s back on? Where? For a start that original statement from the club does not say it’s off and was followed up by the arbitration statement. It literally says the deal has been rejected What about AS’s interview and PIF’s statements? Do they not say its off?
  2. This patter is almost as tragic as ‘Mag’ on RTG. If you want to read blind optimism, I’m reliably informed there is a thread for that.
  3. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point. What do you think arbitration is attempting to achieve? Do you believe the reporters writing about buyers and sellers intentions are: a. Lying and have had no contact? b. Being lied to by buyers and sellers? In either a or b, what is the motive? I'm absolutely not saying I expect it to go through, but to try and be black and white about it seems a little obtuse. I don’t know what arbitration is trying to achieve. If it was trying to achieve a sale, I’d have massive questions as to why MA is willing to spend millions of pounds on a court case but fail to pay off Bruce to avoid ruining the court case with a relegation. My feelings are MA is trying to get a compensatory claim. Regardless of the arbitration though, that won’t resolve the real issues which are mainly piracy. MA might well win his claim, but the takeover still won’t happen until multiple complex issues in KSA/Qatar are resolved. That’s why people like Keith are full of shit. Telling people to wait for the outcome of the arbitration is pointless because it isn’t the sole deciding factor in this takeover but he’s leading people to believe it is. I think the reporters have had genuine contact from the buyers and sellers, who all hope the takeover goes through and with their best intentions want to keep it in the news/as a positive light. However, the buyers and sellers have had this same confidence for 12 months... Nothing has happened and nothing has got closer. We’re not being told to wait until the summer.
  4. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point. Wrong good night ? Club statement Newcastle United has issued the following club statement on Thursday 19 November 2020: “The Club has previously not commented on the arbitration it is pursuing against the Premier League (‘EPL’) with respect to its conduct relating to the proposed takeover because of the confidentiality clause in the EPL's rules. "However, the Club is aware of public reports which state that, on 17 November, the EPL referred to legal proceedings with the Club (e.g. social media posts referring to the “Club’s own legal case”) in a letter to Newcastle supporters. "The source of some of the reporting is said to be the EPL. It appears, therefore, that the EPL has leaked the contents of their letter to some of those commenting in the public domain. "The Club understands that these will be matters of great concern to its fans and therefore considers that, in light of the information disclosed by the EPL, it has no choice but to respond and update its fans in response to this coverage. "The Club makes no comment on the substance of the arbitration, but it can confirm that it has issued arbitration proceedings against the EPL. "It is unclear when those proceedings will be resolved, given the approach of the EPL and its lawyers, Bird & Bird. Nevertheless, the Club will continue to use its best efforts to press for a fair, full and timely hearing of its claim.” The original discussion is about MA/PIF/AS releasing statements to say the takeover is on/off. They’ve all released a statement to say it’s off. Since then none of them have spoken officially to say it’s back on. The statement you have shared is MA potentially pursuing a case against the PL, which isn’t confirmation PIF/the deal are (or ever will be) back at the table. I was answering the question from a poster who said “it’s on until they say it’s off”, my point is - they all have already said it’s off. It’s technically the other way round.... it’s off until they say it’s back on. They’ve said it’s back on? Where?
  5. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point.
  6. It’s fine to have a positivity thread, but it’s equally okay to discuss the positivity posters express and explore the reasons behind it and/or the facts. Otherwise it’s pointless to have this thread and people should just scream their ramblings at themselves in the mirror. What next? The betting thread to only contain bets placed and you couldn’t possibly discuss your thoughts behind other people’s bets through fear of upsetting them?
  7. The main party in the consortium literally did say this. So it's been off since that point in your eyes? If so then Ashley's statement and subsequent actions dont add up, furthermore there's enough out there to suggest PIF are still keen, even Luke Edwards accepted PIF were still on board. But further to my original point, we know how AS operates in these exact situations because she's been through them before so it makes no sense for us to believe she'd just slink off into the night without a single word being spoken. Absolutely. It has been off since then. Ashley’s statement and subsequent actions can be explained because he’s unhappy the deal is off. Why would he be fighting for a deal which is going ahead? He wouldn’t need to. It may only be back on once multiple hurdles have been overcome - sadly none of them are even close. Because he doesn't believe the test was carried out properly and feels it should have gone through? He even made direct reference to the fact PIF had provided information the EPL had requested. Those aren't the words of a man who believes this is dead. Well actually, they are the words from a man who believes this is dead: http://www.nufc.co.uk/news/latest-news/club-statement-1 AS carried out an interview where she informed us the deal was off. PIF released a statement withdrawing their bid. MA released the above statement advising the takeover had collapsed. What more do you want/need?
  8. The main party in the consortium literally did say this. So it's been off since that point in your eyes? If so then Ashley's statement and subsequent actions dont add up, furthermore there's enough out there to suggest PIF are still keen, even Luke Edwards accepted PIF were still on board. But further to my original point, we know how AS operates in these exact situations because she's been through them before so it makes no sense for us to believe she'd just slink off into the night without a single word being spoken. Absolutely. It has been off since then. Ashley’s statement and subsequent actions can be explained because he’s unhappy the deal is off. Why would he be fighting for a deal which is going ahead? He wouldn’t need to. It may only be back on once multiple hurdles have been overcome - sadly none of them are even close.
  9. If you don't believe Amanda still wants to buy the club you'd have to believe that Caulkin is either a complete liar or has been lied to by mutiple conspiring parties and is naive enough to believe it. The simplest answer is that Amanda does still want to buy the club but there are still a load of obstacles in the way. Jacobs' summary of the situation today makes complete sense in relation to everything that's unfolded so far. Amanda might still want to buy the club, a bit like how I might want to have sex with joeyt[/member]. It doesn’t mean it will happen, or is close to happening. We both have a lot of obstacles to overcome and some might not even be possible.
  10. Spurs (h) Liverpool (a) City (H) Leeds (h) Villa (a) Wolves (h) Arsenal (a) Chelski (A) It'll be done before needed to beat burnley and palace Agains, this is the dumbest argument. Every team has to play every team, there's no such f***ing thing as a list of hard fixtures coming up. Everyone has to play all the teams twice. f*** off. Agree but also disagree . Its a moot point but you'd much rather have Sheff Utd, Burnley, Southampton and West Brom as your remaining or next 4 games than Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea and Leicester wouldn't you? You have to play them at some point anyway, it doesn't matter, as the other teams also has to play them "Oh my, we have to play Man City next, that's bad for us" .... wait, what? All the other teams also has to play Man City at some point. At the start of the season, I’d agree with you. But it’s not true at this stage of the season at all. If we were level on points and had 4 games left of the season again: Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea & Liverpool whilst Fulham had 4 games against: Burnley, Brighton, WBA and Sheff Utd - why would it matter we’ve played the same teams over the course of the season? What it would mean is we have 4 really s*** hard games and they have 4 easy ones. It’d matter a lot. If we were at a stage where they could overtake us and we had harder opponents than them during these weeks, we've clearly done a s*** job when we had the same fixtures. We still have to play the same teams twice. Fwiw, Fulham played a 1-1 draw against Liverpool in their last fixture against them. It's the fixtures, we all have to f***ing play them to finish a season. That’s all well and good but I don’t see how you can argue 4 fixtures against the top 4 teams doesn’t matter compared to 4 fixtures against the bottom 4 teams. Of course you’re argument holds weight over the course of the season. But just looking at the final 4-6 fixtures in isolation, of course it matters. What you did in November doesn’t make your final 4 fixtures any easier/harder.
  11. Some interesting ends to the season possible. - Top 4 places in PL. - s***-off for the last relegation place in PL. - 4 teams possibly fighting over 2nd in Championship. - 6 teams fighting over the playoff places in Championship. - Literally anyone from 1st - about 10th could end up promoted from League One with how open the playoffs are. - 7 teams separated by 4 points at the bottom of League One. - Top of League Two has 10 points separating the top 10 teams (with the team in 10th having 3 games in hand on the team in 2nd). - Relegation s***-off between 3 teams for 2 places. Has it ever been this close across the board? Other than 1st place in PL and Championship and Wycombe to be relegated, pretty much everything else is up from grabs.
  12. Spurs (h) Liverpool (a) City (H) Leeds (h) Villa (a) Wolves (h) Arsenal (a) Chelski (A) It'll be done before needed to beat burnley and palace Agains, this is the dumbest argument. Every team has to play every team, there's no such f***ing thing as a list of hard fixtures coming up. Everyone has to play all the teams twice. f*** off. Agree but also disagree . Its a moot point but you'd much rather have Sheff Utd, Burnley, Southampton and West Brom as your remaining or next 4 games than Man City, Man Utd, Chelsea and Leicester wouldn't you? You have to play them at some point anyway, it doesn't matter, as the other teams also has to play them "Oh my, we have to play Man City next, that's bad for us" .... wait, what? All the other teams also has to play Man City at some point. At the start of the season, I’d agree with you. But it’s not true at this stage of the season at all. If we were level on points and had 4 games left of the season again: Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea & Liverpool whilst Fulham had 4 games against: Burnley, Brighton, WBA and Sheff Utd - why would it matter we’ve played the same teams over the course of the season? What it would mean is we have 4 really shit hard games and they have 4 easy ones. It’d matter a lot.
  13. Didn’t even know they were playing/had played until I saw these posts. Hopefully they’ll finish in the playoffs and fuck it up again, that’d be the only joyful part of this season.* *Unless something else class happens. Like Liverpool finishing 10th.
  14. It makes me die a little inside with the knowledge Bruce will end up with a punditry job after this. 100% he’ll be wheeled out by Sky. Imagine that.
  15. Still really annoys me they make decisions based on millimetres for something which cannot ever be that accurately measured. It’s like trying to measure the Atlantic with a ruler and then trying to justify your bizarre decision as accurate.
  16. I’m still with you on the optimism stakes, though I’m now of the view that it may be months rather than weeks away. My main concern is avoiding relegation, as I think this is the key to the timing of any action. Yeah relegation undoubtedly has become the biggest threat, let’s hope we can pull something out of the bag Sunday. Well, no The multiple other hurdles which have not yet been overcome still remain the biggest threat. No deal can happen until many other things are resolved, none of which have moved anywhere since PIF pulled out. Relegation is immaterial when there is no deal in place. We could qualify for the Champions League this season and it still wouldn’t make a difference. Well, yes The deal is agreed and in place, hence Ashley currently spending a fortune on legal fees. If survival is secured and PL approve deal we have our takeover. You talk about multiple hurdles however in reality once Bein is reinstated and the cases are settled, it is very much open to debate whether separation will still be fought over. “Once Bein is reinstated and the cases are settled”, you’re talking like it’s the matter of a 10 minute phone call. We’re talking about KSA and Qatar who have been embroiled in dispute for many years. Diplomatic relations have started to turn around but the conversations that need to happen have not even began. It’s not as simple as switching some television boxes on. You’re speculating about complex tit for tat legal cases which aren’t that simple. We’re not far from the equivalent of North and South Korea settling all disputes and becoming best mates. This doesn’t happen overnight, it could take years. As Jacobs has said today, patience will eventually run thin (if they’re not already). Optimism is fine, but blind faith with no evidence to support the optimism is pointless. Regarding the agreed deal (which isn’t an agreed deal as has been widely reported, it’s off)... If a deal was even remotely close, why is Bruce allowed to continue on to relegation which would almost certainly destroy the deal? Nothing that has been reported makes this deal seem remotely close.
  17. I’m still with you on the optimism stakes, though I’m now of the view that it may be months rather than weeks away. My main concern is avoiding relegation, as I think this is the key to the timing of any action. Yeah relegation undoubtedly has become the biggest threat, let’s hope we can pull something out of the bag Sunday. Well, no The multiple other hurdles which have not yet been overcome still remain the biggest threat. No deal can happen until many other things are resolved, none of which have moved anywhere since PIF pulled out. Relegation is immaterial when there is no deal in place. We could qualify for the Champions League this season and it still wouldn’t make a difference.
  18. He was 11th choice. We were desperate and he fulfilled a ‘hometown’ criteria that MA/Charnley hoped would appease the fans after Rafa leaving. Sadly, his managerial ability wasn’t a driving factor.
  19. So that’s two journalists now who are basically saying nothing is happening and won’t happen until many, many hurdles are overcome (some massive political issues in KSA/Qatar which have no movement on, a club case against the PL which is dragging on and on and a possible relegation drawing closer). With the relegation issues, we have more hurdles being put up than ones coming down. Yet we have idiots like Keith screaming for likes telling us to ‘wait’ every month. Fuck off. This takeover is further away then it ever has been and unless a lot of very complicated issues are resolved, it’s completely dead. People talking about these issues like they’re minor bumps that’ll be resolved soon need to wake up.
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