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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Says a lot about Charnley too. Players telling him for weeks that Bruce is a load of shite and the thumb headed prick has done fuck all. Watching us slide into oblivion, again.
  2. Edwards all but confirming the story too. The end is nigh. Fucking hell. I’m gonna have a wank.
  3. Turn that article into a tomato and basil soup and inject it into my veins
  4. Oh aye For some reason I got that game confused with the Southampton one.
  5. Kennedy has said in the past that Keith has told him things, but because he couldn’t check that it was factual he didn’t report on it. So despite him being Keith’s mate, I get the impression he isn’t the only source he has. This ^ It’s not as if writing a published article in a newspaper is like posting on a forum. The information has to be credible to the point where zero liability can be attributed to the publisher or organization. Absolute bollocks. Have you ever read The Sun?
  6. Incredible we’re 8 points behind this dreadful Crystal Palace team (as it stands) and we’ve taken 6 bloody points off them this season. Really highlights again just how shit we’ve been.
  7. Why would it be bad news? It shows they're serious about getting into football. Owning Inter Milan and Newcastle would never work. The fact they are seeking out the possibility of Inter tells you everything you need to know. Groups with more than one team tend to own a big club and then multiple small clubs, to avoid the possibility of them both qualifying for the same competition. Girona and Troyes for example, are probably not going to be playing CL football any time soon. Even if they did ever qualify, CFG would probably pull them out of it to ensure Man City could play. I'd assume the same. Can't imagine you're allowed to be involved with 2 clubs in the same competition. I'm labelling this under negative news. RB Salzburg and RB Leipzig say hello. As the owner organization, just appoint two different boards and have different personnel and you're golden. Depends on the ownership model of PIF I suppose, but that’s hardly been a great success with the PL thus far never mind UEFA
  8. I don’t particularly remember this game at all, but how shit must someone be to be ripped apart by Ameobi and Lua Lua?
  9. Why would it be bad news? It shows they're serious about getting into football. Owning Inter Milan and Newcastle would never work. The fact they are seeking out the possibility of Inter tells you everything you need to know. Groups with more than one team tend to own a big club and then multiple small clubs, to avoid the possibility of them both qualifying for the same competition. Girona and Troyes for example, are probably not going to be playing CL football any time soon. Even if they did ever qualify, CFG would probably pull them out of it to ensure Man City could play.
  10. ‘They are actively looking elsewhere’ doesn’t sound at all positive ‘ Told this doesn't end their interest in #NUFC’...Sounds positive to me? True but actively looking suggests if they see a better fit they’ll go for it. Here’s hoping Newcastle would be their main buy As I have said they have been rumoured to want a collection of clubs. Initially thoughts immediately went along the lines of the City group where Man City are the anchor club and pretty much everyone else is a smaller club and most would adopt City’s colours, name, and branding. A ‘United football group’ may not go down that route. It may well be that they buy us, then buy a stake (minority/majority) in Inter, then a German club, MLS (if relations with Biden improve) etc all who have their own identity and all of whom have their own existing brand/fan base. Maybe the idea is have something where NUFC, Inter, PSV, Olympiacos all have a summer tournament in Saudi Arabia with them being Saudi clubs, either wholly or partly, or they go over and play Columbus Crew who are another Saudi owned club. How does that work when it comes to European competition? There are owners who own multiple clubs or have shares of multiple clubs in anyway. Moved my reply to the other thread to avoid upset.
  11. I’m not sure that is possible in terms of FA/UEFA/FIFA rules? Maybe it is, I don’t know. But I’d be surprised if it were allowed.
  12. Agree with most of that. But I’m not saying it’s definitely off for good. It’s currently off now, unless 3 out of your 4 points all resolve (which at the moment, there is no sign of).
  13. I don’t think I am adding unnecessary negativity. Nothing would please me more than this takeover going through, it’d be a colossal positive not just for the club but the whole city. All I’m doing is sharing my thoughts and knowledge, as everyone else is. It does get incredibly annoying for new posters to have to justify themselves after being challenged countless times about being a previous poster, being a mackem or whatever else is thrown about (with the exception of tubes, who clearly is a previous poster). Maybe that’s why the quality of new posters isn’t so high - people can’t be arsed with it. Feel free to read some of my other posts in other threads, I was very positive only a short while ago about ASM.
  14. Think that goes without saying, but ASM's a total crock, mind. Feel like we wouldn't have seen the best of him in any scenario. Even aside from COVID, he seems to have been carrying muscular injuries from the very beginning. One thing I haven’t ever seen from ASM is these so-call behavioural/attitude problems. He’s seemingly been the perfect pro and has done his fair share of hard work for the team. I think he could’ve worked in a Benitez side.
  15. Who are you lyke? (apologies if already asked/answered) I’ve just answered it in the Takeover thread funnily enough. Read this forum for a long time... On and off. Decided to register to express my fury towards Bruce. From reading the forum for so long I’m aware of some members. Tubes being one of them, because I enjoyed reading his meltdowns. I also know dangermaus on RTG, despite never having an account on there before.
  16. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point. What do you think arbitration is attempting to achieve? Do you believe the reporters writing about buyers and sellers intentions are: a. Lying and have had no contact? b. Being lied to by buyers and sellers? In either a or b, what is the motive? I'm absolutely not saying I expect it to go through, but to try and be black and white about it seems a little obtuse. I don’t know what arbitration is trying to achieve. If it was trying to achieve a sale, I’d have massive questions as to why MA is willing to spend millions of pounds on a court case but fail to pay off Bruce to avoid ruining the court case with a relegation. My feelings are MA is trying to get a compensatory claim. Regardless of the arbitration though, that won’t resolve the real issues which are mainly piracy. MA might well win his claim, but the takeover still won’t happen until multiple complex issues in KSA/Qatar are resolved. That’s why people like Keith are full of s***. Telling people to wait for the outcome of the arbitration is pointless because it isn’t the sole deciding factor in this takeover but he’s leading people to believe it is. I think the reporters have had genuine contact from the buyers and sellers, who all hope the takeover goes through and with their best intentions want to keep it in the news/as a positive light. However, the buyers and sellers have had this same confidence for 12 months... Nothing has happened and nothing has got closer. We’re not being told to wait until the summer. As your own quote from the club says, they firmly believe enough legal evidence was shown proving the separation of PIF from the Royal family. If this is what the court case is attempting to resolve, then the whole Bein issue becomes irrelevant. Now it might be that MA is after compensation but whatever the reason, he only wins the legal battle if its proven that PIF is separate in which case it opens up for the takeover again. At which point I believe PIF will come back to the table (relegation notwithstanding). Whether or not he wins that case is another matter. Then Keith can swoop in and save the day with his legal action The first part isn’t true though. Arbitration is there to look at whether the PL followed it’s own processes. It cannot force the PL to make a determination either way on whether PIF are separate. The PL can make whatever decision they like, providing they do it fairly in accordance to their own rules. NUFC’s argument is they haven’t followed their own processes by not making a determination. The PL will only agree to the takeover if the piracy issues are resolved. NUFC may ‘win’ arbitration but the PL could just therefore issue a rejection because they believe PIF are state-backed. No ones ever confirmed in a statement what the case is attempting to achieve have they, as its confidential? No. But what you suggested isn’t possible. Arbitration cannot make a determination on whether PIF are state backed. Therefore your first paragraph cannot come to fruition. As I said, the club could ‘win’ and arbitration could find the PL failed to follow it’s own processes. The PL could then go away and follow it’s own processes by formally rejecting the bid. It seems to me that arbitration is far more likely to be used make a determination on the issue of PIF / the Saudi state than whether the PL has followed its process correctly. The one thing we do know is that the PL’s only publicly stated issue is that they believe another ‘entity’ should be declared as a director and undergo the O&D test, and the consortium disagree. The whole purpose or arbitration is to settle disagreements such as that. And it’s not about whether PIF are state backed, of course they are, it’s the state’s wealth fund; it’s about whether the state would be a shadow director of the club or would be taking control of the club. If there is more to it than just that I think it’ll probably be around the whole legality of an owner’s and director’s test, whether the PL can lawfully impose a higher standard in relation to ownership and directorship of football clubs than is the case for any other company. De Marco has hinted at that in terms of restraint of trade being the big issue for this year in terms of sports law. I’m not going to keep going on like a broken record, because that’ll just fill this thread up with my guff. But as I’ve said numerous times, your first paragraph is wide of the mark. Hence why PIF rejected an arbitration offer during the O&D test. If memory serves me correct they said at the time arbitration is not possible without a decision being made by the PL. As I said, it’s the PL’s intention to delay, delay and delay.
  17. This patter is almost as tragic as ‘Mag’ on RTG. If you want to read blind optimism, I’m reliably informed there is a thread for that. Only registered on here 5 weeks ago. Already familiar with RTG. Hmm seems a bit strange like. Is it illegal to read the forum before joining? I’ve read the forum on and off for years, probably going back to the early days of Pardew. Some times I’ve read it almost daily, other times I’ve not looked at it in 6 months. I chose to sign up primarily to vent at the situation with Bruce. I also read RTG frequently and have done prior to signing up. I also look on a Man Utd forum infrequently, Derby County and Liverpool. I have an account on one of them, and might join up on another. Hopefully that won’t cause you any distress
  18. The article totally misses the point. The data reflects Brighton are a decent team but don’t have a striker capable of putting the ball in the net. That has been true of this whole season. So the data is a true reflection of the situation
  19. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point. What do you think arbitration is attempting to achieve? Do you believe the reporters writing about buyers and sellers intentions are: a. Lying and have had no contact? b. Being lied to by buyers and sellers? In either a or b, what is the motive? I'm absolutely not saying I expect it to go through, but to try and be black and white about it seems a little obtuse. I don’t know what arbitration is trying to achieve. If it was trying to achieve a sale, I’d have massive questions as to why MA is willing to spend millions of pounds on a court case but fail to pay off Bruce to avoid ruining the court case with a relegation. My feelings are MA is trying to get a compensatory claim. Regardless of the arbitration though, that won’t resolve the real issues which are mainly piracy. MA might well win his claim, but the takeover still won’t happen until multiple complex issues in KSA/Qatar are resolved. That’s why people like Keith are full of s***. Telling people to wait for the outcome of the arbitration is pointless because it isn’t the sole deciding factor in this takeover but he’s leading people to believe it is. I think the reporters have had genuine contact from the buyers and sellers, who all hope the takeover goes through and with their best intentions want to keep it in the news/as a positive light. However, the buyers and sellers have had this same confidence for 12 months... Nothing has happened and nothing has got closer. We’re not being told to wait until the summer. As your own quote from the club says, they firmly believe enough legal evidence was shown proving the separation of PIF from the Royal family. If this is what the court case is attempting to resolve, then the whole Bein issue becomes irrelevant. Now it might be that MA is after compensation but whatever the reason, he only wins the legal battle if its proven that PIF is separate in which case it opens up for the takeover again. At which point I believe PIF will come back to the table (relegation notwithstanding). Whether or not he wins that case is another matter. Then Keith can swoop in and save the day with his legal action The first part isn’t true though. Arbitration is there to look at whether the PL followed it’s own processes. It cannot force the PL to make a determination either way on whether PIF are separate. The PL can make whatever decision they like, providing they do it fairly in accordance to their own rules. NUFC’s argument is they haven’t followed their own processes by not making a determination. The PL will only agree to the takeover if the piracy issues are resolved. NUFC may ‘win’ arbitration but the PL could just therefore issue a rejection because they believe PIF are state-backed. No ones ever confirmed in a statement what the case is attempting to achieve have they, as its confidential? No. But what you suggested isn’t possible. Arbitration cannot make a determination on whether PIF are state backed. Therefore your first paragraph cannot come to fruition. As I said, the club could ‘win’ and arbitration could find the PL failed to follow it’s own processes. The PL could then go away and follow it’s own processes by formally rejecting the bid. Sure, arbitration can't make that judgement itself but there has to be linked ramifications. Why don't the PL just formally reject the bid if its just about their own processes? Because then they have to justify it. Right now, they don’t and can pass the blame onto the consortium. If they reject it without justification (in accordance to their own rules), it’d open the possibility to more/different proceedings. Delay, delay, delay... In the hope it causes the consortium to pull out completely and never return, or the piracy issues are resolved. Whichever comes first.
  20. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point. What do you think arbitration is attempting to achieve? Do you believe the reporters writing about buyers and sellers intentions are: a. Lying and have had no contact? b. Being lied to by buyers and sellers? In either a or b, what is the motive? I'm absolutely not saying I expect it to go through, but to try and be black and white about it seems a little obtuse. I don’t know what arbitration is trying to achieve. If it was trying to achieve a sale, I’d have massive questions as to why MA is willing to spend millions of pounds on a court case but fail to pay off Bruce to avoid ruining the court case with a relegation. My feelings are MA is trying to get a compensatory claim. Regardless of the arbitration though, that won’t resolve the real issues which are mainly piracy. MA might well win his claim, but the takeover still won’t happen until multiple complex issues in KSA/Qatar are resolved. That’s why people like Keith are full of s***. Telling people to wait for the outcome of the arbitration is pointless because it isn’t the sole deciding factor in this takeover but he’s leading people to believe it is. I think the reporters have had genuine contact from the buyers and sellers, who all hope the takeover goes through and with their best intentions want to keep it in the news/as a positive light. However, the buyers and sellers have had this same confidence for 12 months... Nothing has happened and nothing has got closer. We’re not being told to wait until the summer. As your own quote from the club says, they firmly believe enough legal evidence was shown proving the separation of PIF from the Royal family. If this is what the court case is attempting to resolve, then the whole Bein issue becomes irrelevant. Now it might be that MA is after compensation but whatever the reason, he only wins the legal battle if its proven that PIF is separate in which case it opens up for the takeover again. At which point I believe PIF will come back to the table (relegation notwithstanding). Whether or not he wins that case is another matter. Then Keith can swoop in and save the day with his legal action The first part isn’t true though. Arbitration is there to look at whether the PL followed it’s own processes. It cannot force the PL to make a determination either way on whether PIF are separate. The PL can make whatever decision they like, providing they do it fairly in accordance to their own rules. NUFC’s argument is they haven’t followed their own processes by not making a determination. The PL will only agree to the takeover if the piracy issues are resolved. NUFC may ‘win’ arbitration but the PL could just therefore issue a rejection because they believe PIF are state-backed. No ones ever confirmed in a statement what the case is attempting to achieve have they, as its confidential? No. But what you suggested isn’t possible. Arbitration cannot make a determination on whether PIF are state backed. Therefore your first paragraph cannot come to fruition. As I said, the club could ‘win’ and arbitration could find the PL failed to follow it’s own processes. The PL could then go away and follow it’s own processes by formally rejecting the bid.
  21. The main party in the consortium literally did say this. So it's been off since that point in your eyes? If so then Ashley's statement and subsequent actions dont add up, furthermore there's enough out there to suggest PIF are still keen, even Luke Edwards accepted PIF were still on board. But further to my original point, we know how AS operates in these exact situations because she's been through them before so it makes no sense for us to believe she'd just slink off into the night without a single word being spoken. Absolutely. It has been off since then. Ashley’s statement and subsequent actions can be explained because he’s unhappy the deal is off. Why would he be fighting for a deal which is going ahead? He wouldn’t need to. It may only be back on once multiple hurdles have been overcome - sadly none of them are even close. Because he doesn't believe the test was carried out properly and feels it should have gone through? He even made direct reference to the fact PIF had provided information the EPL had requested. Those aren't the words of a man who believes this is dead. Well actually, they are the words from a man who believes this is dead: http://www.nufc.co.uk/news/latest-news/club-statement-1 AS carried out an interview where she informed us the deal was off. PIF released a statement withdrawing their bid. MA released the above statement advising the takeover had collapsed. What more do you want/need? Richard Masters himself denied they'd rejected the takeover, and the club subsequently pursued arbitration on the issue of whether the OD test applied appropriately. I'm no legal expert but if the case was for compensation, then I'm not sure why the club would be pursuing it, and not Ashley himself. It's his asset after all. It's worth mentioning that AS also engaged fan action on the issues which we obliged. The Reuben brothers released a statement confirming they're "totally supportive" of a resurrection of the takeover and there has been plenty written about PIFs continued interest. These aren't the actions of people who no longer see the takeover as a viable option. Your last part answers the original point. The Reubens are supportive of a ‘resurrection’. You don’t tend to need to resurrect something that is currently active. The deal is currently off. There is no deal. There only would be a deal if multiple complex issues are resolved (in addition to the arbitration). All of which currently look unlikely. Ahh, so you're arguing semantics. Then yes, I agree there is no official bid on the table that is awaiting approval, but it's my concrete belief that there will be should the clubs "compensation" claim be successful (and we don't get relegated). As above - that’s not true or possible. There is much more to it then just the arbitration. Based on what out of interest? Sorry, I don’t get what you mean? In my post I meant my reply to Hhtoon outlined why it’s more than just arbitration. If you are asking what I’m basing this knowledge on... A lot of my knowledge is based from speaking to QCs with understanding of the process (not this specific incident). I may have misinterpreted what they told me, but I’ve tried to explain it the best I can. I have also spoken with people who live in (but are not from) KSA. My voews are my own but with theirs shared with me too.
  22. The main party in the consortium literally did say this. So it's been off since that point in your eyes? If so then Ashley's statement and subsequent actions dont add up, furthermore there's enough out there to suggest PIF are still keen, even Luke Edwards accepted PIF were still on board. But further to my original point, we know how AS operates in these exact situations because she's been through them before so it makes no sense for us to believe she'd just slink off into the night without a single word being spoken. Absolutely. It has been off since then. Ashley’s statement and subsequent actions can be explained because he’s unhappy the deal is off. Why would he be fighting for a deal which is going ahead? He wouldn’t need to. It may only be back on once multiple hurdles have been overcome - sadly none of them are even close. Because he doesn't believe the test was carried out properly and feels it should have gone through? He even made direct reference to the fact PIF had provided information the EPL had requested. Those aren't the words of a man who believes this is dead. Well actually, they are the words from a man who believes this is dead: http://www.nufc.co.uk/news/latest-news/club-statement-1 AS carried out an interview where she informed us the deal was off. PIF released a statement withdrawing their bid. MA released the above statement advising the takeover had collapsed. What more do you want/need? Richard Masters himself denied they'd rejected the takeover, and the club subsequently pursued arbitration on the issue of whether the OD test applied appropriately. I'm no legal expert but if the case was for compensation, then I'm not sure why the club would be pursuing it, and not Ashley himself. It's his asset after all. It's worth mentioning that AS also engaged fan action on the issues which we obliged. The Reuben brothers released a statement confirming they're "totally supportive" of a resurrection of the takeover and there has been plenty written about PIFs continued interest. These aren't the actions of people who no longer see the takeover as a viable option. Your last part answers the original point. The Reubens are supportive of a ‘resurrection’. You don’t tend to need to resurrect something that is currently active. The deal is currently off. There is no deal. There only would be a deal if multiple complex issues are resolved (in addition to the arbitration). All of which currently look unlikely. Ahh, so you're arguing semantics. Then yes, I agree there is no official bid on the table that is awaiting approval, but it's my concrete belief that there will be should the clubs "compensation" claim be successful (and we don't get relegated). As above - that’s not true or possible. There is much more to it then just the arbitration.
  23. I copied and pasted the whole statement. Where’s the other statements that’s what I’m saying. NUFC, AS or PIF haven’t released any other official statements. That’s the whole point. What do you think arbitration is attempting to achieve? Do you believe the reporters writing about buyers and sellers intentions are: a. Lying and have had no contact? b. Being lied to by buyers and sellers? In either a or b, what is the motive? I'm absolutely not saying I expect it to go through, but to try and be black and white about it seems a little obtuse. I don’t know what arbitration is trying to achieve. If it was trying to achieve a sale, I’d have massive questions as to why MA is willing to spend millions of pounds on a court case but fail to pay off Bruce to avoid ruining the court case with a relegation. My feelings are MA is trying to get a compensatory claim. Regardless of the arbitration though, that won’t resolve the real issues which are mainly piracy. MA might well win his claim, but the takeover still won’t happen until multiple complex issues in KSA/Qatar are resolved. That’s why people like Keith are full of s***. Telling people to wait for the outcome of the arbitration is pointless because it isn’t the sole deciding factor in this takeover but he’s leading people to believe it is. I think the reporters have had genuine contact from the buyers and sellers, who all hope the takeover goes through and with their best intentions want to keep it in the news/as a positive light. However, the buyers and sellers have had this same confidence for 12 months... Nothing has happened and nothing has got closer. We’re not being told to wait until the summer. As your own quote from the club says, they firmly believe enough legal evidence was shown proving the separation of PIF from the Royal family. If this is what the court case is attempting to resolve, then the whole Bein issue becomes irrelevant. Now it might be that MA is after compensation but whatever the reason, he only wins the legal battle if its proven that PIF is separate in which case it opens up for the takeover again. At which point I believe PIF will come back to the table (relegation notwithstanding). Whether or not he wins that case is another matter. Then Keith can swoop in and save the day with his legal action The first part isn’t true though. Arbitration is there to look at whether the PL followed it’s own processes. It cannot force the PL to make a determination either way on whether PIF are separate. The PL can make whatever decision they like, providing they do it fairly in accordance to their own rules. NUFC’s argument is they haven’t followed their own processes by not making a determination. The PL will only agree to the takeover if the piracy issues are resolved. NUFC may ‘win’ arbitration but the PL could just therefore issue a rejection because they believe PIF are state-backed.
  24. This patter is almost as tragic as ‘Mag’ on RTG. If you want to read blind optimism, I’m reliably informed there is a thread for that. It isn’t blind optimism I have, as much as I would like it to happen, but the last couple of months have seen nothing but the same names spouting relentless negativity irrespective of what has been said and selectively quoting to suit that agenda. If you were so concerned about this takeover can I ask what brought you to the forum only two months ago What has been said that I have ignored? Nothing has been said on the record to suggest the deal is on. As I’ve said multiple times, arbitration proceedings does not mean a takeover is going to happen. I think people misunderstand what the process is and can do. There are multiple other factors of greater significance that need resolving too. Jacobs is completely spot on, btw. I joined two months ago to talk about all things Newcastle on a Newcastle forum. My posts aren’t only directed in this thread and I share my thoughts in others too.
  25. The main party in the consortium literally did say this. So it's been off since that point in your eyes? If so then Ashley's statement and subsequent actions dont add up, furthermore there's enough out there to suggest PIF are still keen, even Luke Edwards accepted PIF were still on board. But further to my original point, we know how AS operates in these exact situations because she's been through them before so it makes no sense for us to believe she'd just slink off into the night without a single word being spoken. Absolutely. It has been off since then. Ashley’s statement and subsequent actions can be explained because he’s unhappy the deal is off. Why would he be fighting for a deal which is going ahead? He wouldn’t need to. It may only be back on once multiple hurdles have been overcome - sadly none of them are even close. Because he doesn't believe the test was carried out properly and feels it should have gone through? He even made direct reference to the fact PIF had provided information the EPL had requested. Those aren't the words of a man who believes this is dead. Well actually, they are the words from a man who believes this is dead: http://www.nufc.co.uk/news/latest-news/club-statement-1 AS carried out an interview where she informed us the deal was off. PIF released a statement withdrawing their bid. MA released the above statement advising the takeover had collapsed. What more do you want/need? Richard Masters himself denied they'd rejected the takeover, and the club subsequently pursued arbitration on the issue of whether the OD test applied appropriately. I'm no legal expert but if the case was for compensation, then I'm not sure why the club would be pursuing it, and not Ashley himself. It's his asset after all. It's worth mentioning that AS also engaged fan action on the issues which we obliged. The Reuben brothers released a statement confirming they're "totally supportive" of a resurrection of the takeover and there has been plenty written about PIFs continued interest. These aren't the actions of people who no longer see the takeover as a viable option. Your last part answers the original point. The Reubens are supportive of a ‘resurrection’. You don’t tend to need to resurrect something that is currently active. The deal is currently off. There is no deal. There only would be a deal if multiple complex issues are resolved (in addition to the arbitration). All of which currently look unlikely.
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