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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. It must be incredibly tiresome to keep having to find news stats to support Bruce with because he’s ruined the last lot. Every single week a pundit trots out an excuse: ‘no team has ever gone down with x points after x games’, two weeks later we fall below the required level.... Next it’s, ‘Rafa only had x points after x games’, then two weeks later Rafa’s points total exceeds his. A revolving door of excuses.
  2. Can’t remember many pundits falling over themselves to find ‘positives’ in games Rafa lost.
  3. Another attempt to make the opponents as dreadful as us. Thankfully this Man Utd team look willing to fall into the trap.
  4. Good job we don’t have a better goalkeeper sat on the bench, that’d be embarrassing. Darlow did well for his stint but should’ve been out of the team the moment Dub was fit. Darlow just isn’t very good. He looked good in a shit team because he had 30 saves to make a game. Which often happens with average goalkeepers in shit teams.
  5. Surprised how many rate Shearer. I don’t like him at all as a pundit, especially as he has fallen over himself all season to back Bruce. Keown used to be dreadful but has grown on me a lot. I agree about Carragher, I don’t always agree with him but you can see he researches his own opinions. McCoist and Gary Lineker are good too. I also like the Micah Richards/Keane double act.
  6. Goalkeepers get away with so much that outfield players wouldn’t. The ball just hit the keeper, he didn’t save it or win it through the challenge - it was a foul.
  7. Calminthechaos/tubes will be here in a minute with a massive 13 year old meltdown. Will it be this thread? The takeover thread? Games on this day?...
  8. You’re right, it’s absolutely fine. When you ignore the performances, form and statistics we look absolutely fine with nowt to worry about.
  9. Compared to our 7 defeats in 9. Hello Championship, our old friend.
  10. Fulham are now unbeaten in four. 2 wins, 2 draws. Both of those draws were games they were the better team too and easily could’ve won. Not to worry though. We’re 8 7 6 5 4 3 points clear and Fulham can’t turn their good performances into points. Bruce will take us down.
  11. Soon to be four. Yet they’re only 3 points behind us at it stands. Incredible that people don’t recognise just how much trouble we’re in. We were 8 points clear of relegation 3 weeks ago, it’s now 3 points.
  12. People keep saying this, yet they've won three times this season. Once since November. Picked up more points than us since November.
  13. It was accidental, pen was the right decision. Does it matter if it was accidental or not? Luiz’s decision a few weeks back was hardly intentional? A quick Google of the rules and it doesn’t mention intent: Where a player commits an offence against an opponent within their own penalty area which denies an opponent an obvious goal-scoring opportunity and the referee awards a penalty kick, the offending player is cautioned if the offence was an attempt to play the ball; in all other circumstances (e.g. holding, pulling, pushing, no possibility to play the ball etc.) the offending player must be sent off.
  14. Should TAA not be sent off? Was that a genuine attempt to play the ball? Would’ve been a certain goal if he didn’t bring him down. Pen was definitely right.
  15. Yup. Said it a few days ago, this is basically the story of our season.
  16. One journalist (who is not known to be a decent source for either NUFC or Rafa stories) makes an outlandish claim that every other journalist seems to disagree with... There’s more chance of Kinnear coming back for a third stint. As others have said, the only way it’d be possible was if the takeover was guaranteed. Sadly, it’s far from guaranteed.
  17. An abysmal night for me tonight Over 2.5 Various bets including Bamford having SOT or goals Over 2.5 cards Various combinations of the above
  18. David Coote who usually books 8 players per match and we’ve had fuck all so far today
  19. Bruce needs sacking after Wolves, to give the new guy chance to put things right. If they leave it late, throwing the new manager a fixture list of Liverpool (a), Arsenal (h), Leicester (a), Man City (h), Sheff Utd (h), Fulham (a) will be too little too late
  20. Probably not, as was said on Sky they have to get in the form of a team that'll finish 10th or 11th after having only won 3 games all season. They don't get beat often but they don't win often enough. Teams have done it before. If they win at the weekend, three points will separate us with us having a worse GD.
  21. Tubes having another meltdown I see
  22. Isn’t everyone motivated by money to some degree? Why else would anyone work? If football managers weren’t motivated by money, should they all do it for free? It’s a weird thing to say as a criticism imo.
  23. I didn’t expect Rooney to be a good manager, he always seemed to come across thick as fuck. Fair play to him. He’s obviously doing something right.
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