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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Failed to haggle over a few hundred thousand. Like we did with many of Carr’s decent picks and ended up at the bottom of the list.
  2. Vardy and Mahrez were at the club before Kante. Both played in the Championship. Mad really That season defies logic on so many levels like. What you’ve said, plus all of the top clubs having a dreadful season all at the same time, plus very few injuries all year, plus key moments going in their favour (remember them getting absolutely battered away at Spurs, clinging on and then snatching a 1-0 win somehow). Incredible achievement but the circumstances to get there are so illogical. All of it needing to take place at exactly the right time. Makes sense of the 5,000/1. Went to Everton.
  3. Bloke probably isn’t even an accountant. All he used to do was repeat what was in their published accounts (often getting it wrong with the marachute payments) and they all seemed to think he was Martin Lewis.
  4. Update: just put BT Sport on and seen Mourinho’s in a bit of a pickle. That’ll keep me going for another 26 minutes
  5. The worst thing about the second Super Sunday game finishing means it’s basically Monday and work tomorrow. This is the turning point for me, hate it
  6. All of which contribute towards the outcome, but are allowed to go ahead. But we over analyse one incident of someone’s toenails being offside apparently. That’s the whole reason VAR is pointless. Football is a game where one innocuous incident is as important as one directly affecting a goal. You’d have to referee the whole game by VAR or not at all, some weird in between and you end up with the mess we have now. A “pure” result, based on absolutely nothing pure.
  7. Probably the worse word to describe modern day football I could ever think of.
  8. I’ve spent many an hour reading it and can still tell you it’d never be a perfect enough science to make the judgements they are trying to make with it. It’s not just the angle of the lines, it’s the angle of looking when contact was made with the ball etc. etc. It’s impossible to measure in the way they are. Edit - and as @WillingtonMagsays, it’s not even in the spirit of the rules to look at it like this.
  9. Football isn’t for the fans anymore, especially those in a stadium.
  10. It is, based on the lines drawn on a TV screen at a questionable angle and using a questionable freeze frame. Measuring hairs with a metre stick. Put that up with no lines or bullshit and 95% of the world would say “looks level that”. Grim how much VAR sucks the enjoyment out of a game like this.
  11. That’s never offside, fuck off.
  12. See what TAA tried to do there, but there was such an easy pass to put Salah through on goal. Criminal.
  13. The fuck are these two doing? Are both teams pissed?
  14. Even those celebrations just seem so manufactured considering the potential prize. Fucking hate Man City as a club The players and Guardiola are class mind.
  15. Said it all along but we’ll be much closer to 10th than 17th.
  16. Everything Man City do seems fucking so small time. What on Earth was that Blue Moon rendition? They’re like a social media product rather than a proper football club.
  17. I usually hate that because it seemed (based on no evidence whatsoever) that players were more susceptible to missing.
  18. They play Man Utd next so it’s definitely a possibility
  19. What happened to yellow cards for diving?
  20. Well that’s the relegation places all wrapped up then.
  21. Should’ve put his boot in warm water briefly before, always helps.
  22. Rodriguez and Westwood have both been atrocious in this game like. Absolutely shocking.
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