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Fantail Breeze

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Everything posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Why wouldn’t we sign him? At worst he’d be a significantly improved back up option for us and a relatively modest price. He’s shown he can be a steady defender. We need more options than 11 players, we need to improve the whole squad and he does that.
  2. You have to be a bit bizarre otherwise you’ll never be interesting to others on social media, Goldbridge another example.
  3. Aston Villa fans didn’t do owt wrong, no idea why a majority of our fans base got so upset by it. It’s exactly what is happening here with Everton and that’s fine. That’s football. A bit like how we all enjoy Man Utd failing, or the potential for Chelsea to go bust.
  4. To be fair, the average fan still gets their information from the same media and pundits who constantly say, without foundation, that he’s the best thing since sliced bread. His horrific managerial record doesn’t matter, if you don’t look at or talk about it.
  5. Be careful there, you’re almost having an opinion on something.
  6. Well, clearly not, based on the posts I was actually responding to. Hence why it’s still a discussion point. Don’t like it? Read a different thread.
  7. Of course back then it was impossible to survive but now it’s inevitable we were going to survive after spending £800m in January* *but the owners still aren’t here to spend, just take the piss. Must be exhausting going through those mental gymnastics
  8. Would be nice to keep our run going but wouldn’t be too upset with a point also. A win would be great because we can really afford to let Burnley bum us on the final day then.
  9. Crazy to see people bending over backwards to find something that isn’t there
  10. If it’s down to GD, I’d fully support Burn booting the ball repeatedly into our own net on the final day for a 10-0 defeat.
  11. Who would’ve thought Burnley might actually be able to play football if you boot that overrated dinosaur into touch.
  12. His form is really poor, no goals or assists since 15 January. I don’t know if it’s because he’s not allowed to do whatever he wants, as he was under Bruce, and he now actually has to play as part of a structured team. We should stick with him as we bring better players in next season for sure, but he needs to step it up.
  13. You can almost guarantee he’ll end up being a pundit of some sort.
  14. Some people’s defence of him is so weird. He’s been an atrocious signing and he was always going to be.
  15. Leicester are fucking useless.
  16. If the same Leicester turn up that we played, they will easily. Any result is enjoyable here mind. Everton win - improves our top 10 hopes Leicester win - keeps Everton in the shit Draw - both of the above
  17. He definitely didn’t mean it. If he did, it would’ve gone out for a throw in.
  18. Was surprised to see Willock wasn’t credited with an assist for Bruno’s second goal yesterday. Any idea why? I know the defender made a hash of blocking it, but it was still his cross after a class run to set it up nicely.
  19. Quicker this lad is flogged to some awful team like Stoke in the Championship the better. Would be disastrous if he was considered any kind of option next year, we’d have to hope he’s never needed. Suppose we’ll get a few duds like this and the cash isn’t an issue anymore, but crazy to think anyone thought he’d ever be effective.
  20. Apparently this was their original plan, although it may have moved on since then as I know they’ve had difficulties with getting it going.
  21. Fantail Breeze

    Dan Burn

    Back to his best yesterday I thought. Cracking block in the second half virtually on the goal line. Daka was absolutely dominated by him and Schar. Didn’t have a sniff.
  22. Remember under Bruce when every throw in, no matter where on the pitch it was, would end up back with Dubravka after three passes?
  23. The squad that was in the playoffs under the previous (apparently shit) manager? Strange
  24. Fair play to Rooney stating he wants to stay and try get Derby back up. Of course the proof will be in the pudding and they need their future securing with the takeover, but sounds really genuine. Must say my respect for him has gone up massively whilst a manager. Hated him as a player and thought he cane across as a right tosser but he comes across so well as a manager and speaks well. A bit of the opposite of Lampard. Loved him as a player and now despise him as a manager
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