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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, Kanji said:

    I said it yesterday but we could literally sign a mid tiered striker from Europe or lower league and they’d be offering more structure than playing a midfielder in attack due to the fact we can’t rely on perma crock Gayle and Wilson 


    Someone like Rivière?


    We’ve seen under Ashley, a decent striker is one hell of an important position and if you neglect it, 9/10 you’re scraping a relegation battle.


    I’d rather us spend £40m on a striker right now than a CB. At least we already have some CB options.

  2. Just now, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


    He's a stop gap signing. Not a long term one. I think if we get him he can and will score the goals to keep us up. 


    We’re going to need more than five goals (which his entire career has shown to be his probable ceiling, not taking into account his age and potential decline).


    There are far better options available for the same money Burnley would demand for him. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Kanji said:

    simple math of how many on the plate chances our midfielders who’ve been in strikers positions have fluffed. 


    By that logic we could just sign someone from League Two and they’d score those goals too.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Wullie said:

    Glad I'm not the only one having a shocker of a time at the minute. 


    Not had a single decent win all season which is really poor from me, usually have a few which balance out the losses.

  5. Just now, Mr Raspberry Jam said:


    I think with Wood though, you know what you're getting. Diaz from Blackburn might be out of his depth being chucked into a top flight relegation fight, then again he might not. 


    Signing Diaz doesn't weaken a relegation rival either, Wood does. 


    What would we be getting? A striker who gets 10 goals a season? So we’d probably get up to five from him between now and then end of the season.


    Brereton would have to be a total disaster to not manage five goals for us.


    Signing Wood might not weaken anyone. Who knows, the funds we give them for him might be used on another Cornet. Could backfire terribly. 

  6. Signing Wood would scream a stop-gap appointment to be Wilson’s temporary replacement and get us through to the summer.


    I wouldn’t be totally opposed to it, but someone like Brereton would be much more progressive/exciting.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kanji said:

    Not sure how many of you manage people but you’re never going to get a response from low on confidence people by berating them in public to further dent their confidence. 

    It’s well documented he handles matters like these behind closed doors where they should happen. 


    It’s not berating players in public I expected to see. But I certainly didn’t expect to see him try and tell us we played well after losing at home to a team fighting relegation in League One.

  8. 32 minutes ago, mofo said:

    There is some serious fucking drivel on here tonight. Maxi had a poor game today but he's been performing well since Howe has come in.

    When we have a striker who can hold the ball up and allow him to play off he's great to watch. People used to say Ginola held onto the ball too long, at times he probably did but you just need to accept that if you want players like him in the team.



    He’s got 2 goals and 0 assists since Howe came in. He was actually better under Bruce, both on the eye and statistically with 2 goals and 3 assists.


    He’s gone off injured more times than he’s contributed to goals and assists under Howe.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    Rule doesn’t apply to goalkeepers when making a save, nor if the ball hits the frame of the goal.


    I remember asking a similar point when this happened previously, someone found some guidance or rule on it somewhere - will try dig it out.






    It’s this paragraph from Rule 11:


    ”A player in an offside position receiving the ball from an opponent who deliberately plays the ball, including by deliberate handball, is not considered to have gained an advantage, unless it was a deliberate save by any opponent. 


    A ‘save’ is when a player stops, or attempts to stop, a ball which is going into or very close to the goal with any part of the body except the hands/arms (unless the goalkeeper within the penalty area).”


    So their player was not offside and not considered to have gained an advantage because they received the ball from Shelvey (as he was the last player to deliberately play the ball).


    Schar was offside because despite receiving the ball from the keeper, that is considered a deliberate save.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    Mentioned it a few times but I cannot see how Schar's tap in is regarded as the same phase of play but Ironside's wasn't like. Unless their keeper is deemed to have accidentally saved it or something.


    Rule doesn’t apply to goalkeepers when making a save, nor if the ball hits the frame of the goal.


    I remember asking a similar point when this happened previously, someone found some guidance or rule on it somewhere - will try dig it out.

  11. 10 minutes ago, snabelkabel said:

    So you could theoretically leave a player way offside and try to pass to that player via deflection off an opponent?


    Where is this new law, all i found was this rule? ?


    It’s technically not a deflection because Shelvey intentionally attempts to play for the ball.


    I don’t think it’s necessarily a new rule, I think it’s the updated guidance/interpretation around phases of play (when VAR came in).

    An opponent intentionally playing for the ball and making contact = a new phase of play.

  12. 2 minutes ago, A good win said:

    Cambridge forward goes through one on one with the keeper end of the first half, he’s brought down, it was a straight red and stone wall penalty. Ref bottles it because of the massive crowd. 


    Yep. Wasn’t even like their win was a smash and grab, they deserved it and it could’ve been more than one.

  13. Cambridge had more possession and shots against us than we have managed in eight PL games this season.


    Liverpool, Man City, Norwich, Arsenal, Brighton, Chelsea, Palace, Tottenham.


    A team 16th in League One, performed better against us than we have when playing teams in our own league.


    We were outstandingly bad today. That’s as bad a result and performance (when taking into account the opposition) that I can recall for years. 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Maybe he liked that. Being bigger than the club. Now that things are moving as a club I think he’ll be left behind. The attention is no longer all about him and as we add more players that will continue.


    I agree in parts but he also seems like a genuinely nice guy. I think his problem is that  he thinks he’s better than he is and he doesn’t think too highly of his teammates’ abilities.


    Which leads him to trying to do it all on his own and ultimately achieving nothing.


    Having him lose the ball after doing 40 stepovers and pirouettes while ignoring his team mates in better positions is criminal. 


    If he was scoring every game or singlehandedly winning it, fair enough. But he’s not. One moment of magic every five games or so is not good enough to mask his obvious limitations.


    Said it countless times but football is a team game for a reason. When you’re in the shit it’s even more important to play as a team.


    Man Utd are having the same issue right now with Ronaldo, an individual playing for himself rather than the team.

  15. It doesn’t even get much better with the likes of:


    Joelinton 1 goal 1 assist

    Murphy 1 goal 1 assist


    Another 35 appearances between them. 100 appearances across six attacking players and we can celebrate 3 goals and 3 assists.


    Our only attacking players that have really contributed are ASM and Wilson, it’s not possible to win games like this.

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