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Dancing Brave

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Everything posted by Dancing Brave

  1. And typically a Mag ( in fact two ) were at that match. That's why the mackems never sing "You'll never see a Mag in Liege " edit
  2. Aye, Eddie shouted back " I'll not see you in Milan "
  3. Latest count at the great north run.. Eddie 354 high fives.. 0 mackem abuse.
  4. It's off the map in this thread https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/nufc-fans-have-power-to-speak-up-says-human-rights-campaigner.1615232/
  5. The daft fuckers have even got a thread on it "Eddie Howe has been chosen to start the Great North Run on Sunday. This run is now being turned into an ongoing Mag fest and just shows that the GNR is now a commercial freak show where indirect promotion of NUFC and the Saudi regime is blatantly accepted as normal. Presumably there will be minorities who are outlawed in Saudi Arabia competing in this event, where tens of thousands of pounds are raised for charitable causes, I wonder how they all feel? Choosing Howe to start a high profile, televised event, is an absolute piss-take. I hope he gets booed to fcuk. Just go all the fckuing way next year and have the Saudi's sponsoring it, bin Salman starting it and everyone who takes more than two hours to do it beheaded on the Shields sea front for public entertainment. Absolute disgrace. Hope he gets booed all the way to the Medieval East...." https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/eddie-howe-chosen-as-great-north-run-starter-on-sunday.1615299/
  6. I remember when Peter Reid started the GNR. Hell on all over Newcastle at this proper mackem-fest ! 20,000 Mags refused to run in the race
  7. Fingers crossed he'll be ok.
  8. The difference in away ends between us and man u after 3-1 defeats
  9. I agree, so that will still make it 8 seasons outside the Premier League.
  10. Mason Greenwood transfer news: Getafe sign Man U forward https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66691162
  11. You mean Newcastle United's champions league opponents Dortmund are winning.
  12. "Mods can we parsnip this shite" "Why? Because the truth hurts?? 55 likes on my post. Its true. Deal with it. Own your part in the shitshow we have become."
  13. Bless them https://sunderlandglobalmedia.org/high-crown-pub-puts-up-large-safc-logo-as-row-over-newcastle-lingers-on/?fbclid=IwAR2NDZIwnsZStDJJuFUrZReEDt-cad0y7vt4B0wkctm1tHn0pYAdKaq2moU_aem_ATl_qIj7WgC3BrDZGxVCf8JiyWgadV2lMXccUk20Js-rZ43yQXVAlz2dGt6QKlOcMe4
  14. Is 7 seasons outside the Premier League short term ?
  15. 8/10 for me. If every transfer over the next few years is an 8/10 imagine the team we could have by then.
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