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Everything posted by AJ9

  1. Apologies that should be in the other thread probably…on a more fun note I’m still absolutely buzzing - excited to hear our plans this week!
  2. I thought the guardian were pretty good in discussing it on Football weekly btw (apart from that arsehole Glendenning - but he’s been a paid troll for a while). There is something quite hypocritical about sports journalism though - they’re complete enablers of sportswashing by continuously writing articles, podcasting etc. So it’s not just fans that are in a moral quandary. The best thing to do would be to take an ethical stance and stop writing about us, Man City, PSG, but they’ll not do that because football is football and the news cycle needs to be fed.
  3. I get what you’re saying but I think that article is pretty fair tbh
  4. Total rabbitholes going on now. Isn’t it okay to just say as the title suggests - I’m conflicted? There is no resolution to this argument.
  5. Absolutely class result for Scotland. Would love to see us go for Gilmour, he’s class. Patterson has also been a revelation on the right.
  6. I think if we’re going to examine other countries’ rap sheet we might take time to examine our own country’s history. Think we will all find a fair few reprehensible things there - which is why making us as fans responsible for the dealings of the nation is completely mad. We would also have to question why fans support national teams too. It’s just mad. Enjoy the fucking ride lads, when we’re all old and pissing ourselves at least we may be able to say we saw NUFC win something.
  7. I’m happy about the takeover and am just going to try and enjoy the ride. Won’t be buying any shite relating to Saudi Arabia or dancing around with a tea towel on my head. The irony of all of this is that I think our fan base will have had more discussion and reflection on human rights over the past 18 months than they would have otherwise. Like someone else has said, I’m not going to feel like I have to justify my support for a club I’ve supported my entire lives. That being said, the Saudi regime is a fucking horrible murderous regime. So is the US by the way.
  8. 100% yes. This is the only inclusive/sane part of NUFC internet
  9. fucking horrific. Fucking cunts
  10. I was 21 and in my 3rd year of Uni. Thankfully I had a season ticket during the Robson years which was amazing. Since then, all my family have moved out of Newcastle, got married and am about to have my second kid. NUFC was really the last thing keeping me tied to the city.
  11. Fuck me. I just had an emotional moment there. Just keep thinking about the brilliant moments this fucking mad basket of a club has given me, and then I think of passing this nonsense onto my kids. It feels so good.
  12. Brentford (H) under Rafa in the championship. Not sure when the next one will be but hoping to make it a family affair.
  13. Pizza and beers, scrolling here. Drinks out in Glasgow tomorrow night.
  14. I just had a little party in the kitchen with the lad. "Play the Blaydon Races" no bother son!
  16. It’s going to be 3pm isn’t it ???
  17. Yeah lets leave that shite behind. We've all had our disagreements about supporting the club. We all deserve to support a new version of NUFC.
  18. I don’t want Keegan in and around the football side of things. Think it’s a step back. However, it would be amazing if the new owners made a point of reaching out to our legends (KK, Shearer, heck even Jonas and Hughton) and recognised them. KK should at the very least have a fucking stand named after him.
  19. Bruce has to go man. He’s a dead duck. Hated by fans, not particularly liked by the team, and not the bee owners pick. His position is untenable
  20. Oh my fucking god. I can’t believe it. I have such a crazy set of emotions. I joined N-O (first time) not long after Ashley arrived. It’s going to be mad to see us all pull together to support the club. Cannot wait to take my little boy to SJP now. Fucking come on!!!!
  21. Tell you what though, as much as this place can be full of knackers at times, I’d sooner see a majority from here run the Trust than some of the current NUST board
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