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Everything posted by AJ9

  1. We are the worst at getting deals done man. How is it that after so many attempts with so many other players we still can’t agree a deal with a seller. It’s insane.
  2. Until the scarf is above the head I refuse to believe. But fuck me this would be amazing
  3. If I was going to set up a spammy transfer related website full of bullshit, I reckon the name football insider would be what I would call it
  4. Yeah I can’t remember football insider being reliable at all. Fingers crossed their information is solid though!
  5. God, please just get this fucking done
  6. We are world class at agreeing fees with players whose clubs don’t want to sell.
  7. Get ready for it…3,2,1…Newcastle have agreed terms with player, but no fee agreed.
  8. Will see what happens at the end of the window, but so far it looks like a clusterfuck
  9. “Hey guys, so we’ve spoken to your man Duvan and we have his contract sorted. So let us have him already m’kay?”
  10. AJ9

    Diego Carlos

    Going back and forth trying to agree a fee with a club that clearly doesn’t want to sell. I too am not aware of the finer details, but am taking what is being reported and concluding we have wasted our fucking time.
  11. AJ9

    Diego Carlos

    This is bollocks tbh, wasted so much time on this, only to be punked by these arseholes. I’m fine with them walking away, but surely we could have handled this better
  12. I’m not particularly frightened of that appointment to be honest. I don’t think they have the quality palace had. However, he will tighten them up. We just need to focus on us, hodgson is neither here nor there.
  13. I live in Glasgow, it’s a pretty common phrase. Get through a power of work is the most heard, but you hear it with literally anything, power of booze, power of fanny, power of drugs etc. Can be used with all sorts!
  14. Credit where it’s due. Well done that man. Something to build on hopefully!
  15. Thank fuck! Absolutely brilliant! Had to ignore it for the family’s sake - past few weekends have basically ruined all family time. Dram tonight to celebrate!
  16. While I don’t think he should be sacked, there’s going to be a lot of pressure and scrutiny should we lose. Some of it it entirely warranted IMO.
  17. If play 4 at the back I think we need two midfielders to sit and Joelinton further forward. I have no idea who that two would be. We are so fucked.
  18. Or to put it another way, he is bang average, but what we have at the moment is fucking turd
  19. I dunno, I watched a few of their games over the years, and I see a better player than what we’ve got. Nothing special, nowhere near Digne, but better than our lot. I felt there were times when he worked well with Grealish on the left and looked capable of hitting decent passes over the top, and delivering into the box.
  20. I think Targett is decent personally. Better than what we have, decent delivery. Doubt he will want to come here though.
  21. AJ9

    Diego Carlos

    The Brett Emerton of the PIF era. Will undoubtedly be used as part of a “monitoring”/“over the line” joke on here in 10 years time
  22. If I were the consortium, I’d be keeping a list of all the clubs who have dicked us about and in a couple of years time just start fucking them up, unsettling players, gazumping their bids, stealing their youth prospects. Scorched earth.
  23. AJ9

    Jesse Lingard

    If we stayed up, I think we could probably try to go for someone a bit younger and more talented tbh.
  24. AJ9

    Jesse Lingard

    Jesus just do the loan. Don’t particularly want him beyond summer anyway.
  25. AJ9

    Jesse Lingard

    This window is turning into a total shambles
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