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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Weakest arsenal I've seen at St James for 20 plus years this.. The fact its challenging for top 4 shows it won't take much for us to get competitive.
  2. Who the feck wouldn't want to play infront of that crowd..
  3. Absolute million miles from the place it was last year ? amazing
  4. He walks into chelsea,Tottenham and arsenal teams..same with man utd
  5. Now that would be some signing
  6. Jeez.. I think the mods need to hire David dimbleby ?
  7. Chiellini is leaving juventus aswell....imagine ?
  8. Disgusting behaviour ?
  9. Unfortunately not all the signings we will make in the coming seasons will work out..and some will be big money to.
  10. If they didn't know Phillips was quality then.. that's their probs
  11. Wonder If kante wants to go three clubs three title ?
  12. Imagine this time last year saying meh to Phillips ?
  13. I'll go back to social media. It's allowed people to surround themselves in echo Chambers and its made them convinced that's how the world is because that's all they see or hear... so everything else is evil or wrong.
  14. Motson, Davies, Moore We was spoilt as kids
  15. Rather listen to a game of daminos on radio than Sam matterface
  16. Decided I want Chelsea to win.. Don't like klopps face
  17. He's not one for seeing how it goes is he salah.. Straight off
  18. Turning Into a good game this
  19. Oh sunderland is a given
  20. Scouse next door neighbour is convinced the world's against him.
  21. Couldn't find two clubs I hate more.
  22. Pet hate here. No reason Chelsea shouldn't be in blue.
  23. Find decimal so much easier.. my mate won't have it though
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