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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. Him sounding like a drunk gazza may sway it for England ?
  2. Net worth he's around the 5bn I think. With him bankrolling the dodgers aswell..that's two huge pay outs.
  3. Gaztoon


    Can't wait to read how this is good for them but bad for us ?
  4. Apart from City an Liverpool.. everyone else is getable next season IMO.
  5. Gaztoon


    Everton down 100% Just to watch the melt down on toffee TV
  6. I once scored a try at the old Wembley in the schools final before the challenge Cup final. Does that make me a famous fan ?
  7. Just having a season without worrying about relegation will be a lovely change.
  8. Please don't.. I've not got 5000 quid ?
  9. I'm giving 5000/1 if anyone is interested ?
  10. Just keep going on flashscore looking at the league in disbelief ?
  11. It was 94.. he got suspended a few days after.
  12. Gaztoon


    Same here.. They must know everyone can see through the fake outrage and "not arsed me" posts.
  13. Gaztoon


    The atmosphere on that board stinks of depression and soul crushing jealousy ?
  14. 9th if results go our way Saturday ????
  15. Will cheer a Everton relegation like a almiron stunner ?
  16. Does my head in .. but we was supposed to be thankful for 17th under Ashley
  17. Gaztoon

    Emil Krafth

    Said before I knew who it was.. that's the tackle of the season for us.
  18. Imagine him with players on his wavelength ?
  19. 11th if results go our way next round ???
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