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Everything posted by Gaztoon

  1. "Who may have been offended" What grown up would get offended ?
  2. Wanted this lad when he was in the states.. would be a top signing IMO Highly thought of by pirlo to.
  3. Just listening to talksport 2. And one of the guys believes schar is OK but gets to many red cards ?
  4. These ITK need to make the minds up. He wants to stay or he wants to be down south .. can't be both ?
  5. Good replacement for fernandinho
  6. We'll go into the first game of the season quite abit strong than we finished this season.. Just enjoy it
  7. Every top team as positions covered by atleast two good players.
  8. So glad I'm not on twitter anymore.. some of our fans will be unbearable this window.
  9. Oh the usual suspects in the media will say we do.
  10. Almost a whole day into the off-season and still no announcements WORRYING !
  11. Even if its a 1% chance we could get him.. I'd be trying everything
  12. Just about to say the same.. looks a genuine guy
  13. Finished 11th Unbelievable from the howe and the lads
  14. Etitike Wilson Tony Would be a very decent striker group.
  15. Definitely. Hopefully the lad from frankfurt
  16. Ekitike Paqueta Henderson Lodi Long shot... Eriksen
  17. Gaztoon


    Pocket money rise if they want to survive though.
  18. Gaztoon


    Will be apocalyptic next season when they drop without a fight ?
  19. Shearer's free kick at old trafford
  20. Not a clue what real footballing misery is these lot ? So entitled
  21. Gaztoon


    Having so many people who's not showered for weeks in a small area is bad for the environment ?
  22. Newcastle owners watching with interest ?
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