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Everything posted by WillingtonMag

  1. Don't want him back even if it doesn't work out with Howe.
  2. What on earth has he done there, easy header haha.
  3. Up to a 9 after today for me like, the win can't always come next weekend. That's a relegation 6 pointer today and we fucked it.
  4. That's fair enough can you tell me what he's doing that you disagree with or that is the cause of our results though ?
  5. It counts for a point today at least doesn't it you buffoon ?
  6. I've just accepted it now its the middle of January and we've only won game man, if it was any other other club we'd being saying they were down and their fans deluded if they thought otherwise.
  7. Not sure what Eddie Howe done wrong today like, we were the better team and set us up well. Ours players completely lost their heads in the last 20 minutes.
  8. Been asking for that for atleast 20 minutes, completely lost our heads and our shape. Feel sick but can't just keep saying next week we"ll get the win, we are going down.
  9. Don't know if I'm gonna have a heart attack, stroke or shite myself.
  10. We're comfortably the better team will score in the second half.
  11. Best team we could have put out for me, if we don't win think we just have to accept we aren't good enough.
  12. A focal point for the team Is exactly what we need right now and we are in a dog fight, don't see what the issues are with that at all.
  13. Win and I think we will stay up, lose and think we'll go down. Today is massive.
  14. Italian football is full of goals these days like.
  15. Can't see this one happening unfortunately.
  16. Saying we don't have anyone at the club who can strike a ball I'd say its a good signing.
  17. Ali and Ramsey would definitely improve us at the minute just don't think they be good long term, staying up is our priority though.
  18. We don't have a single fit player in our squad capable of scoring goals man ffs.
  19. Spot on we literally have no one at the club at the minute who can strike a fucking ball and finish a chance and people are complaining about this. Ridiculous.
  20. If he gets a chance in the box I'm confident he will score which I couldn't say for any other player at the club other than Wilson. That alone makes it a good signing.
  21. Why would they sell him for £35 million they are second in the league fighting for promotion.
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