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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. I think there was an argument 25+ years ago to say you had to have more talent as an attacking player than you did as a defensive one. But I'd say these days that's no longer the case, and in fact if anything the modern 'full back' has to be one of the most talented players on the pitch, or at least the one with the widest skillset. It's still a bit daft to try and directly compare forwards and defenders mind. I take the point about Henry being more talented than any PL CB. But Cannavaro's career spanned a similar time to Henry's and I think there's a discussion to be had there certainly.
  2. Think that might just be because you're on the look out for it more than any other side. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Man U, and maybe 15 years ago you'd have more of a point. But I have way more hate in my heart for say an Everton or a Villa than your lot. Same's true for most of my IRL pals. Only one still utterly despises Man U, and even that is mainly down to all his in-laws supporting them
  3. I'm sure we will buy a couple players for £40m+ in the Summer, but with FFP we can't buy 5/6 players like that.
  4. Scott McTominay is pretty underwhelming, but then when I think of the improvement Howe has gotten out of pretty much every member of the starting 11 then I think maybe there could be something there.
  5. God that's right, it felt like some places had him on his way over for a medical at one point.
  6. I do have a feeling we will win this (2-1). That being said, given their home form a draw wouldn't be the disaster some of the Twitter bedwetters would immediately suggest it is.
  7. Got Botman in the Summer despite interest from CL teams.
  8. Certainly seems more doable this Summer. Weren't Chelsea supposedly the main competition for him in the Summer (if there was anything in that), I know Todd Boehly is a crazy MF'er, but you have to imagine they're not going to spend big on someone who plays in a very similar way to the guy (Enzo) they've just got huge on.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I love Alan Shearer, but there were times that season where we had Shearer, Kluivert & Bellamy where it seemed like Shearer may be the odd one out. Remember Kluivert and Bellamy playing pretty well together the few times they did. Seem to remember them doing really well away at Palace. Not saying Kluivert was definitely the one to replace Shearer, as he wasn't exactly young either, & definitely had long spells where he didn't fancy it, but it certainly made the point that maybe it was getting time for phasing Shearer into being more of a bench option.
  10. Yeah, there were whispers about this at the time. I'm sure it was the season before Bobby ended up going himself. Want to say Celtic were the team being mentioned.
  11. Lodi has really kicked on in the past few months. Seemed a bit lost when he first joing, like all Forest players did then to be fair, but is really showing why we were after him now. Wouldn't be shocked at all if it is him, especially now he has a season of PL experience.
  12. Aye, very harsh. Even if we bring in a right sided CB in the Summer, I'd fully expect it to be a young'un with a lot of potential to be blooded in slowly. Schar and Botman are good for at least one more season after this.
  13. There is also the couple times a game he will start a run from just inside our half that takes him right up to the pen area, bringing in the 'shooooooot' cries. Shows amazing restraint 99% of the time and looks for the pass. I'd be open to him attempting more thunderbastards. Certainly has it in him.
  14. While you're here @brummieI'm curious to hear what Villa fans think of the clubs current prospects/overall ambition. I feel like before the PIF takeover it was Villa who were best placed in terms of both wealth of owners, and their willingness to invest, to break into that top 7/6 consistently. Do the fanbase see that as being a lot harder now there's a team outside that traditional 'top 6' who, in theory (once FFP and commercial catches up) can match up with/outmatch most teams in Europe financially and would now be seen as the favourite to break in consistently over the course of the next couple seasons? Or do you still see a route through?
  15. Yep. Barnes hasn't been great this season, but most Leicester players aside from Maddison haven't been. Think he has all the tools to be a top quality PL wide player.
  16. Ha aye, I was lucky in that I happened to look at my watch just as the second half started, so knew roughly 6:20pm would be 90mins. Was a pain not having easy access to the time left though.
  17. Which sucks for them because, whether it's us or another team in the top 6, he is surely going to have no shortage of offers in the Summer.
  18. Ha aye, end of the first half then first 10 mins or so of the second half (hard to tell exactly when as this was when the clocks freaked out. Anyone else notice that?) his movement got to the point I was worried he was injured. Think when he knew Wilson was being prepared to come on he gave one last push to get through.
  19. Heard similar stuff. Boils my piss. A) He is held to insane standards, more so since Howe came in and people now get on at him about his pressing/tracking back as well as the usual. B) Short memories. Remember when Bruces' idea of tactics was 'give the ball to Maxi halfway inside his own half and pray.' He was the only bright spot in the darkest days.
  20. Isn't it already known that they're still around for next season, but it will be their last?
  21. Think the fact he has only just started to get mins off the bench in the last game suggests he won't be ready to start a PL game for at least another couple weeks.
  22. JFC 'crisis' man. Can people get a grip. 1. This is a squad still vastly over-performing. Sure our first choice starting 11 is the strongest it's been for a few years, but there is no depth. Like, at all. If you'd have offered any of us 8th upwards at the start of the season we'd have snapped your hand off. 2. We aren't actually playing all that badly. We have lost 3 in a row against 3 teams that are likely going to be in the top 4 (or at the very least) above us this season. Would this have happened to pre-world cup Newcastle? Probably not, but we were performing so far past our levels for that run that it was always going to be unsustainable. Yes, there is an issue with scoring goals. Almiron was always going to level off, he wasn't really scoring tap-in's in that mental run, a lot of them were low probability punts that flew in. We obviously need to improve on our clear cut chance creation. And (even more obviously) we have to become more clinical. Anyway. I feel like ASM, Isak, and Willock all made a strong case for starting v Wolves. Not sure Howe will want to make 3 changes in one go to the starting 11, so if I had to predict 2 it would be Willock in as J7 is suspended anyway, and Isak in for Wilson. Personally I'd like to see ASM in for Miggy and have he and Gordon keep switching flanks. As much as Howe likes his inverted inside forwards in the wide areas, we looked dangerous against City with balls going into the box from near the dead ball line.
  23. As others have said, feel its likely that (despite all the talk) we will actually be unchanged (Pope aside). I do think Targett needs to be back in the side, but Eddie won't want to have a player just coming back from injury starting against a side like Man City. Feel like the most likely change is Isak in for Wilson, but even that is hardly nailed on.
  24. Think one of the reasons this is separate from the All or Northing series is to leave the door open to subsequent follow-up seasons. They will likely want to cover the club as it (hopefully) slowly becomes a global football powerhouse.
  25. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that they are monitoring Bruno. I'm sure most of the elite teams in Europe are. Its whether we'd even entertain an offer, and if he'd even be interested that are the actual questions. FWIW Real Madrid are the only team that scare me with Bruno. They still have huge pull, and I'm sure Bruno has mentioned that he used to follow them as a kid.
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