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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. Anyone else remember waking up on the last day of the Jan window last year and suddenly (for a couple hours anyway) it seemed like Ekitike would get done as well?
  2. Isn't £40m the supposed price we were willing to go to in the Summer? Think that story is just that bit of info re-hashed.
  3. Haven't seen the actually video of him answering, but 'not being drawn' implies to me it's something that's being considered/worked on. Usually Eddie will just come out and deny any specific player links if theres nothing in them. Obviously Lampard going could impact any Gordon movement.
  4. I actually think he is carrying a slight knock that they're trying not to draw attention to.
  5. It's the "sorry, no" that came as he was leaving that makes me think he was answering the 'can you shed any light?' rather than 'is it happening?'
  6. I must've watched that specific episode 3/4 times at this point. Stick it on if I need cheering up.
  7. I actually think Howe would turn him into a hell of a player. Which I don't want for the little rat-faced shit head. Would much rather he disappeared into Championship/League 1 obscurity.
  8. This is some 3D chess shit trying to get this move off. Never seen a thread created based on (largely) Twitter 'ITK' accounts. As far as I can see (outside of Hopes largely hedging article) the only people sure this is happening is Casey and that lad who keeps offering people ASDA pizzas if it turns out he's wrong. I'm going Chicken, Sweetcorn, Ham and BBQ sauce.
  9. Think Thuram (Marcus) has already said he'd only go to Inter or Bayern(?) if he were to move in January.
  10. Sky Sports saying they're relatively straight forward conditions. Imagine that means appearances.
  11. For what it's worth, that Jacque Talbot lad reckons this isn't the case.
  12. Not to be a pedantic twat, but it's 3 in 4 isn't it? Liverpool, Palace, Bournemouth and Fulham?
  13. He has looked absolute dross this season. Second half of last season he looked like he was starting to understand how to use his pace and constant running to pin opposition full backs back, and make dangerous runs into the box. I do think Howe and his team could turn him into a useful player to have. That being said, the man is a little rat-faced cunt who attempts to wind players up constantly, and throws himself to the floor at the sniff of a challenge trying to win a free kick or pen. If he did sign (which I don't think he will, this is all Casey BS), it will take a looooong time to grow to even like the guy.
  14. Conte's going to need a second hair transplant by the time he's done at Spurs.
  15. Anyone else not think they may just be letting Wood go now Isak is back? Spent the first half of the season with only one backup striker, could be the same in the second half, just Isak instead of Wood in the squad.
  16. Aye. I'd imagine it's survival and number of games played. 10 if I had to take a stab in the dark guess.
  17. Think there's a chance it's Arsenal, especially if they win the league.
  18. Doubt he will have been doing anything heavy impact on his ankle. No running (on grass or treadmill). Imagine he has been on the weights or bike.
  19. This thread really starts to get wild in the afternoons after a day of nothing to go on.
  20. Aye, wouldn't be too harsh on them, just means things are far more locked down. Have been ever since Ashworth came in. Isak was the one that really blew my mind. Few rumours early in the Summer but nothing solid, then the next thing we know it's basically done with the player on his way over to sign.
  21. What's happened with Danjuma? In the space of 12 months he has gone from being linked with the likes of Man Utd and Spurs, to seemingly having to pick between Everton and Bournemouth.
  22. Aye, it's a shame, but I imagine this will be the only season where Wilson is seen as first choice, with Isak either as backup or on the left. Think next season Wilson will likely be the bench option next year, which is a pretty awesome option to have from as a backup.
  23. To be honest, if they were bringing in a high profile player and trying to keep it under the radar it would make more sense to fly them into Tees Valley (or whatever that airport is calling itself these days) and bringing them down in one of those blacked out people carriers.
  24. Feel like clubs very rarely do that as it almost always gets out. There are too many people that work at the ground/training ground for someone like Moukoko to be able to have a look about without it getting out there. If that jet has anything to do with us/Moukoko I imagine it will be a delegation from here going out to talk with his people and Dortmund.
  25. Unless Dortmund decide to try and bring something in for him now rather than lose him for a tribunal set fee in the Summer.
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