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Everything posted by sushimonster85

  1. Will be a lot tougher than a lot of people would expect. Best just to accept that Mitro is nailed on to score at some point. Still think we should have enough though, going 2-1.
  2. Don't know what I'd prefer. Getting City now and having our best crack at them while they're needing to rotate their side, or the all Manchester semi dream and praying Man U knock them out. I'd fancy our chances in a final v anyone other than City.
  3. Yeah, fully expecting one of the additions in the Summer to be another (right footed) CB to compete with, and eventually be the successor to, Schar.
  4. He can maintain his sprint speed longer than most as well.
  5. I fear the sucker punch. Feels like it's been coming from around 35mins on. Only really seemed to find out attacking verve again just before half time.
  6. It could that the French FA reached out to our medical team for an update on him (the same the English FA were talking to us about Wilson) and he feels like what we've said has some sort of impact on him going maybe? But even so, that injury kept him out pretty much till the world cup break. He played in that league cup V Palace, but was pretty quiet.
  7. Anyone manage to save the pics before they were take down?
  8. Aye, feels like that's his agent signalling what they're after to try an invite interest.
  9. Aye, there'd be no loan to the SPL for Moukoko, he'd be straight in the squad and pushing to start.
  10. Agree with all your post, but especially the Sterling example. Remember just how blatant it was when he had the 'gall' to buy his mum a nice house.
  11. Not sure I'd wish that on my worst enemy, let alone a footballer I love! Maybe West Ham if it has to be a PL team. Would love to see him go tear up Serie A or La Liga.
  12. Where are we a pre-game tweet watch? Any sign yet?
  13. Feel like with both Maddison and (more so) Tielemans, Leicester may end up blinking later in the window. Especially if both make it clear they're not going to be signing new deals. This is their last chance to get anything at all for Tielemans, and their last chance at ~£40m for Maddison. Think the issue we will have is, if they do end up making either or both available, that will bring in a lot of teams. Can see Spurs chasing Maddison.
  14. Also 150k p/w is a lot, but in terms of breaking our current structure, if this is a deal for the Summer I imagine the structure will have changed by then. Whenever this new Bruno contract does get sorted I imagine that will put him up around the 180-200kpw mark.
  15. Could be a big one. Kid is supposed to be the next big thing in terms of European wonderkid strikers. Already in the German senior national setup.
  16. Aye, think they're going to blink in the final few days of the window. Only thing that worries me is that it also invites bids from Arsenal/top teams in Europe.
  17. I don't think he speaks shit per se, but I don't think he has much in the way of sources. But he is at least open with when he is just theorising, as opposed to taking guesses and presenting it as being ITK.
  18. Genuinely don't think we'd struggle with a Conference League or even Europa League group with the squad as is/with one or two additions. CL would be an entirely different matter. Europa we'd likely scrape second in the group. Conference League we'd top a group with the current squad.
  19. This. I still think the owners have a long term plan in place that they're not going to risk on the chance of top 4 this season. If the right player comes up at the right price they will move, but there's no point trying to jump 2 years ahead in the plan if it means we damage ourselves by not having a squad to compete on an additional front next season. Howe has said himself he doesn't like to integrate too many new players into the squad in one go.
  20. Hoping it's not only our current full strength team, but also if it gets down to the last 20mins and we need a goal/Wilson needs to come off, Isak is ready to go.
  21. From all accounts, as much as it a more tightly run ship for leaks these days, it suggests that the owners see CL this season as something that would be a huge bonus, but would be way ahead of schedule. I don't see them seriously risking long term plans/transfer strategy on what something that is still likely a long shot. We're in a great position at the moment. But Man U win their game in hand they go ahead of us. We're not miles clear of Spurs, and Liverpool will go on a run at some point.
  22. Agree with this. Once we get to the end of Jan Leicester really do have a big call to make with Tielemans. Will be their last chance to get any sort of fee for him.
  23. Yep, Longstaff should be in the squad for a good few season to come. Partly because he would be a great depth option when we do bring in a better player ahead of him, and partly because of his home grown status, which is going to be increasingly important if/when we are qualifying for European competition consistently.
  24. Wouldn't have thought so. With Krafth out we're a Trippier injury away from a top 4 tilt with Javier Manquillo at RB.
  25. Yep, think a top quality LB will be high on the priority list in the Summer. I love BDB, but he just doesn't offer the same as Trippier, and Howe clearly doesn't fancy Targett.
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