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The Fountain

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Everything posted by The Fountain

  1. Nail on head. Eddie will improve him as he has Joelinton, Almiron, Schar, Longstaff, Murphy etc.
  2. We could have bought Antony.???
  3. Loved him under Bruce, love him even more under Eddie. He fucking loves us, hes bought into us and excelling.
  4. Which will mean Man Utd have lost at least one.
  5. If Liverpool catch our points they'll have a better GD as they'll have won more of the remaining games.
  6. The flip side is they did well to concede 60+ goals and not be relegated. If they can do it 2 seasons running it's quite remarkable.
  7. How is Liverpool's fixtures easier than ours? The average current position of their 7 opponents is 11.42 The average of our 7 opponents is 13. We both play Leicester and Southampton. They play West Ham, we play Everton. They play Villa we play Brighton. Pretty evenly matched games so far. They have Fulham and Brentford, we have Leeds and Chelsea. They have Spurs, we have Arsenal. Rather have our fixtures.
  8. 2 draws for spurs in their next 2 games would be brilliant.
  9. Hopefully we'll break the 95-96 points total.
  10. In last year's fixture Wood, Krath and Fraser started.
  11. Went to Carlisle v Swansea midweek over 20 years ago. Mate had a big bet on Swansea to win the league. They got beat 2-0. Went to Scunthorpe v Bury when I was working gown that way in 93. Joe Joyce was playing for Scunthorpe.
  12. Hopefully we'll be playing nearly 60 games next season. He'll get plenty minutes under his belt
  13. Mate, I'm as pessimistic as they come and even I'm starting to believe
  14. If we got there we'd be the 4th seed the others want to avoid.
  15. If Liverpool go on the run which many are predicting then we'll need more points than them as if we're level they'll have a better goal difference.
  16. Liverpool will take a few weeks at least Chelsea by next Sunday (hopefully).
  17. The team that finished 6th will have a low points total compared to other years.
  18. The average league position of our opponents is 12. Man Utd 10.1 Brighton 8.4 Spurs 8.2 Villa. 7.8 Going off stats we have the easiest run in.
  19. I'm the first to go with 9. We play 4 of the currentl bottom 5, and Chelsea. Spurs, there for the taking Arsenal, let 2-0 leads slip twice in the last week. Brighton, toughest game, however they have lots of tough games
  20. Fair play to the Mackems making the most of what is a below average Championship barring the top 2. The club that finishes 6th will be closer points wise to a relegation place than the Champions.
  21. Yes, I never imagined Spurs getting beat.
  22. I said to the lads last night I'd be happy if we matched Spurs result today.
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