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The Fountain

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Everything posted by The Fountain

  1. Lucky for the mags that West Ham never turned up
  2. I was at both games however drink blurs the merits of our performances.
  3. True if we were that good at predicting football results we'd be rich enough not to work.
  4. Bournemouth stay up for me, out if their remaining 9 games only 2 are against top half teams
  5. Last season Howe was gonna relegate us In August it was we'd be mid table. At Christmas it was they won't be in the CL Now it's they'll get battered in the CL. Eventually they'll be right about something and claim to be experts. Strange lot.
  6. Definitely don't sell unless it's a £60+ offer. Gonna need stronger squad depth next season with potentially another 12+ games to play.
  7. Aye, Villa are creeping up. Still have us, Brentford, Spurs, Liverpool and Brighton to play. Gonna have a big say in who finished in 3rd or 4th place.
  8. When Man Utd play Spurs I think we'll be wanting a Man Utd win.
  9. I love the fact that they think we have shit players.
  10. Good record at home against their relegation rivals, however only beat Fulham at home out of the top half teams. Quietly confident.
  11. And the refs give everything in our favour.
  12. How the hell are we 3rd with shit players and a shit manager?
  13. 65 pts might be wishful thinking for a CL place. 70 pts for me 6 wins 2 draws.
  14. Only 3rd because the top teams aren't performing and we'll be mid table next season. They've ruined my night.
  15. Good hard battling performance. Probably end in a 1-0 defeat.
  16. TBF looking at the table they're doing a lot better than I expected. As for playing like Barca, I have no idea if they play like Barca or 80s Wimbledon.
  17. My first top, Christmas pressie 73 or 74. Gonna buy one go play football in the street and think I'm Supermac.
  18. Top 4 is a realistic possibility.If anybody said that this time last year they'd be taken away. It's been a fantastic season so far hopefully it'll continue to be. Alternatively it might go tits up.
  19. Had a look on Blue Moon forum. The reactions range from 'we're fucked' to ' our legal team will tie them in knots'
  20. Murphy always plays right side. ASM for me, if he doesn't I can't see him starting another game.
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