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The Fountain

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Everything posted by The Fountain

  1. My first top, Christmas pressie 73 or 74. Gonna buy one go play football in the street and think I'm Supermac.
  2. Top 4 is a realistic possibility.If anybody said that this time last year they'd be taken away. It's been a fantastic season so far hopefully it'll continue to be. Alternatively it might go tits up.
  3. Had a look on Blue Moon forum. The reactions range from 'we're fucked' to ' our legal team will tie them in knots'
  4. Murphy always plays right side. ASM for me, if he doesn't I can't see him starting another game.
  5. Unlucky imo, however it was a red.
  6. If Real Madrid come in for him I think it'd be impossible to keep him. Man Utd couldn't stop Ronaldo from going. The upside is if Real Madrid want any of our players we're doing fucking tremendously well.
  7. With Pope and our back four you'd think it'd be impossible to balls this up. Southampton will come at as early imo and leave gaps for us to penetrate. Just hope the finishing is better than last Tuesday.
  8. I'd take 10 points if offered it now.
  9. Hopefully does well against Spurs, Man Utd, Liverpool and the others around us. A 25 yarder free kick going in would be really sweet.
  10. The Fountain

    Andy Cole

    The partnership with Beardsley was a good as any team has had. I was gutted when he was sold, however KK had enough brownie points in the bag. Gutted he won so many trophies at Man Utd.
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