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Enrique expectations


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Is it just me worrying about the expectations that are bound to be put upon the young shoulders of Enrique when he comes into the starting eleven?


We've waited so long for a good left back and we've now spent major money on a 21-year-old bloke who was supposedly interesting many bigger European clubs. Most of us can't wait to see him play, and for him playing to allow N'Zogbia to move back into midfield giving us an attacking edge.


It just concerns me that some will look at the fee and feel let down should he start slowly. Much of this I admit comes from the fact I've never seen him play.


What are your expectations from Enrique, how long are you going to give him to settle in, and can those who've seen him play give me some confidence?


Man I'm fucking depressing. :lol:

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Guest WalkervilleMag

well thats why Big Sam has held back throwing him in.  wants him to get adjusted to english life, english training before letting him off the leash.  we seen what happened to Luque, thrown straight into the deepend after only 1 day, and gets injured, and basicly never settles.

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well thats why Big Sam has held back throwing him in.  wants him to get adjusted to english life, english training before letting him off the leash.  we seen what happened to Luque, thrown straight into the deepend after only 1 day, and gets injured, and basicly never settles.


Does it not heighten the expectations? I can't wait to see him play.

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Is it just me worrying about the expectations that are bound to be put upon the young shoulders of Enrique when he comes into the starting eleven?


We've waited so long for a good left back and we've now spent major money on a 21-year-old bloke who was supposedly interesting many bigger European clubs. Most of us can't wait to see him play, and for him playing to allow N'Zogbia to move back into midfield giving us an attacking edge.


It just concerns me that some will look at the fee and feel let down should he start slowly. Much of this I admit comes from the fact I've never seen him play.


What are your expectations from Enrique, how long are you going to give him to settle in, and can those who've seen him play give me some confidence?


Man I'm fucking depressing. :lol:


Realising that is a start Davidos.





Never seen him play but the vibes are good....No they are excellent.

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We're lucky that, on paper, we've been given an easier start to the season than usual, so hopefully he'll be playing in games that we're dominating. Barsnley at home and Wigan at home are games we should be dominating, then we've got Derby away and West Ham at home. By Premiership standards that's as easy an introduction as you could realistically ask for.


If he plays well against Barnsley I don't see why he shouldn't be in the starting lineup for Wigan. We've got to start him sooner or later and as you say, the longer he is held back the more expectations rise. I think Barton could have the same problem, because our football is so desperately lacking creativity at the moment that people are hoping that he or Emre will walk into the team and sort out all our problems.

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Guest WalkervilleMag

well thats why Big Sam has held back throwing him in.  wants him to get adjusted to english life, english training before letting him off the leash.  we seen what happened to Luque, thrown straight into the deepend after only 1 day, and gets injured, and basicly never settles.


Does it not heighten the expectations? I can't wait to see him play.


well i have seen him play a few times before, and he was my 1st choice LB transfer target in the summer.  He aint your typical spanish player. he is quick and has a good positional game, but he tackles very hard, and wont get done by any fast wingers.  He will sure pick up some bookings i think over the season,  he will nullify the danger coming from that flank,  only wish is that we had a decent right back aswell  as we are sub standard in that position.

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well thats why Big Sam has held back throwing him in.  wants him to get adjusted to english life, english training before letting him off the leash.  we seen what happened to Luque, thrown straight into the deepend after only 1 day, and gets injured, and basicly never settles.


Does it not heighten the expectations? I can't wait to see him play.


well i have seen him play a few times before, and he was my 1st choice LB transfer target in the summer.  He aint your typical spanish player. he is quick and has a good positional game, but he tackles very hard, and wont get done by any fast wingers.  He will sure pick up some bookings i think over the season,  he will nullify the danger coming from that flank,  only wish is that we had a decent right back aswell  as we are sub standard in that position.


Good stuff. :)


Thing is you see, if we'd signed Wayne Bridge for example we'd all know what we were getting. Most of us don't have that with Enrique.

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think he will stick with Zog for wigan.  probably be on the bench


I'm not sure! Obviously, it all depends on how Enrique performs on Wednesday, but Sam's bound to go 4-4-2 for Wigan, which should mean Zoggy on the left-wing.

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Luque was really highley rated when he joined us, ended up doing fuck all (although it wasn't all his fault).


But i guess Sam Allardyce is an expert of getting the best out of forgien talents, so my expectations aren't low nor high, i expect him to be just good, as in better then Baba and makeshift Zoggy.

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Enrique in ice-cream pledge


Jose Enrique has stated he will buy every Newcastle United fan attending the Carling Cup game against Barnsley an ice-cream "This is my gesture to the people of Newcastle, i just joined and i want to thank the fans and club for their support in helping me adapt."



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Enrique in ice-cream pledge


Jose Enrique has stated he will buy every Newcastle United fan attending the Carling Cup game against Barnsley an ice-cream "This is my gesture to the people of Newcastle, i just joined and i want to thank the fans and club for their support in helping me adapt."




Obviously not adapting too well or he'd know its a pint were after not an ice cream  O0

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Inever thought that he'd play straight away, i read an article on here a while back sayiin how Allardyce was extremely thorough in getting players adjusted to the english lifestyle and culture, stuff to help new players getting adjusted off the pitch before they get on it, like banks and churchs and housing, stuff like that, i can imiagine that with Enrique being a very young foriegn lad who has moved away from his honmeland family etc he'd get an bit longer readjustment period. Then again i could be wrong....he might just be crap...

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Guest teepee

Enrique in ice-cream pledge


Jose Enrique has stated he will buy every Newcastle United fan attending the Carling Cup game against Barnsley an ice-cream "This is my gesture to the people of Newcastle, i just joined and i want to thank the fans and club for their support in helping me adapt."




Obviously not adapting too well or he'd know its a pint were after not an ice cream  O0




personally i cannot wait to see him play, and i a more than willing to allow him time to settle in. as long as we see a bit of promise then we should also expect and accept mistakes on his behalf.


i reckon that he'll be great tough!

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I guess the only thing we can guarantee, going off what the Villarreal fans said, is that he is quick. That doesn't change whatever league you're in, barring serious injury (eg Luque).


Hopefully with him and Zog on the left side that'll give us an injection of pace which I think we've been lacking this season.

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The Spanish nation havnt been the best on tyneside but i dont know what to expect with enrique

he might be good but he also might be a pile of shit

cant wait to find out

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The Spanish nation havnt been the best on tyneside but i dont know what to expect with enrique

he might be good but he also might be a pile of shit

cant wait to find out


You could say that with most nations on Tyneside tbf.

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He said that his game is suitable for the english league.....so I'm expecting something from him.


if this is the case hen why is sam waiting so long to put him in? (not having a go, i just want an answer)...


maybe he isnt 100% fit or just waiting for the right game

barnsley is a good time, he will settle in a little bit ready for the premier league

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Guest WalkervilleMag

Luque was really highley rated when he joined us, ended up doing f*** all (although it wasn't all his fault).[b/]


But i guess Sam Allardyce is an expert of getting the best out of forgien talents, so my expectations aren't low nor high, i expect him to be just good, as in better then Baba and makeshift Zoggy.


having Souness then Roeder as managers did not help that either, and Luque was the panic buy, he was not checked out, scouted,   thought they were going to loose out on Owen , and said that lad in the toto cup played well against us, get him.


previous  says that Big Sam treats the foreign guys better than other managers would,  also he is fluent in Spanish i hear.

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He said that his game is suitable for the english league.....so I'm expecting something from him.


if this is the case hen why is sam waiting so long to put him in? (not having a go, i just want an answer)...


maybe he isnt 100% fit or just waiting for the right game

barnsley is a good time, he will settle in a little bit ready for the premier league



got the same amount of training as cacapa and he's not even been on the bench.. ..didn't even play in the friendly against bluestar... craziness- surely he could have been put on for at least 15 minutes

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