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Steve Harper

Guest SLK

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I always believed going back to the Gulliet days and early SBR times that Steve Harper was and still is as good as Shay Given and there is nothing between them in terms of goal keeping skills. The only advantage Given has over Harper is that he has more first team experience which is NOT Harper's fault as I think Harper could have been England number one had he played all these years instead of Given...


So after 3 premiere league games and 1 FA cup game and three goals conceded which I think he wasn't at fault for any of them, do you think he should keep his place in the team and it is his shirt to loose ? If it was up to me I would keep Harper in as I think this is how you reward players for there good performance...


Good on ya Harper, take that jersey from that crap Robinson and show everyone who good you are...  :clap2:

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I think Harper communicates with his defence a bit more than Given. Otherwise Given has the advantage. However, by increasing Harper's chances, you'd hope that it would provide Given with an incentive to tone down some of his prima donna attributes.

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WOW TIGER!!! He played well yesterday & as long as he doesn't drop clangers he should keep the jersey. He still hacks me off with the time he takes to get the ball back into the game. I know the England situation is dodgy at the moment but I think at international level Carson is the way forward.

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One thing you can't deny about Harper is that the defence look more comfortable from crosses as they know Harper will come and get a lot of ball, whereas they know with Given unless it is over his head he isn't coming for anything.

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Thing that pisses me off regarding Harper is the fact he takes 5 hours over EVER goal kick. Fair enough if we're one nowt up, but when it's 0-0 or 2-2 in the 85th minute and he's dallying around on the ball it does my nut in.

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I agree with people that are saying Harper takes ages to kick the ball even if we are not ahead in score and  keep screaming to the screen for him to get the ball rolling...


I think people who give Shay more value than Harper are a bit unfair because if Harper had the same number of games for NUFC they would have been singing his name instead...Last year he had doggy few games because of his lack of first team football...Continuity is very important for players...

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Really cant see why people give him so much stick. Typical of some of the people on here. So he's not as good as one of the best keepers in Europe, automatically makes him shit does it? :idiot2:


He's always been an excellent deputy, what other club in the league has a reserve keeper, who fans thought for many years he was almost the same quality as the 1st keeper?  Some people need to consider how lucky we are in that aspect, and that Harper hasnt left the club, as he could easily have made it as a 1st team keeper at another Premiership club.

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Robinson is fucking dogshit, I would play Harper ahead of him for England even if he was on the bench for us! (obviously would play someone like Carson, James first but that doesn't really make the most of my point that I think Robinson IS A MASSIVE PILE OF SHIT!).



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Robinson is one of the most over-rated keepers, ever.


Making mistakes again yesterday, he is the goalkeeping version of Titus and having someone error prone in goal is a whole lot worse.


If he still gets picked for England we may aswell give up and go home!

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He's done very well over a few games, but I think he showed last season why Given is better.


Last season means nothing! he looks like a different player and hes showing why hes playing at top level at the minute

Given will struggle with injuries all season probably aswell


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Guest Ridzuan

I think Given is injury prone nowadays.It is important that we dont overstress him into playing in every match so I think this season,we would be seeing more of Harper.

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