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Michael Owen.

Crumpy Gunt

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The plus from all this is that we'll hopefully realise that he's never going to be a dependable first team player so we have to replace him, if there's money to be spent in January then a really top class striker is what we need.


Of course, I said this a while back.  :coolsmiley:




Bad news for us in the short-term though.


We're struggling to keep Martins happy as it is so throwing another striker into the mix would make it worse if anything.


Sign someone like SWP who can play on the wing and cover as the second striker if we're desperate.


We basically have Martins and Viduka that are of any use to us up front, possibly Smith as well.


We could definitely do with another out and out striker, given Viduka's questionable fitness levels.


But when everyone is fit we'll have Martins, Owen, Viduka, Ameobi, Smith and another top class striker, that's too many for a club that can't even offer European football.


Ideally we get someone who can cover a few positions that includes up front, basically we need to replace Dyer properly.


Personally I'd be looking to get rid of Owen and Ameobi pretty sharpish, then bring in the new player.

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Guest michaelfoster

Ameobi should be first striker out the door, after selling/kidnapping/hiring a hitman (delete as you see fit) to get rid of Babayaro & Carr.

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Guest eyeball_tickler

NEWCASTLE are hoping Michael Owen’s latest groin injury can be cured with just 10 days rest.


The Toon feared the striker may need a hernia operation which needs six weeks recovery.


England star Owen, 27, was due to have a second scan last night but initial tests seemed positive.


They showed he has a small groin tear which should heal with rest.


That would be a huge relief to England boss Steve McClaren with the Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia three weeks away.


Owen will miss tonight’s Carling Cup trip to Arsenal and Saturday’s league trip to Manchester City.




fingers crossed

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Guest Knightrider

Personally I'd be looking to get rid of Owen pretty sharpish, then bring in the new player.


Agreed and I have been of this opinion for a while now. He's a great finisher and an important player in his own right but how much longer can we wait around for him? Since all the changes he's becoming less and less of a player you can build a team around. He's too much of a liability fitness wise and while we won't be able to buy a better finisher, I think we'd be able to buy a better more suited striker who may not get us 20 goals a season but will play every game and bring other things to the team that Owen never will. This also goes for Martins too and any other player including Ameobi who I took out of your quote to make my point about Owen, because none of them are viable long term answers. I'd be sorry to see Martins leave mind, but the team comes first to any individual in my thinking now.

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Personally I'd be looking to get rid of Owen pretty sharpish, then bring in the new player.


Agreed and I have been of this opinion for a while now. He's a great finisher and an important player in his own right but how much longer can we wait around for him? Since all the changes he's becoming less and less of a player you can build a team around. He's too much of a liability fitness wise and while we won't be able to buy a better finisher, I think we'd be able to buy a better more suited striker who may not get us 20 goals a season but will play every game and bring other things to the team that Owen never will. This also goes for Martins too and any other player including Ameobi who I took out of your quote to make my point about Owen, because none of them are viable long term answers. I'd be sorry to see Martins leave mind, but the team comes first to any individual in my thinking now.


I thought as a team we looked far more threatening when Martins came on on Sunday, Owen is a World class finisher but he needs the ball to be played to his feet to make the most of it, unlike the England team we don't have the players capable of doing this as well, Martins on the other hand added pace to the attack which kept the back four on edge, he created a few chances for himself too which on another day could have gone in.


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Guest Knightrider

Personally I'd be looking to get rid of Owen pretty sharpish, then bring in the new player.


Agreed and I have been of this opinion for a while now. He's a great finisher and an important player in his own right but how much longer can we wait around for him? Since all the changes he's becoming less and less of a player you can build a team around. He's too much of a liability fitness wise and while we won't be able to buy a better finisher, I think we'd be able to buy a better more suited striker who may not get us 20 goals a season but will play every game and bring other things to the team that Owen never will. This also goes for Martins too and any other player including Ameobi who I took out of your quote to make my point about Owen, because none of them are viable long term answers. I'd be sorry to see Martins leave mind, but the team comes first to any individual in my thinking now.


I thought as a team we looked far more threatening when Martins came on on Sunday, Owen is a World class finisher but he needs the ball to be played to his feet to make the most of it, unlike the England team we don't have the players capable of doing this as well, Martins on the other hand added pace to the attack which kept the back four on edge, he created a few chances for himself too which on another day could have gone in.



I think the fact they were chasing it and the game was more stretched as happens in latter stages had more to do with that than Martins himself. Had Owen been on he would have exploited that much more than Martins did and at least, if presented with the same one on one, would have put that particular chance away. That's not a dig at Martins btw, I like him and have defended him many a time, he's not as bad as some make out and has lots of potential in my opinion but like with Owen, can we wait around for him/that potential? The thought of losing either at the end of last season mortified me, today however, I can see we don't really need them in the long run, we will improve regardless. So now I look at how effective a player can be and those two in particular aren't the most effective unless the environment is basically set up for them.

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I hate f****** Sky Sports at times, should we just sell Owen to the FA?


They had a hernia expert on just there.  I hate how they talk about if he'll be fit for the England games all the time.  "What does this mean for England?"


How many Newcastle fans were watching the show at the time?


How many England fans were watching the show at the time?


Can't really blame them from coming at the story from the England-angle, can you?  :undecided:

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I hate f****** Sky Sports at times, should we just sell Owen to the FA?


They had a hernia expert on just there.  I hate how they talk about if he'll be fit for the England games all the time.  "What does this mean for England?"


How many Newcastle fans were watching the show at the time?


How many England fans were watching the show at the time?


Can't really blame them from coming at the story from the England-angle, can you?  :undecided:


Certainly can't, it's pretty much the same angle whenever Rooney breaks down. We just seem to see a lot of it having England's favourite corpse play for us.

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Personally I'd be looking to get rid of Owen pretty sharpish, then bring in the new player.


Agreed and I have been of this opinion for a while now. He's a great finisher and an important player in his own right but how much longer can we wait around for him? Since all the changes he's becoming less and less of a player you can build a team around. He's too much of a liability fitness wise and while we won't be able to buy a better finisher, I think we'd be able to buy a better more suited striker who may not get us 20 goals a season but will play every game and bring other things to the team that Owen never will. This also goes for Martins too and any other player including Ameobi who I took out of your quote to make my point about Owen, because none of them are viable long term answers. I'd be sorry to see Martins leave mind, but the team comes first to any individual in my thinking now.


I thought as a team we looked far more threatening when Martins came on on Sunday, Owen is a World class finisher but he needs the ball to be played to his feet to make the most of it, unlike the England team we don't have the players capable of doing this as well, Martins on the other hand added pace to the attack which kept the back four on edge, he created a few chances for himself too which on another day could have gone in.



I think the fact they were chasing it and the game was more stretched as happens in latter stages had more to do with that than Martins himself. Had Owen been on he would have exploited that much more than Martins did and at least, if presented with the same one on one, would have put that particular chance away. That's not a dig at Martins btw, I like him and have defended him many a time, he's not as bad as some make out and has lots of potential in my opinion but like with Owen, can we wait around for him/that potential? The thought of losing either at the end of last season mortified me, today however, I can see we don't really need them in the long run, we will improve regardless. So now I look at how effective a player can be and those two in particular aren't the most effective unless the environment is basically set up for them.


is that the same owen who hardly made any forward or wide runs in the same match? if  anything it was viduka making runs and anticipating crosses, with him ending up scoring two. owen with his limited mobility was having to drop deep to get the ball. as soon as martins came on we were instantly stretching west ham, with martins getting an assist by using his better movement, like he did against wigan. and owen would've never made the open goal chance that martins did, so he wouldn't have been in the position to score it anyway. owen might be a better individual player, but with him rarely if ever at peak fitness we look a better side with martins in the team, especially since we don't have a lot of pace coming from midfield.

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Personally I'd be looking to get rid of Owen pretty sharpish, then bring in the new player.


Agreed and I have been of this opinion for a while now. He's a great finisher and an important player in his own right but how much longer can we wait around for him? Since all the changes he's becoming less and less of a player you can build a team around. He's too much of a liability fitness wise and while we won't be able to buy a better finisher, I think we'd be able to buy a better more suited striker who may not get us 20 goals a season but will play every game and bring other things to the team that Owen never will. This also goes for Martins too and any other player including Ameobi who I took out of your quote to make my point about Owen, because none of them are viable long term answers. I'd be sorry to see Martins leave mind, but the team comes first to any individual in my thinking now.


I thought as a team we looked far more threatening when Martins came on on Sunday, Owen is a World class finisher but he needs the ball to be played to his feet to make the most of it, unlike the England team we don't have the players capable of doing this as well, Martins on the other hand added pace to the attack which kept the back four on edge, he created a few chances for himself too which on another day could have gone in.



I think the fact they were chasing it and the game was more stretched as happens in latter stages had more to do with that than Martins himself. Had Owen been on he would have exploited that much more than Martins did and at least, if presented with the same one on one, would have put that particular chance away. That's not a dig at Martins btw, I like him and have defended him many a time, he's not as bad as some make out and has lots of potential in my opinion but like with Owen, can we wait around for him/that potential? The thought of losing either at the end of last season mortified me, today however, I can see we don't really need them in the long run, we will improve regardless. So now I look at how effective a player can be and those two in particular aren't the most effective unless the environment is basically set up for them.


is that the same owen who hardly made any forward or wide runs in the same match? if  anything it was viduka making runs and anticipating crosses, with him ending up scoring two. owen with his limited mobility was having to drop deep to get the ball. as soon as martins came on we were instantly stretching west ham, with martins getting an assist by using his better movement, like he did against wigan. and owen would've never made the open goal chance that martins did, so he wouldn't have been in the position to score it anyway. owen might be a better individual player, but with him rarely if ever at peak fitness we look a better side with martins in the team, especially since we don't have a lot of pace coming from midfield.


Good post.


Also HTT, to suggest Owen would have scored the chance Martins created is flawed as he missed two even bigger sitters for England in the last few games, we've also seen in the past few weeks when Owen gets the chance of a one on one that he doesn't have the pace to pull away from defenders which is why he's had to shoot from further out.

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Guest mr quimbys beard

Some comments about Owen on here are rediculous, he wants to play for us and England, simple as, once he starts bangin the goals in again everyone will be singing his praises, makes me sick, i for one think he has been incredibly unlucky with injuries, a lot of other players would just say fuck it and give up, but Owen hasnt, he has worked his bollocks off getting fit cos he loves playing football and scoring goals, he must be as frustrated as some of the fans with these setbacks.

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Some comments about Owen on here are rediculous, he wants to play for us and England, simple as, once he starts bangin the goals in again everyone will be singing his praises, makes me sick, i for one think he has been incredibly unlucky with injuries, a lot of other players would just say f*** it and give up, but Owen hasnt, he has worked his bollocks off getting fit cos he loves playing football and scoring goals, he must be as frustrated as some of the fans with these setbacks.


aye exactly. 


If any one watched the bloke on SSN he said Hernia's arent related to any other injuries, they are just rotten luck - to use his words. Just a horrible time for him to get it when he has just returned. Thats life i suppose. Cant really blame Owen though.

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Owen out, Huntelaar in. That lad is a bloody good finisher - better than Owen in that department, although hes playing at an inferior level domestically, as Kuyt would testify.


Ajax were knocked out of the CL in the qualifiers and have always been a selling club, so get in early and strike a generous deal whilst its still possible.

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Guest eyeball_tickler

if martins can improve his finishing, aerial ability, control, passing, movement and occasionally show us how quick he is, he'd be a great replacement for owen.

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