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January window targets


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Hmm I think Carvalho plays behind the strikers in a central role, would probably have a higher starting position than say Emre, trying to stick passes onto the strkers in the gap. Decent shout depending on price, probably availeble since no brazilian seem to want to stay in Russia/ Ukariane.

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How about Daniel Carvalho. He's a good player isn't he. And I bet he would come. There was an interview with Elano the other day and he was basically saying that - minus 23 degrees, food s****, never left the hotel, was only there for the money, would have signed for anyone to get away. I bet its a similar story for most brazillians out in that part of the world. I don't think you need European football to get these guys. Just a bit of money. Most of them would crawl over broken glass to play in the premiership.



In what position does he play in the team ?


Attacking Mid, seen him play on the Right wing a canny few times too.

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Me thinks people are reading too much into this article with Berbatov and his man love for Sir Al.

Can't see him coming here in a hurry like.

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Get Berbatov here!


Sell Owen to Sven and let the bulgarian play for Newcastle -give hin the nr 9 shirt!


Give Spurs 16 mil and they can invest it in another Bent...









Buy him to play with Owen/Martins, he's got more in his locker than Viduka and he'd do alot more for us.




Berbatov stalling on a new contract apparently. Out of contract summer 2009. So at the end of this season spurs may well be willing to sell if he still hasn't signed instead of risking losing him on a free. Hell the lad clearly isn't happy there they may sell earlier (although i doubt this). I don't know why he's unhappy but he clearly is....enter Big Sam because if anyone can sort him out, he probably can. If Toon are the team he supported as a lad it may hold some weight with him. Get Shearer (his idol) in on the talks too!


We may get him cheaper too as his stock has fallen this season. I'm sure there will be bigger clubs after him too but we should definately try as would surely be a welcome addition to our squad.


There definately seems to be something in this  http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_2823374,00.html  it would be nice if we could pick him up in Jan on the cheap, however Jol will probably be sacked soon so its a case of watch this space.

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Despite a few good results recently we still need the obvious -

- a right winger - priority really. We need some pace from somewhere. The ability to link play/cross a ball would help.

- a creative midfielder who can pass and retain the ball - Emre is ok but still not sure about him.

- perhaps a defensive midfielder (Edmilson?)

- probably some young kids


Other than that I'm relatively happy. Nb: Pretty sure we won't get the above.


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Despite a few good results recently we still need the obvious -

- a right winger - priority really. We need some pace from somewhere. The ability to link play/cross a ball would help.

- a creative midfielder who can pass and retain the ball - Emre is ok but still not sure about him.

- perhaps a defensive midfielder (Edmilson?)

- probably some young kids


Other than that I'm relatively happy. Nb: Pretty sure we won't get the above.


the prority would seem to be a big quality goalscoring centre forward, i don't think martins/owen will work long term and viduka is having probably his last full(?) season.


this big thing about pace is strange as in the past we've had plenty of fast players who were shit,give me technique a football brain and desire before pace every time.

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Despite a few good results recently we still need the obvious -

- a right winger - priority really. We need some pace from somewhere. The ability to link play/cross a ball would help.

- a creative midfielder who can pass and retain the ball - Emre is ok but still not sure about him.

- perhaps a defensive midfielder (Edmilson?)

- probably some young kids


Other than that I'm relatively happy. Nb: Pretty sure we won't get the above.


the prority would seem to be a big quality goalscoring centre forward, i don't think martins/owen will work long term and viduka is having probably his last full(?) season.


this big thing about pace is strange as in the past we've had plenty of fast players who were s***,give me technique a football brain and desire before pace every time.

Pace, in a squad, is a pre-requisite. Look what Wenger does. He combines players those assets. e.g Walcotts pace changed the game versus the mackems. Sometimes players have both - Pires and Ljungberg were actually very quick. Ferguson has always used it from Wallace, to Kanchelskis to Giggs and Ronaldo. We have lumbering oafs with weaker technique than those mentioned above.

Its not about either / or. We simply don't have anyone with the level of technique to say that they don't need pace. In the Premiership its hard to get away without it. Certainly I would love to see an argument put forward for not having it away from home. Our breakaway play has been ponderous at best and its  at least party, but probably more so, down to a lack of swift outlet. Again, the successful managers have used players with pace to good effect in those situations for years. Bellamy, Robert and Dyer (2001-2003) are better than we have, despite their faults. As mentioned, players from Robben to Ronaldo have used it to good effect. Babel was bought for that reason.

Know what you mean but its one part of our squad that is piss poor. Sadly, the players we have dont have the technique to compensate.

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Lazy twat that he is, Harry Kewell is a very good player. I'd have him but Benitez has been talking about getting him back in their team. Not surprised. Special talent when he's on form.

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SWP unhappy at Chelsea hasnt played much since Grant took over



Would take him here


Agreed. He would certainly fit Sams criteria of making an instant impact rather than an import who needs time to settle in.


A bit OT but its great to see the club operating like this. Past managers have chucked in their signings straight away, especially foreigners and its refreshing to see us taking our time to let the players get to know their teamates and the club.


Very sensible and something i'm sure Sam has nicked off Wenger.

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Lazy t*** that he is, Harry Kewell is a very good player. I'd have him but Benitez has been talking about getting him back in their team. Not surprised. Special talent when he's on form.


Hasnt played consistently well for 4 or 5 seasons and is a crock. Wouldnt touch with a barge pole.

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Despite a few good results recently we still need the obvious -

- a right winger - priority really. We need some pace from somewhere. The ability to link play/cross a ball would help.

- a creative midfielder who can pass and retain the ball - Emre is ok but still not sure about him.

- perhaps a defensive midfielder (Edmilson?)

- probably some young kids


Other than that I'm relatively happy. Nb: Pretty sure we won't get the above.



What makes you say that? I have quite high hopes for Edmilson coming and another creative midfielder, when and if we can get our hands on the right one.

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Despite a few good results recently we still need the obvious -

- a right winger - priority really. We need some pace from somewhere. The ability to link play/cross a ball would help.

- a creative midfielder who can pass and retain the ball - Emre is ok but still not sure about him.

- perhaps a defensive midfielder (Edmilson?)

- probably some young kids


Other than that I'm relatively happy. Nb: Pretty sure we won't get the above.


What makes you say that? I have quite high hopes for Edmilson coming and another creative midfielder, when and if we can get our hands on the right one.

Meant all of the above.

Prefer the right sider to the defensive and creative central midfielder. We're crying out for a decent one.

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SWP unhappy at Chelsea hasnt played much since Grant took over



Would take him here


Would definitely take SWP, was worried about his confidence going and us ending up with another Chelsea players whose talent has been drained away through lack of games but he has looked more like his old self recently when given the chance.

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Lazy twat that he is, Harry Kewell is a very good player. I'd have him but Benitez has been talking about getting him back in their team. Not surprised. Special talent when he's on form.


Poor mans Duff, even more injury prone aswell.

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Lazy t*** that he is, Harry Kewell is a very good player. I'd have him but Benitez has been talking about getting him back in their team. Not surprised. Special talent when he's on form.


Poor mans Duff, even more injury prone aswell.

His best form was way ahead of Duffs tbh. Agree he is too injury prone. Still better than we have at present tbh
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I think Duff was the better player, I don't think he is now better than we have (certainly on the left but I assume you are talking about on the right). Would be interested to see how many games he has played the last few years.

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I think Duff was the better player, I don't think he is now better than we have (certainly on the left but I assume you are talking about on the right). Would be interested to see how many games he has played the last few years.

Harry Kewell was probably as good as anyone at his peak. Exceptional. There is absolutely no doubt he is a step up on Milner but Charlie has a long way to go to get to the level Kewell is capable of. He's a risk but his talent is way above our two.
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Kewell a few years ago maybe, too much of a risk now. Duff was one of the best left wingers in the country at his peak.

No doubt of that Jon. That season in 1999/2000 (iirc - maybe the season after) Kewell was on a different level to anything Duff did. Duff was very good but Kewell has more talent and used it consistently well then. He was the one player i would pay to watch that season. Youre right in saying he might be too much of a risk but I wouldnt be upset if we got him. He seemed to lose it when he got involved with his wife. Might be coincidence.
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