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Mike Ashley: Toon is not for sale

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Massive article in NOTW with Mike Ashley as he breaks his silence


Says there are richer owners but its about how much they are prepared to put in

Did the deal in 72 hours

Debt was 100 mil not 70 as expected as there was no time for due diligence

Never interfere with Big Sam

Wanted a bit of fun with his money

Joked about needing to buy a trophy cabinet b4 he started thinking about trophies

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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle

Massive article in NOTW with Mike Ashley as he breaks his silence


Says there are richer owners but its about how much they are prepared to put in

Did the deal in 72 hours

Debt was 100 mil not 70 as expected as there was no time for due diligence

Never interfere with Big Sam

Wanted a bit of fun with his money

Joked about needing to buy a trophy cabinet b4 he started thinking about trophies



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Guest Bramble OG

Read the interview, main things were, he would have still bought the club knowing it was 100m in debt and that he didnt buy the club to sell, he bought it to become part of its passion, says its worked already and feels at home here..other than that nothing we didnt know really


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Guest Bramble OG

So which clubs have richer owners?


he says Chelsea, Liverpool,Man Utd, Man City, but says its more about what your willing to spend and hes put in 250m so far, sounds like hes willing to spend as says you can't take your money with you(as in once you die :-)  )

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Guest Knightrider

Read it - has the attitude where his money is concerned of "well, you can't take it with you when you die so enjoy it", says he would never interfere with the manager because that would be an obstacle to success which he craves. Said he would still have bought the club even if he knew the debt was an extra £30m, but not if he'd had to go to banks to lend. He hasn't and it's his own personal wealth that he's bought the club with and paid off the debt, or a massive chunk of it. Says he's not the richest owner but basically says it's all about what you put in, i.e. he doubts others will put as much in as he and Abramovic who he cites. By that I don't think he means transfer money as such, just that those that have bought clubs like Glazer et al have done so by lending money not with their own personal wealth which Ashley has done. Says selling isn't an agenda of his, wants to have fun, enjoy his wealth and says he's always wanted to do something like "buy a football club" and to be part of something bigger and meaningful. Says he feels at home here and loves everything about it then asking "who wouldn't?"


Why Newcastle? Right time I guess. He doesn't say why Newcastle but does say he was eager to snap it up and that's why he didn't take due diligence.


He does seem an impulsive man and has said he'll give 100K to charity if that Spurs mush friend of his wears a Spurs shirt at the match, and the Spurs mush said he'd do the same if NUFC won the match. The Spurs bloke also says on the next page he's quitting Spurs to concentrate on his US based business.


I wouldn't be surprised to see him come on board here myself giving how close Ashley and he are as best friends, can't see Ashley wanting Spurs though as it just doesn't make sense, even financially. Why buy a club that would probably cost the same or more than NUFC has including the debt, but a smaller club with less fans, smaller stadium and a club who will always be in the shadow of Arsenal and have to compete with other London clubs? Because he's mates with that Spurs bloke? Wishful thinking on Spurs' fans behalf if you ask me :lol:


I think Ashley's here to stay and the journo asking the questions says he wants to upset the big boys at Chelsea, Man Utd et al and as we know what Ashley wants he normally gets or succeeds in. Exciting times ahead no doubt. Good stuff.



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Guest Knightrider

Btw everything I've read or heard about him indicates that he doesn't see cash as an asset worth having, i.e. spend it while you have it and enjoy life. Assets wise he is set for life and can generate all the money he needs to live on by that. His wealth, his cash, is his to play with. This leads me to think that he knows the best way to make NUFC a bigger asset to him is to speculate to accumulate so I'm sure we'll see him dip his hands into his pockets even more, although I doubt he'll do an Abramovic, although you never know with this impulsive man.

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Btw everything I've read or heard about him indicates that he doesn't see cash as an asset worth having, i.e. spend it while you have it and enjoy life. Assets wise he is set for life and can generate all the money he needs to live on by that. His wealth, his cash, is his to play with. This leads me to think that he knows the best way to make NUFC a bigger asset to him is to speculate to accumulate so I'm sure we'll see him dip his hands into his pockets even more, although I doubt he'll do an Abramovic, although you never know with this impulsive man.


Last thing he'd want is to be seen as a RA and get taken for a ride everytime you go for a player.


Decent foundation this year, if we can keep them all fit, its a canny squad, couple of players in Jan (LB & AMC) , then a nice refit in the summer (out: Carr, Babayaro, Ramage, Butt, Ameobi, all replaced) and we should have the team we all want.



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So which clubs have richer chairmans?


Well Ashley has about $4 billion.  Chelsea definately have a richer owner, Abramovich has a personal fortune well over $10 billion.  Liverpool's Gillet and Hicks combined are worth about $4.5 billion.  Man UTD's owner definitely isn't richer, neither are West Ham or Villa's owners (though they're all billionaires).  As for Thaksin at Man City, he isn't even a billionaire, not even close.  So I'd say two clubs have richer owners then Newcastle, but one of them (Liverpool) insignificantly so.  Then again Ashley's right in saying it all depends how much each is willing to spend.  Nobodies going to spend a billion or more on a Football club so... :)

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So which clubs have richer chairmans?


Well Ashley has about $4 billion.  Chelsea definately have a richer owner, Abramovich has a personal fortune well over $10 billion.  Liverpool's Gillet and Hicks combined are worth about $4.5 billion.  Man UTD's owner definitely isn't richer, neither are West Ham or Villa's owners (though they're all billionaires).  As for Thaksin at Man City, he isn't even a billionaire, not even close.  So I'd say two clubs have richer owners then Newcastle, but one of them (Liverpool) insignificantly so.  Then again Ashley's right in saying it all depends how much each is willing to spend.  Nobodies going to spend a billion or more on a Football club so... :)


Why are you quoting their wealth in fucking dollars?

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They're all listed in dollars at the sources I've looked at, seems quite pointless to convert them all wouldn't you say? :)


No because we are in the UK where the currency is pounds sterling.


Besides which the dollars value is dropping like a tarts knickers these days so all those estimates of wealth are undoubtedly wrong.



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They're all listed in dollars at the sources I've looked at, seems quite pointless to convert them all wouldn't you say? :)


No because we are in the UK where the currency is pounds sterling.


Besides which the dollars value is dropping like a tarts knickers these days so all those estimates of wealth are undoubtedly wrong.




The internatioanl currency remains the dollar, so it makes sense to compare peoples wealth in dollars. And if it bothers you so much, just divide it by 2

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I've read the article and you can't take anything but positives out of it for the future of the club. Ashley doesn't come across as a bullshitter and the gist of the article is that he's prepared to put his money where his mouth is and make NUFC one of the big hitters in the Premiership.

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Ashley reveals Newcastle had £100m debt

By Michael Walker

Published: 22 October 2007


Mike Ashley, the new owner of Newcastle United, has spoken publicly for the first time. Often portrayed as a recluse, Ashley took the opportunity to quash the recurring stories that Newcastle are for sale.


"I didn't buy Newcastle United to sell it," he said yesterday. "The club is not for sale, selling is just not on the agenda. Yes, there have been plenty of people suggesting they want to buy the club off me already and the answer is always the same: 'No'.


"I bought this club to become part of its passion and it has worked. I feel at home here already. I love the place, the club and especially the fans, who wouldn't?"


Ashley revealed that the debt he inherited at Newcastle was £100m but said that the speed of the purchase meant: "There was no time to do the usual due diligence on the deal because I had to move so quickly.


"So I paid £140m for the club with the expectation that there was a debt of £70m. Actually it was around £100m so there was suddenly an extra £30m to find. But I just thought: 'Shut up about it'. I'm a big boy and I didn't cry.


"To me the real issue was this: Was the debt bigger than I thought? Yes. Would I have changed my mind if I'd known the full extent of the debt? Not one iota.


"It might have been a different story if I had needed to go to the bank to borrow the money but I didn't. I have my own money and anyway, I tend to live by the saying you can't take it with you."


Newcastle host Tottenham Hotspur at home tonight and manager Sam Allardyce has also received some good news from Michael Owen, who yesterday played down talk of a rift between himself and Allardyce.


Allardyce thinks Tottenham have bottomed out after draws with Aston Villa and Liverpool and showed sympathy towards Martin Jol. "He was in a black hole but there is light at the end of the tunnel now."


Spurs will be without Paul Robinson in goal, Newcastle are awaiting news on Mark Viduka's fitness.



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Ashley reveals Newcastle had £100m debt

By Michael Walker

Published: 22 October 2007


Mike Ashley, the new owner of Newcastle United, has spoken publicly for the first time. Often portrayed as a recluse, Ashley took the opportunity to quash the recurring stories that Newcastle are for sale.


"I didn't buy Newcastle United to sell it," he said yesterday. "The club is not for sale, selling is just not on the agenda. Yes, there have been plenty of people suggesting they want to buy the club off me already and the answer is always the same: 'No'.


"I bought this club to become part of its passion and it has worked. I feel at home here already. I love the place, the club and especially the fans, who wouldn't?"


Ashley revealed that the debt he inherited at Newcastle was £100m but said that the speed of the purchase meant: "There was no time to do the usual due diligence on the deal because I had to move so quickly.


"So I paid £140m for the club with the expectation that there was a debt of £70m. Actually it was around £100m so there was suddenly an extra £30m to find. But I just thought: 'Shut up about it'. I'm a big boy and I didn't cry.


"To me the real issue was this: Was the debt bigger than I thought? Yes. Would I have changed my mind if I'd known the full extent of the debt? Not one iota.


"It might have been a different story if I had needed to go to the bank to borrow the money but I didn't. I have my own money and anyway, I tend to live by the saying you can't take it with you."


Newcastle host Tottenham Hotspur at home tonight and manager Sam Allardyce has also received some good news from Michael Owen, who yesterday played down talk of a rift between himself and Allardyce.


Allardyce thinks Tottenham have bottomed out after draws with Aston Villa and Liverpool and showed sympathy towards Martin Jol. "He was in a black hole but there is light at the end of the tunnel now."


Spurs will be without Paul Robinson in goal, Newcastle are awaiting news on Mark Viduka's fitness.



they have robinson probably out and your dancing ?
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Ashley reveals Newcastle had £100m debt

By Michael Walker

Published: 22 October 2007


Mike Ashley, the new owner of Newcastle United, has spoken publicly for the first time. Often portrayed as a recluse, Ashley took the opportunity to quash the recurring stories that Newcastle are for sale.


"I didn't buy Newcastle United to sell it," he said yesterday. "The club is not for sale, selling is just not on the agenda. Yes, there have been plenty of people suggesting they want to buy the club off me already and the answer is always the same: 'No'.


"I bought this club to become part of its passion and it has worked. I feel at home here already. I love the place, the club and especially the fans, who wouldn't?"


Ashley revealed that the debt he inherited at Newcastle was £100m but said that the speed of the purchase meant: "There was no time to do the usual due diligence on the deal because I had to move so quickly.


"So I paid £140m for the club with the expectation that there was a debt of £70m. Actually it was around £100m so there was suddenly an extra £30m to find. But I just thought: 'Shut up about it'. I'm a big boy and I didn't cry.


"To me the real issue was this: Was the debt bigger than I thought? Yes. Would I have changed my mind if I'd known the full extent of the debt? Not one iota.


"It might have been a different story if I had needed to go to the bank to borrow the money but I didn't. I have my own money and anyway, I tend to live by the saying you can't take it with you."


Newcastle host Tottenham Hotspur at home tonight and manager Sam Allardyce has also received some good news from Michael Owen, who yesterday played down talk of a rift between himself and Allardyce.


Allardyce thinks Tottenham have bottomed out after draws with Aston Villa and Liverpool and showed sympathy towards Martin Jol. "He was in a black hole but there is light at the end of the tunnel now."


Spurs will be without Paul Robinson in goal, Newcastle are awaiting news on Mark Viduka's fitness.




Why aren't these figures in dollars?


It is after all the 'international currency' :rolleyes:

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