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boring boring newcastle


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The first half was boring, it was a nervy game and neither side wanted to overcommit. The second half was entertaining though, scoring settled us down a bit and we played more football along the deck. Obviously when they had to come at us it opened up the game a bit.


I've never found Allardyce's teams much fun to watch but I think it would be very harsh to say this was a boring match today.

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There's no doubt that Allardyce's team play a percentage game but especially while we are in team building that's what is needed. Last night we obviously identified the lack of pace of their centre backs as the area to exploit. This led to some aimless balls but ultimately to the chance Martins put away for the first goal and on to victory.


Classier football will come with time but on paper Spurs have a good team that just didn't compete. Think we've been there before and it's not a good place.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Allardyce is a percentages man. Its great to see a centre half who actually kicks the ball out of play when under pressure.


With resources and time our football will be better, but for the time being this will do for me

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It's nice to see a Newcastle team that can be 'boring' and 'shut up shop' when we're ahead. Even when we've had better sides in the past, like under KK, we weren't capable of doing that very often. Also, I honestly think Allardyce will try and add a little bit of flair to what we already have in coming transfer windows. If we win at Reading that'll be 20 points and only two defeats from the first 10 games.

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Until Martins' goal, i couldn't see us winning the game.

We were just pumping long balls foward and the ball was just coming straight back where it came from.

I'll take it though if we win 3-1 every game

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Until Martins' goal, i couldn't see us winning the game.

We were just pumping long balls foward and the ball was just coming straight back where it came from.

I'll take it though if we win 3-1 every game


We were miles on top tbh.

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Guest icemanblue

I'd agree with Dave there.  Spurs never looked like causing us a problem until after our second goal.


While we were perhaps a bit too reliant on the long ball, I don't believe they were all 'just pumping balls forward'.  It appeared to me that Sam had a gameplan (the Enrique balls to Oba, Owen and Oba working the channels) and it worked.



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Guest andynufc84

Until Martins' goal, i couldn't see us winning the game.

We were just pumping long balls foward and the ball was just coming straight back where it came from.

I'll take it though if we win 3-1 every game



We were miles on top tbh.


We clearly wern't miles on top like, it was pretty much even in the first half and we were pumping plently of aimless balls up front.

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Well for those that were at the match last night it wasn't boring, the atmosphere was one of the best, if not the best, all season.  We attacked right from the start and although Spuds did have their chances we seemed to have them contained.


Steve Bennett did his usual trick of trying to disrupt our play with unnecessary free kicks and selctive blindness but, on the whole I was thoroughly entertained last night. 


There is still a little bit of the long ball game left in our perfromances and to be honest I really felt for Martins as he remonstrated with the defence, particularly when we went 4 - 5 - 1 in the last 10 minute, what is he supposed to do with balls like that?  The very best we can expect is that he outsprings the 6'3" defender on his back and gets a flick on.  When he is on his own up there it flicks on to who?


Even Viduka likes the ball to feet, we need to get the midfield more involved in the game and pass through them, not over them.


Boring Newcastle - Not for me!!

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Until Martins' goal, i couldn't see us winning the game.

We were just pumping long balls foward and the ball was just coming straight back where it came from.

I'll take it though if we win 3-1 every game



We were miles on top tbh.


We clearly wern't miles on top like, it was pretty much even in the first half and we were pumping plently of aimless balls up front.


We had half a dozen clear chances, including the goal. They had one, from a quick free-kick.

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After all the massive changes everywhere i am happy to see a winning team rather then a team struggling to get things write and at the wrong end of the table ,all we need to do now is start winning away from home and confidence will grow and players will express themselves more .Rome was not built in a day s in answer to the question about boring football i dont really care at the minute ,its a winning team mentality we need and the rest will come no doubt

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Well that was our first back to back series of wins this season so that should be a huge confidence booster for the players.  We also have a good run of winnable games coming up and without making wild predictions I think we will take something from Reading, Portsmouth and the mackems over the next three and cement our position in the top half of the table, maybe even top 6.

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In the first half Martins should have had 2, Owen should have scored and Faye hit the post. I can't think of any Spurs chances.


How were we not on top?

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Guest andynufc84


Until Martins' goal, i couldn't see us winning the game.

We were just pumping long balls foward and the ball was just coming straight back where it came from.

I'll take it though if we win 3-1 every game



We were miles on top tbh.


We clearly wern't miles on top like, it was pretty much even in the first half and we were pumping plently of aimless balls up front.


I think we were like. Spurs were dogshit.


We were well on top all game, bar 15mins in the second half. I believe at one point in the first half we had 78% possesion...?...


Just my opinion fella but you must have been watching a different game to me. Yes Spurs were crap but were Newcastle really that much better? Were we 'miles' on top?


We probably just shaded a poor first half.




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In the first half Martins should have had 2, Owen should have scored and Faye hit the post. I can't think of any Spurs chances.


How were we not on top?


Just the quickly taken free kick and a couple of wild strikes from distance.

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Well for those that were at the match last night it wasn't boring, the atmosphere was one of the best, if not the best, all season.  We attacked right from the start and although Spuds did have their chances we seemed to have them contained.


Aye, probably the most enjoyable match I've been at so far this season.

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Yes, I would rather see us be boring and win than be entertaining and lose. But yes, we were a bit boring. We don't pass the ball through the midfield that well.


I think a few people are being over-sensitive on this. Allardyce is laying the foundations of a good side, but right now the football is what you'd call functional.



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I find it hard to consider myself "entertained" when leaving a match we've lost.  Watching an exciting match as a neutral is entertaining, watching an exciting match your team loses is just fucking annoying. The fact it was a good match to watch is a rather minor consolation.  It certainly doesn't match the feeling of satisfaction of a job done.  Or of going to meet your Spurs mate in the pub afterwards.


Playing exciting football and winning is a canny bonus but fuctional wins will do me very nicely for now, ta.   Not that I think we're particularly boring from a toon fans point of view anyway, especially not last night.  And who gives a fuck if Setanta pundits enjoy it as much as us anyway?

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Guest sittingontheball

We've scored lots of goals, fourth or fifth most is it, with some screamers among them.  We didn't look like scoring against Villa, and Derby was bottom of the barrel stuff, but the rest has been okay or quite good. Yesterday was "good". I can understand frustration at the earlier games with the Milner Butt Geremi Smith midfield, but that doesn't appear to be the long term masterplan. The more recent games have been better.

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