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Sports Minister slams "obscene" salaries


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Minister slams 'obscene' salaries


Sports minister Gerry Sutcliffe has condemned Chelsea captain John Terry's salary as "obscene" while criticising Manchester United's ticket prices. Sutcliffe believes the sky-high wages and ticket prices are alienating fans.


Speaking at a sports summit in London, Sutcliffe said: "Good luck to John, but it is obscene to be on £150,000 a week. And United season tickets went up by 13% - holders have to automatically buy European and Carling Cup games at £200, that takes it away from ordinary fans."


The MP for Bradford South is himself a United fan, but he contrasted the club's prices with those at Bradford City where season tickets were cut to £138 this season, equating to £6 per game. The Bantams were relegated to League Two last season, but the club has 12,000 season-ticket holders - almost as many as when the club were in the Premier League six seasons ago.


Sutcliffe continued: "Ordinary working people who want go and see Manchester United face being priced out. There is a danger that there will be a move away from the game and we don't want to be in a position where people are alienated."


Sutcliffe said the Government would not interfere with the running of football, such as by trying to impose salary caps, but said he wanted to act as "a critical friend".


"People in the street cannot understand salaries like Terry's," he added. "Chelsea are £250m in the red and they may be able to cope with that but it's not the real world. £250m in the red is not sustainable."


Chelsea are furious with some of the figures quoted by Sutcliffe and are understood to have complained to his department that they are inaccurate. Sutcliffe will be raising his views with Premier League boss Richard Scudamore and Manchester United chief executive David Gill in meetings on Thursday.



Story from BBC SPORT: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/sport1/hi/football/7073432.stm


I don't know what right the government thinks it has to comment on whether salaries are obscene or not - and indeed, what there is to gain from targetting particular clubs or individuals? Why can't they keep their nose out of it all? Not like they'd DREAM of commenting on City Banker's bonuses or salaries is it?


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What is obscene is how MPs can vote for their own payrises, pensions, etc.

Shouldn't they be running the country instead of talking about footballer's wages?


The average mp earns about £68,000 ish a year that's roughly half what Terry earns in a week.

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The players generate the income of the clubs on the whole. Why shouldn't they be rewarded?


Smacks of jealousy tbh. They earn obscene amounts of money because they generate obscene amounts of money for their employers.

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The players generate the income of the clubs on the whole. Why shouldn't they be rewarded?


Smacks of jealousy tbh. They earn obscene amounts of money because they generate obscene amounts of money for their employers.


The wages are too high, I think. The only way clubs can pay them is through massive debt, howking up prices, etc. I don't think it's sustainable.

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The players generate the income of the clubs on the whole. Why shouldn't they be rewarded?


Smacks of jealousy tbh. They earn obscene amounts of money because they generate obscene amounts of money for their employers.


The wages are too high, I think. The only way clubs can pay them is through massive debt, howking up prices, etc. I don't think it's sustainable.


How many Premiership clubs have gone to the wall? If the money wasn't there, they couldn't offer them the contracts. They generate the money they take from the club imo.

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I wonder if Mr Sutcliffe would have had the same opinion had been good at football and a bit younger


Well, as he says "good luck to John", I assume he has no problem with Terry for accepting the contract. It's not his fault that people are daft enough to pay him a reported £150k per week. The fault lies with the football clubs.


If no team in the world was prepared to pay Terry anything more than £5k per week, it's not like he'd say "F#ck you then, I'm retiring to stack shelves in Tescos!". He'd accept £5k, and continue to play to the high standard he does now.


The clubs pay £150k though because us, as fans, make it viable. Be it by going to the matches, subscribing to Sky, buying replica tops, whatever. It all counts. It's only when we say "No more" that we'll see an end to all this.

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I wonder if Mr Sutcliffe would have had the same opinion had been good at football and a bit younger


Well, as he says "good luck to John", I assume he has no problem with Terry for accepting the contract. It's not his fault that people are daft enough to pay him a reported £150k per week. The fault lies with the football clubs.


If no team in the world was prepared to pay Terry anything more than £5k per week, it's not like he'd say "F#ck you then, I'm retiring to stack shelves in Tescos!". He'd accept £5k, and continue to play to the high standard he does now.


The clubs pay £150k though because us, as fans, make it viable. Be it by going to the matches, subscribing to Sky, buying replica tops, whatever. It all counts. It's only when we say "No more" that we'll see an end to all this.


Never going to happen though

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It's only when we say "No more" that we'll see an end to all this.


Never going to happen though


I disagree. Look at Man U. They've increased ticket prices by 13% this year, and OK the ground is still full. But if they do it again, and again, then eventually there'll be a point where people vote with their wallets and stay at home. £30 for 2 hours entertainment is not especially good value when you think about it, particularly when you consider that there's no real guarantee of being entertained. Increase the prices much more and people will stop going.


Where that limit is, I don't know, but it's there. It's already started with me, I used to buy a replica top all the time, haven't bought one in years now. Don't buy programmes any more either, there's another few quid saved. I'm sure I'm not alone either.

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I love the way that people always seek to portray themselves as the repressed wage-slave and it's always someone else who's the capitalist pig-dog, irrespective of the amount they earn, in fact it's almost as if the more you earn then the more you perpetuate this kind of delusion. Yet if you mention the C-word and you soon see where people really stand.


Everyone sees fit to slag off the "obscenities" of the system when it suits them, but for 99% of people they're just paying lip-service to the  alternative and the only reason they see fit to criticise is down to pure jealousy. Face it, it's capitalism and it's what you want. Otherwise, why's it still here?

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I love the way that people always seek to portray themselves as the repressed wage-slave and it's always someone else who's the capitalist pig-dog, irrespective of the amount they earn, in fact it's almost as if the more you earn then the more you perpetuate this kind of delusion. Yet if you mention the C-word and you soon see where people really stand.


Everyone sees fit to slag off the "obscenities" of the system when it suits them, but for 99% of people they're just paying lip-service to the  alternative and the only reason they see fit to criticise is down to pure jealousy. Face it, it's capitalism and it's what you want. Otherwise, why's it still here?


I have no idea what you just said. Are you saying John Terry's a cunt?

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I love the way that people always seek to portray themselves as the repressed wage-slave and it's always someone else who's the capitalist pig-dog, irrespective of the amount they earn, in fact it's almost as if the more you earn then the more you perpetuate this kind of delusion. Yet if you mention the C-word and you soon see where people really stand.


Everyone sees fit to slag off the "obscenities" of the system when it suits them, but for 99% of people they're just paying lip-service to the  alternative and the only reason they see fit to criticise is down to pure jealousy. Face it, it's capitalism and it's what you want. Otherwise, why's it still here?


I have no idea what you just said. Are you saying John Terry's a cunt?


It's not what I was intending to say. Doesn't it go without saying anyway though?

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Minister slams 'obscene' salaries


Sports minister Gerry Sutcliffe has condemned Chelsea captain John Terry's salary as "obscene" while criticising Manchester United's ticket prices. Sutcliffe believes the sky-high wages and ticket prices are alienating fans.


Speaking at a sports summit in London, Sutcliffe said: "Good luck to John, but it is obscene to be on £150,000 a week. And United season tickets went up by 13% - holders have to automatically buy European and Carling Cup games at £200, that takes it away from ordinary fans."


The MP for Bradford South is himself a United fan, but he contrasted the club's prices with those at Bradford City where season tickets were cut to £138 this season, equating to £6 per game. The Bantams were relegated to League Two last season, but the club has 12,000 season-ticket holders - almost as many as when the club were in the Premier League six seasons ago.


Sutcliffe continued: "Ordinary working people who want go and see Manchester United face being priced out. There is a danger that there will be a move away from the game and we don't want to be in a position where people are alienated."


Sutcliffe said the Government would not interfere with the running of football, such as by trying to impose salary caps, but said he wanted to act as "a critical friend".


"People in the street cannot understand salaries like Terry's," he added. "Chelsea are £250m in the red and they may be able to cope with that but it's not the real world. £250m in the red is not sustainable."


Chelsea are furious with some of the figures quoted by Sutcliffe and are understood to have complained to his department that they are inaccurate. Sutcliffe will be raising his views with Premier League boss Richard Scudamore and Manchester United chief executive David Gill in meetings on Thursday.



Story from BBC SPORT: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/sport1/hi/football/7073432.stm


I don't know what right the government thinks it has to comment on whether salaries are obscene or not - and indeed, what there is to gain from targetting particular clubs or individuals? Why can't they keep their nose out of it all? Not like they'd DREAM of commenting on City Banker's bonuses or salaries is it?



Almost as obscene as MP's perks and holidays, for the glorified civil servants which is all they are.



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Am I the only one who thinks that footballers deserve to be highly paid?  I think £150,000/week is a bit  ridiculous, but if the world's best players were being paid £60-65k per week, I think that's fair.  They're putting their bodies on the line for a career that is really short, and doesn't provide anyone with any kind of stability for their families, homes, etc.  And like indi said, it's still there, so it must be working...

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Guest sittingontheball

Ordinary people being priced out of housing, higher education, etc. is surely more of a problem. Since the government is partly responsible for such things though, its easier to point the finger at football. He'd be better off shutting up and trying to get the Olympics budget back on track.  Every time it raids the lottery, its taking money directly from his "ordinary people".


As for footballers, like all high earners, the government can tax them and to put some of their wages to public use . That said, I suspect the reality is that the more you earn, the more you can afford accounting advice to exploit every loophole and minimize exposure. Studies usually show that it is low earners that pay the most tax as a percentage of their total income.

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Ordinary people being priced out of housing, higher education, etc. is surely more of a problem. Since the government is partly responsible for such things though, its easier to point the finger at football. He'd be better off shutting up and trying to get the Olympics budget back on track.  Every time it raids the lottery, its taking money directly from his "ordinary people".


As for footballers, like all high earners, the government can tax them and to put some of their wages to public use . That said, I suspect the reality is that the more you earn, the more you can afford accounting advice to exploit every loophole and minimize exposure. Studies usually show that it is low earners that pay the most tax as a percentage of their total income.


Great post, probably nearer the mark than anyone else regarding the minister's motivations in his outburst.  :shifty:

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Minister slams 'obscene' salaries


Sports minister Gerry Sutcliffe has condemned Chelsea captain John Terry's salary as "obscene" while criticising Manchester United's ticket prices. Sutcliffe believes the sky-high wages and ticket prices are alienating fans.


Speaking at a sports summit in London, Sutcliffe said: "Good luck to John, but it is obscene to be on £150,000 a week. And United season tickets went up by 13% - holders have to automatically buy European and Carling Cup games at £200, that takes it away from ordinary fans."


The MP for Bradford South is himself a United fan, but he contrasted the club's prices with those at Bradford City where season tickets were cut to £138 this season, equating to £6 per game. The Bantams were relegated to League Two last season, but the club has 12,000 season-ticket holders - almost as many as when the club were in the Premier League six seasons ago.


Sutcliffe continued: "Ordinary working people who want go and see Manchester United face being priced out. There is a danger that there will be a move away from the game and we don't want to be in a position where people are alienated."


Sutcliffe said the Government would not interfere with the running of football, such as by trying to impose salary caps, but said he wanted to act as "a critical friend".


"People in the street cannot understand salaries like Terry's," he added. "Chelsea are £250m in the red and they may be able to cope with that but it's not the real world. £250m in the red is not sustainable."


Chelsea are furious with some of the figures quoted by Sutcliffe and are understood to have complained to his department that they are inaccurate. Sutcliffe will be raising his views with Premier League boss Richard Scudamore and Manchester United chief executive David Gill in meetings on Thursday.



Story from BBC SPORT: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/sport1/hi/football/7073432.stm


I don't know what right the government thinks it has to comment on whether salaries are obscene or not - and indeed, what there is to gain from targetting particular clubs or individuals? Why can't they keep their nose out of it all? Not like they'd DREAM of commenting on City Banker's bonuses or salaries is it?



It strikes me that MPs should keep their sleek traps shut when it comes to criticizing others' salaries - footballers are certainly overpaid in most cases, but so are MPs - they don't do the job they are supposed to do(i.e. their constituents wishes), merely toe the Party line, get stacks of holidays & expenses(NO TAX if they are Euro-MPs), and rubber-stamp directives from Brussels whilst raising their own pensions JUST before the House breaks for Summer(no debate then of course..!)as everyone else's pension gets hammered....STILL happy to be preached at by these hypocrites!!??

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I dont get it, surely the more they are paid the more they are taxed, meaning inadvertently the UK as a whole are making money off these Russian Billionaires. Why would you complain about that..seems to me like hes trying to earn a few extra votes off the hard done by working class.

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I dont get it, surely the more they are paid the more they are taxed, meaning inadvertently the UK as a whole are making money off these Russian Billionaires. Why would you complain about that..seems to me like hes trying to earn a few extra votes off the hard done by working class.


You don't think rising wages mean rising ticket prices, then?

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