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Nail your colours to the mast: Sack or No Sack?

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It'd be interesting if Shearer and SBR got a call from Mort asking whether they'd be willing to work together.

SBR? He's already said he's about to leave football all together.


keegan and shearer

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It'd be interesting if Shearer and SBR got a call from Mort asking whether they'd be willing to work together.

SBR? He's already said he's about to leave football all together.


A chance to finish things off here in a way he wished he did? A chance to turn this club around with a figure like Shearer beside him? I don't think he'd actually turn us down. And I'm not saying that he should come in and manage, but more like a consultancy role just to help Shearer start things off. Allardyce wasn't everyone's choice but I bet Shearer and SBR together would generate the kind of feel-good atmosphere that is needed now.


Saying all that, I'm still backing Allardyce until the end of the season. The above was just an out of the box suggestion that I'd be excited about.

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Might as well back him until the summer. I don't see Mourinho or anyone like that coming here in the meantime, we'd just end up with some chancer or a caretaker.


I don't see him getting beyond next summer though. It's all well and good saying give him a couple of seasons but if he loses the respect of the players and fans by way of excessive negativity then it may not be a productive partnership. Mort may have talked about success being connected with longevity, but he neglected to point out that the two are mutually reinforcing.

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Unless Ashley think he can gets someone world class in (and I mean the likes of Mourinho rather than Jol), I'd give Sam till the end of this season no matter what.  I'd also give him next season too, but I'd expect European qualification from that.  I'm all for giving him time, but how much?  Five years is too much, I think two years is long enough for him to produce results.

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seen enough to realize that the players are not with him and get shot asap ,the fans at the sunderland game would have given big mike enough info for him to know that enough is enough.I cannot see any way out of our position and do not trust sheriff fatman to change it    dead man walking

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if he realises that the negative football doesn't work, and he starts to play to the players strengths, i think he can turn it  round, especially when the back four finally become settled.  So i think im going to stick with him for now, cos i dont belive he is as bad as he is looking at the minute

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I've always said he needs to be given time to build his squad. You can't expect to remedy three years worth of ailment in five months. But frankly, based on the reactions today, I think it's already pretty much a lost cause. I feel like he's going to struggle to regain the respect of a lot of the fans, and maybe even some of the players (who can't exactly be positive about him after the chanting today).


If Ashley and Mort feel the same, and if they don't intend to give him their full backing, AND (and this "and" is the biggy) if they can find an adequate replacement, they might as well just make the change now and give somebody else a wad of cash to spend in January.


Can't believe I'm actually saying this though. Maybe I'm tired.

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ffs what is the average age of people posting on this forum can anyone not see the shit we are in WE ARE A TEAM HEADING BACKWARDS WITH A MANAGER WITHOUT THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THINGS

It'd be interesting if Shearer and SBR got a call from Mort asking whether they'd be willing to work together.

SBR? He's already said he's about to leave football all together.


A chance to finish things off here in a way he wished he did? A chance to turn this club around with a figure like Shearer beside him? I don't think he'd actually turn us down. And I'm not saying that he should come in and manage, but more like a consultancy role just to help Shearer start things off. Allardyce wasn't everyone's choice but I bet Shearer and SBR together would generate the kind of feel-good atmosphere that is needed now.


Saying all that, I'm still backing Allardyce until the end of the season. The above was just an out of the box suggestion that I'd be excited about.

sbr is hardly in the position health wise and Shearer has said for along time he doesnt want the job .Never been so angry and pissed off for a long time wake up and smell the coffee  fat boy is taking us nowhere and quote me in the future and i will accept being wrong but i have a gut feeling about this
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I've always said he needs to be given time to build his squad. You can't expect to remedy three years worth of ailment in five months. But frankly, based on the reactions today, I think it's already pretty much a lost cause. I feel like he's going to struggle to regain the respect of a lot of the fans, and maybe even some of the players (who can't exactly be positive about him after the chanting today).


If Ashley and Mort feel the same, and if they don't intend to give him their full backing, AND (and this "and" is the biggy) if they can find an adequate replacement, they might as well just make the change now and give somebody else a wad of cash to spend in January.


Can't believe I'm actually saying this though. Maybe I'm tired.


I'm really sick of changing managers but we wouldn't have to do it if we employed the right man in the first place.  I still think Allardyce has time but it must be getting close to the point of no return.  Nothing would make me happier than for him to prove his doubters wrong, I can't see him doing it at the minute.

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I was pleased when Sam was appointed but feared how the team would play. My fears have been well founded. My biggest concern after returning from today's game is " Has Sam lost the dressing room ? " I saw no fight whatsoever today apart from Butt and Given. If he has lost the dressing room then the sooner he goes the better unfortunately. I sympathise with those on the forum saying please stop the constant changing but my confidemce has been badly shaken with the last two home games.

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

Shouldn't sack him.  We are in the position we are in because we have had about 7 managers in the past 10 years.  Wenger did nowt with Arsenal in his first year, Fergie did nowt with Man U in his first year (and nearly got the boot himself).  Not saying Big Sam is as good as either of the two, but he's still got to get his chance, got to keep him in for this 3 year plan or whatever we've got and review the situation then.  It's not Sam you want to be raging at, how about looking at 'Billy No Mates' who buys the drinks for the entire charv population of the NE in Blu Bamboo?  How much did he spend in the summer?  6 Million on Anal Smiff doesn't count, that money came from the Dyer sale.  How about growing up and stop throwing the toys out the pram everytime we lose a game?

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sbr is hardly in the position health wise and Shearer has said for along time he doesnt want the job .Never been so angry and pissed off for a long time wake up and smell the coffee  fat boy is taking us nowhere and quote me in the future and i will accept being wrong but i have a gut feeling about this


Bobby would still offer something to the club in finding a replacement, sadly, he'll never be in a position to work for us again, I think.

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Really dont know any more,  trying to keep the faith  but cant see many positives at the moment


One point from twelve likely to be from 18 by the time we play a run of winnable fixtures, on paper at any rate , home to brum after which we have 2 away games against Fulham and Wigan and another home tie vs Derby sandwiched between them.  How many points do you reckon we will pick up from these games before we face Chelsea, Man City and Man Utd.


Bearing in mind we where the home team today  i don't think that we even won a corner never mind had a shot at goal.


Sams got to sort out formations, tactics, playing players out of position and his lack of motivation that we can actually win a game otherwise he will be gone before New Years day in my opinion. These are the things that have got the crowd on his back as well as inane substitutions and dont think Mort and Ash will put up with it unless there are dramatic improvements after the Arsenal game and it could be a case if we dont get maximum points from the home games and at least a point from one of the away games he will be gone.


Who could we realistically get in that would be any better than Sam i dont know either .........just pretty bloody despondant at the moment.




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Shouldn't sack him.  We are in the position we are in because we have had about 7 managers in the past 10 years.  Wenger did nowt with Arsenal in his first year, Fergie did nowt with Man U in his first year (and nearly got the boot himself).  Not saying Big Sam is as good as either of the two, but he's still got to get his chance, got to keep him in for this 3 year plan or whatever we've got and review the situation then.  It's not Sam you want to be raging at, how about looking at 'Billy No Mates' who buys the drinks for the entire charv population of the NE in Blu Bamboo?  How much did he spend in the summer?  6 Million on Anal Smiff doesn't count, that money came from the Dyer sale.  How about growing up and stop throwing the toys out the pram everytime we lose a game?


We spent money on the players that Allardyce wanted, if he wanted more players he would have got them, he hasn't used that as an excuse so why are you?

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Guest Brazilianbob

I never thought Allardyce was the man for the job and I have repeatedly said he is a Souness clone.  Get rid before he takes us down.  The man is an arrogant buffoon.

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Guest bluegeordie

In my mind, where Big Sam is concerned, I must confess that (cautious) expectation has already been replaced by hope, and hope will soon be replaced by desperation if we continue to put in (non-) performances like we have against Liverpool, Portsmouth, Reading, and Derby, complete with bizarre square-peg-in-round-hole formations, frustratingly one-dimensional and negative tactics, and continual WTF substitutions. However, like others on here, and for similar reasons, I still feel that we need to stick with Sam for the season, unless we're in serious danger of relegation.


When contemplating the dreaded "R" word, I think it's also worth keeping in mind that notwithstanding the utter shite of the past month or so, we're still sitting in 11th spot on the table, and assuming we lose our next two matches to Blackburn and the Arse, it's extremely likely that we'll remain in that position, with a series of much more attractive fixtures ahead of us (Birmingham at home, Fulham away, and Derby at home, respectively). By Christmas time then, there's still a reasonable (and perhaps even a good) chance that we'll be in the top half of the table, even if we haven't exactly hit our straps by then.


So, unless relegation becomes a serious prospect (which seems unlikely), I'll nail myself to the "pro-Sam" mast for this season, although I confess that I'll be waiting very nervously to see what transpires in the January transfer window. While I like much of what Sam appears to be doing off the pitch, I think it's fair to say that so far there's also been a few absolute clangers - signing Smith imo (as many of us feared at the time); appointing Geremi as captain (which many of us didn't see as a problem at the time - myself included - but which looks like one on the basis of recent evidence - where was his leadership today, for instance?); and, of course, failing to sign any speed or enough creativity in the midfield (including a set piece taker who can at least occasionally clear the first man at corners ... not that this was even an issue today, of course - you have to win corners to have a chance of fucking them up, after all).


Despite the above clangers, if Sam can address our midfield shortcomings in January with a couple of astute signings, and then show that he's capable of learning from his mistakes in terms of team selections and tactics (to that end, I'm looking to send him an "Idiot's Guide to Passing and Possession" book as a Christmas present), then I think we should be okay. However, I concede to his critics on this board that, on the evidence thus far, there is a serious question mark over Big Sam's "learning capacities", and if he's going to survive at the Toon then he's going to have to learn fast how to learn fast, if you know what I mean. 


We shall see ... and no doubt remain seriously nervous, and three-quarters pissed, in the meantime. I'm hoping, however, that most of the home support will resist the temptation to turn Saint James's into a pantomime theatre while they watch the drama unfold. How anyone can think that an atmosphere like today's can help to bring the best out of our manager or players remains a complete mystery to me. No, imho, while as supporters our frustration and criticism are completely understandable, there are appropriate times and ways of expressing such things, and those who resort to a continual cycle of boos, hisses, and premature walkouts are nothing short of pathetic.



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ugghhh, commentary on chelsea v derby just said something along the lines of "well, you knock balls into the box and try and win the 2nd ball. Its called desperation football."

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Guest WalkervilleMag

I would sack him. But i don't think they will, but when we have been beaten by Blackburn and Arsenal... which are pretty guaranteed defeats, I think they will act and get rid of him.


I think somebody needs to get a big red marker pen, and put L and R on Fat Sam's shoes as he does not seem to have a clue as to who is right and left footed at the club.  N'Zogbia off for Milner ??  Carr on for Enrique when 3-0 down. 

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We shall see ... and no doubt remain seriously nervous, and three-quarters pissed, in the meantime. I'm hoping, however, that most of the home support will resist the temptation to turn Saint James's into a pantomime theatre while they watch the drama unfold. How anyone can think that an atmosphere like today's can help to bring the best out of our manager or players remains a complete mystery to me. No, imho, while as supporters our frustration and criticism are completely understandable, there are appropriate times and ways of expressing such things, and those who resort to a continual cycle of boos, hisses, and premature walkouts are nothing short of pathetic.




a nice sentiment mate, but never going to happen. i may not renew my season ticket next season, and if that does end up being the case, being surrounded by 50,000 morons every week will be the main contributing factor

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