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The booing perspective - Joey Barton has his say on us...

Benwell Lad
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There's a massive protest in Sudan  trying to get this teacher executed baecuase of that stupid teddy bear, but the Sun decide to go with this "story" on their front page.  Tells you all you need to know about the press in this country.


Incidentally he's on Inside Sport on the BBC on Monday night if anyone is interested.   Barton, not the teddy bear

The story in Sudan is blown out of proportion too fwiw.


Not really.  For a start at least its newsworthy

Well, you said the protest was massive, the Beeb put the figure at around a thousand.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

How many times does a player come to Newcastle and fail to live up to expectations.








Its like he says the players are shit scared to express themselves. Its happening with Lampard for England


When a player leaves Newcastle i can imagine it is a weight off their shoulders if they havnt become heroes within the first 2 months. It will be the same for Viduka, Beye, Geremi, Smith etc, if we dont change our mentality quick.


Remember they chose to come and play for us. I know some of you will probably say its because we offer more money, but a lot of the time the reputation of us as fantastic fans to play for swings it for us. EG, Smith, Viduka and Geremi had Middlesborough, Portsmouth and Villa respectively, after their services and willing to match wages, but they chose us!

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I understand where Joey is at: he has moved club, his old club are doing a lot better without him, the new chap running the show at City scores & creates goals like he never will. We know Barton is mentally weak & has a lashing out mentality & this his anger release. I am taking it with a pinch of salt as I would rather he fired a broadside in the papers rather than kick an opponent & get sent off. Today we travel to Blackburn a ground if I remember correctly where the Man City fans chanted "YOUR NOT FIT TO WEAR THE SHIRT" now that's really viscous

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How many times does a player come to Newcastle and fail to live up to expectations.








Its like he says the players are shit scared to express themselves. Its happening with Lampard for England


When a player leaves Newcastle i can imagine it is a weight off their shoulders if they havnt become heroes within the first 2 months. It will be the same for Viduka, Beye, Geremi, Smith etc, if we dont change our mentality quick.


Remember they chose to come and play for us. I know some of you will probably say its because we offer more money, but a lot of the time the reputation of us as fantastic fans to play for swings it for us. EG, Smith, Viduka and Geremi had Middlesborough, Portsmouth and Villa respectively, after their services and willing to match wages, but they chose us!


Our crowd seems to have a habit of picking on particular players and giving them a hard time no matter what's going on on the pitch. I couldn't believe it on Saturday when Smith was named man of the match and got booed. He'd given his all and he'd been the only player who looked remotely like causing the opposition a problem.


I'll never forget an away game at Birmingham a couple of years ago when Shearer was injured and Shola gave a great performance, holding the ball up really well, and showing a real willingness to take responsibility. Ten minutes before the end, he miscontrols the ball and the supporters jeer him. It was embarrassing.


You fear a little for Duff, who is a very, very good player. When he comes back, he's going to have to work his way back up to his best, but will the crowd give him a chance? A lot of people seem to have decided that he's crap and are only waiting to have it confirmed.

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I understand where Joey is at: he has moved club, his old club are doing a lot better without him, the new chap running the show at City scores & creates goals like he never will. We know Barton is mentally weak & has a lashing out mentality & this his anger release. I am taking it with a pinch of salt as I would rather he fired a broadside in the papers rather than kick an opponent & get sent off. Today we travel to Blackburn a ground if I remember correctly where the Man City fans chanted "YOUR NOT FIT TO WEAR THE SHIRT" now that's really viscous


What? So it's ok for you to hit your lass so long as your neighbour is beating her?

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Guest BlueWhiteMonkey

The lad is spot on.


Booing our own players is counter productive. When will some of our fans realise that?



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I don't think this will do the players any favours because Barton is making it look like the fans are jumping down the players throats from the off. The situtation needs to be looked at in context, and that is the booing came as a culmination of very poor, lifeless displays ended with a total drubbing at home where the Liverpool keeper could have watched from the stands.


Anyway, wasn't Sam just yesterday telling his players if they couldn't stand the heat to get out of the kitchen?

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The most important thing Barton spoke about was the fact that there was an atmosphere in some elements of the crowd that in their minds had lost the game before a ball had been kicked. Even the opposition had picked up on it, which would explain how quickly Liverpool came out of the blocks.


The start of each game should be a carte blanche for all our players, and they should get a reception their performance over 90 minutes deserves, not a five second moment at eleven minutes.


If a player says there is an issue, the fans should look to resolve it, as just telling the player they are paid enough and playing crap isn't going to make matters better.


People blame the kids for the bad atmosphere, but it was grown men who were the first to shout out against the team in the Liverpool game. That fat middle aged man with glasses that was on the TV screens berating Allardyce from behind the dugout, I seem to remember sitting near him at Fulham last season, and all he could do for 85 minutes was scream abuse at Damien Duff, with the occassional chant for Nobby Solano on the bench, and for some reason he would suddenly cheer for Steven Taylor whenever he touched the ball as if he was his Dad or something.


Compare this to preseason and cup games where there is a younger and fresher group of fans in the stadium, and the atmosphere is usually much better.


I'd be very happy if Chris Mort decided that enough was enough and banned fat middle aged bloke with glasses from the stadium with the full knowledge that a younger, fresher, more enthusiastic fan is waiting out there to take his place.

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Strange thing I find about booing is actually making the sound! As a 30 year old I just couldn't bring myself to utter the soud of booing as I'd feel like an idiot! I'd much rather just say something like it's "F***ing S**t" or something as a way of venting my anger! Obviously you can't coordinate the crowd to say the same words to get the message across together but saying that you don't need to as the team will know when a crowd is not happpy without the booing.


Also don't agree with the presssure of the crowd getting to certain players as that is what they are paid to handle and if they can't handle it then they are being overpiad and should not be here. Also all the players who have left here have never gone on to better things so I just think they were either over raated when they were younger (i.e. Jenas & Parker) or were over the hill when we got them (i.e. Kluivert)! Actually just thinking, how is Boumsong doing in the top flight with Juventus?

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The most important thing Barton spoke about was the fact that there was an atmosphere in some elements of the crowd that in their minds had lost the game before a ball had been kicked. Even the opposition had picked up on it, which would explain how quickly Liverpool came out of the blocks.


The start of each game should be a carte blanche for all our players, and they should get a reception their performance over 90 minutes deserves, not a five second moment at eleven minutes.


If a player says there is an issue, the fans should look to resolve it, as just telling the player they are paid enough and playing crap isn't going to make matters better.


People blame the kids for the bad atmosphere, but it was grown men who were the first to shout out against the team in the Liverpool game. That fat middle aged man with glasses that was on the TV screens berating Allardyce from behind the dugout, I seem to remember sitting near him at Fulham last season, and all he could do for 85 minutes was scream abuse at Damien Duff, with the occassional chant for Nobby Solano on the bench, and for some reason he would suddenly cheer for Steven Taylor whenever he touched the ball as if he was his Dad or something.


Compare this to preseason and cup games where there is a younger and fresher group of fans in the stadium, and the atmosphere is usually much better.


I'd be very happy if Chris Mort decided that enough was enough and banned fat middle aged bloke with glasses from the stadium with the full knowledge that a younger, fresher, more enthusiastic fan is waiting out there to take his place.


There's plenty of competition James but this is probably the stupidest thing you've said on this board.

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I have a question for Joey and the people who think booing should be banned or whatever: As a season ticket holder how can I express to Sam Allardyce and some of the first team squad that I think their attitude towards a lot of games this season has been utterly pathetic, and that its embarrassing to be a supporter when we are going to Reading and Derby to sit deep and "nick something"?


NB: this is not a question about whether the attitude has been pathetic or not, its a question as to how a supporter can express their opinion to the people responsible.

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I have a question for Joey and the people who think booing should be banned or whatever: As a season ticket holder how can I express to Sam Allardyce and some of the first team squad that I think their attitude towards a lot of games this season has been utterly pathetic, and that its embarrassing to be a supporter when we are going to Reading and Derby to sit deep and "nick something"?


NB: this is not a question about whether the attitude has been pathetic or not, its a question as to how a supporter can express their opinion to the people responsible.


The first team squad have to do worse stuff than play badly before they should be criticised from their own fans within the stadium. They are on the pitch because the manager has chosen them and given them the necessary instructions, and should get full backing from the crowd to help get the best out of them even if their best isn't very good.


The buck stops with the manager and the board, as they make the employment decisions, but any wrath aimed in that direction should wait until after the final whistle, as any ill feeling during the match undermines the support for the players.

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As someone else said, boo at the end of 90 minutes. During the game do your utmost to lift the team on the off-chance the positive sounds from the crowd will lift the team.


What I find the most amazing is, even knowing what the press are like, so many here are calling Barton for this piece. For all you know he was pacing up and down his room today kicking the cat and thinking. "That's not how I meant it, and yes, I said that and that, but he missed out all the stuff I said about this and this."


Anyway, all said and done. You don't need a degree in psychology to understand how uplifting cheers can encourage people and how negative jibes can make them nervous.


The point made about Crouch was also a valid one. A great player (not Crouch, obviously) with a slightly nervous disposition, who needs a bit of encouragement because of insecurity issues, but is fantastic on his day.. might think Newcastle? No way, I'm not going there. The St James' Park, or rather the press reporting of the atmosphere, could be a negative factor in the decision making process.


You frequently hear players saying one of the reasons they chose to come was because of the crowd, I guess that could go both ways.

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The most important thing Barton spoke about was the fact that there was an atmosphere in some elements of the crowd that in their minds had lost the game before a ball had been kicked. Even the opposition had picked up on it, which would explain how quickly Liverpool came out of the blocks.


The start of each game should be a carte blanche for all our players, and they should get a reception their performance over 90 minutes deserves, not a five second moment at eleven minutes.


If a player says there is an issue, the fans should look to resolve it, as just telling the player they are paid enough and playing crap isn't going to make matters better.


People blame the kids for the bad atmosphere, but it was grown men who were the first to shout out against the team in the Liverpool game. That fat middle aged man with glasses that was on the TV screens berating Allardyce from behind the dugout, I seem to remember sitting near him at Fulham last season, and all he could do for 85 minutes was scream abuse at Damien Duff, with the occassional chant for Nobby Solano on the bench, and for some reason he would suddenly cheer for Steven Taylor whenever he touched the ball as if he was his Dad or something.


Compare this to preseason and cup games where there is a younger and fresher group of fans in the stadium, and the atmosphere is usually much better.


I'd be very happy if Chris Mort decided that enough was enough and banned fat middle aged bloke with glasses from the stadium with the full knowledge that a younger, fresher, more enthusiastic fan is waiting out there to take his place.


There's plenty of competition James but this is probably the stupidest thing you've said on this board.


It is something I know most will disagree with, but why should anyone who doesn't seem willing to support the team even want to be in the stadium? It would be better off if the club decided that it didn't want these people in the stadium when there are others on the waiting list who are willing to pay up and support the club.

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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle

For the lads that go to the match, was it that bad? At the Pompey game, it looked like stunned silence and nothing more. He's exagerrating surely?


No he's not.  The atmosphere was bizarre, and I couldn't believe it.  I think he's spot on tbf - SJP is packed to the rafters with f****** dickheads these days.  I feel very little affinity with fans who'll boo if it's 0-0 at half time, or if we go a goal or two behind.  The performance at the weekend was totally unacceptable mind, don't get me wrong.






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I understand where Joey is at: he has moved club, his old club are doing a lot better without him, the new chap running the show at City scores & creates goals like he never will. We know Barton is mentally weak & has a lashing out mentality & this his anger release. I am taking it with a pinch of salt as I would rather he fired a broadside in the papers rather than kick an opponent & get sent off. Today we travel to Blackburn a ground if I remember correctly where the Man City fans chanted "YOUR NOT FIT TO WEAR THE SHIRT" now that's really viscous


What? So it's ok for you to hit your lass so long as your neighbour is beating her?


At what point did I say that?

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Guest Micktoon

Work with a Scouse lad, decent bloke. Seen him for the first time since the Liverpool debacle yesterday. His comments were that he couldn't believe how shit we played and he couldn't believe the level of abuse being directed onto the pitch from the stands.


The problem with the atmosphere at St James', not pretending to be an expert as I only get there 5-6 times a season, but it seems that there is little atmosphere when we are doing well and abuse when we're not. I realise that the 70's and 80's are long gone but then  we were literally the twelth man and this is where are famous atmosphere rep came from. Now I think Barton should get his game in order before having a pop but his comments aren't far of.

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Barton has made a good point about the crowd, it's one we've been commenting on since the Wolves debacle under Robson. For people on here, who apparently can't read Barton's quotes accurately, to go spouting off about how he's "got a fuckin' cheek" or that he's responsible for the dross performances lately....I'm sure you must be part of the mindless throng that treat SJP as your weekly pantomine. Please get a refund on your season ticket, you've been watching crap football for too long, you don't deserve and in all fairness, those of us who support the shirt don't fuckin' want you there.


To the rest of us, who are either open-minded or willing to get behind the shirt, lets show the new players what support can really mean when we play Arsenal. Souness got a similar effect under his so-called reign of terror and it was a fantastic atmosphere, helping the team to a 1-0 win.


Let the fans inspire the team.


A footballer who puts cigarettes out in a kids face and is waiting to go to court for assaulting a team mate should think twice before calling booing “vicious” and accusing them of” baying for blood.” 


I don’t have a problem with him having a go at the fans for booing players, his choice of words is way over the top, he’s used words that he should have been using when he looked at himself in the mirror after doing the above or talking to the family member who thought he’s stick an axe in the head of some kid because of the colour of his skin, the blokes a hypocrite of the highest order.


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Guest thenorthumbrian

Barton has made a good point about the crowd, it's one we've been commenting on since the Wolves debacle under Robson. For people on here, who apparently can't read Barton's quotes accurately, to go spouting off about how he's "got a fuckin' cheek" or that he's responsible for the dross performances lately....I'm sure you must be part of the mindless throng that treat SJP as your weekly pantomine. Please get a refund on your season ticket, you've been watching crap football for too long, you don't deserve and in all fairness, those of us who support the shirt don't fuckin' want you there.


To the rest of us, who are either open-minded or willing to get behind the shirt, lets show the new players what support can really mean when we play Arsenal. Souness got a similar effect under his so-called reign of terror and it was a fantastic atmosphere, helping the team to a 1-0 win.


Let the fans inspire the team.


A footballer who puts cigarettes out in a kids face and is waiting to go to court for assaulting a team mate should think twice before calling booing vicious and accusing them of baying for blood. 


I dont have a problem with him having a go at the fans for booing players, his choice of words is way over the top, hes used words that he should have been using when he looked at himself in the mirror after doing the above or talking to the family member who thought hes stick an axe in the head of some kid because of the colour of his skin, the blokes a hypocrite of the highest order.



Spot on, when Barton shows some regret for the crimes he has committed and starts to show a bit of humility I maight start taking anything he says seriously.

I wonder whats worse for team moral, the fans not cheering abymsmal performances or having this gobshite prick around the place.

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Guest Wally_McFool



The problem with the atmosphere at St James', not pretending to be an expert as I only get there 5-6 times a season, but it seems that there is little atmosphere when we are doing well and abuse when we're not. I realise that the 70's and 80's are long gone but then  we were literally the twelth man and this is where are famous atmosphere rep came from. Now I think Barton should get his game in order before having a pop but his comments aren't far of.


Unfortunately, most of the atmosphere went when the stadium was enlarged with those ridiculous looking lop sided stands.  :crazy2:

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Guest marky555

People need to stop getting their backs up about s hit like this, he's trying to be constructive in his criticism and alot of people just winge on about how they pay his wages and he should be performing etc.


Give him a chance eh

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Spot on, when Barton shows some regret for the crimes he has committed and starts to show a bit of humility I maight start taking anything he says seriously.


Something he has actually done if you read this months FourFourTwo.

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Barton has made a good point about the crowd, it's one we've been commenting on since the Wolves debacle under Robson. For people on here, who apparently can't read Barton's quotes accurately, to go spouting off about how he's "got a fuckin' cheek" or that he's responsible for the dross performances lately....I'm sure you must be part of the mindless throng that treat SJP as your weekly pantomine. Please get a refund on your season ticket, you've been watching crap football for too long, you don't deserve and in all fairness, those of us who support the shirt don't fuckin' want you there.


To the rest of us, who are either open-minded or willing to get behind the shirt, lets show the new players what support can really mean when we play Arsenal. Souness got a similar effect under his so-called reign of terror and it was a fantastic atmosphere, helping the team to a 1-0 win.


Let the fans inspire the team.


A footballer who puts cigarettes out in a kids face and is waiting to go to court for assaulting a team mate should think twice before calling booing “vicious” and accusing them of” baying for blood.” 


I don’t have a problem with him having a go at the fans for booing players, his choice of words is way over the top, he’s used words that he should have been using when he looked at himself in the mirror after doing the above or talking to the family member who thought he’s stick an axe in the head of some kid because of the colour of his skin, the blokes a hypocrite of the highest order.



If we're that bad, why doesn't he just rip up his lucrative contract and f*** off?


No, thought not.


Steven Gerrard was booed for most of the game. When asked about it in his post-match interview, he said he deserved it for letting the fans down against Croatia.



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