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Newcastle’s Michael Owen, Not Only Injury Prone But Also A Blithering Idiot...


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Newcastle’s Michael Owen, Not Only Injury Prone But Also A Blithering Idiot.

November 26, 2007

Injury-prone Michael Owen might need his head checking as well as his dodgy knackered limbs. He told The Sun after the World Cup qualifying draw, in which England were again paired with Croatia, that:


“I don’t think any of the Croatian team would get into our team. Doesn’t that tell you it’s not about ability or technique but in the mind. We have very demanding fans and a media who expect a great deal from the England team — and rightly so. How we, as players, cope with that is where the problem lies. I watched the Croatia game and so often it broke down purely because of pressure. It came down to the pressure of making a mistake when it mattered. If we’d won the games we should have, we wouldn’t have ended up putting that kind of pressure on ourselves. It was our own fault.”


Not a single player would get into the England side? Does Owen need his head checking? Little Micky continued with this dazzling display of optimism saying:


“When I look around the England squad and see the talent we have, I cannot imagine that we will not win something. A few lucky breaks at the right time wouldn’t go amiss — but we can’t just rely on good luck to see us through. We have got to apply the ability we have got — and I dare anyone to say it is not there.”


Has he no idea that we failed to qualify for Euro 2008, and Croatia did us at Wembley in the crappy denouement? And what is all this guff about not a single Croatia player getting into the England team? The goalie would definitely waltz into the team and the way the defence played last week Bilic could probably dust off his boots and get into the England side too. And what of Portsmouth’s Kranjcar, he’d get in surely?






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What a shit article and by article I mean someone copy and pasting Owen's quotes and writing some daft opinion underneath it.


I agree the "I don’t think any of the Croatian team would get into our team" isn't very thought through but to call him a Blithering Idiot is just stupid.

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erm... I kinda agree with him. England's problem isnt a lack of ability at player level, its just that when you put them all together, and have managers that insist on playing people based on name and not what would best balance the team, we're shit!

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Guest Sniffer

I don't see much wrong with Owen's comments. If you had a choice between the England players and the Croatians, I don't think there are any croats that I'd take for Newcastle in preference to the English ones. But every player in the England team, even lescott, is a step up for what we have at here. Gerrard showed excatly the difference between playing club football and playing for England.


Saying that, the croats were definitely better organised and prepared than England and much the better team.


You seem to be the dumbshit swissmag for trying to jump on the bandwagon.

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I completely agreed with him. There is no excuse for the players of that calibre not to qualify for the Euros, it's poor management that has cost us really, although i didn't expect him to say that.


Notice it's "Newcastles Micheal Owen" when he's a blithering idiot. Fucking shit journalism.

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Owen also said that a lot of how you performed was down to how you coped under pressure. He cited how top sportsmen like Tiger Woods performed really well under pressure. He said that that when players couldn't cope with pressure they resorted to the easy option and hoofed the ball up the middle. This was in reference to England but could easily apply to NUFC.


The pressure against Croatia was enormous and the players couldn't handle it.  Owen is 100% correct

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Never said, that he's not correct, but I blame him for the timing... Anyway, did not like him when he was at Liverpool. And more so I can't understand the hype since he's been here. Was too expensive and has done nothing so far. I would would have taken the player he was some years ago, but not after his Real Madrid stay.


I know, it's an old story...  :coolsmiley:

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I completely agreed with him. There is no excuse for the players of that calibre not to qualify for the Euros, it's poor management that has cost us really, although i didn't expect him to say that.


Notice it's "Newcastles Micheal Owen" when he's a blithering idiot. f****** s*** journalism.


Typical, if it's good he belongs to England, if it's bad he belongs to Newcasstle, it's actually quite funny. :lol:

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I completely agreed with him. There is no excuse for the players of that calibre not to qualify for the Euros, it's poor management that has cost us really, although i didn't expect him to say that.


Notice it's "Newcastles Micheal Owen" when he's a blithering idiot. f****** s*** journalism.


Typical, if it's good he belongs to England, if it's bad he belongs to Newcasstle, it's actually quite funny. :lol:


Hah well spotted, journalism in this country is just a joke at times

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Oh sorry, I forgot that you are all english... :idiot2:


OK, a few would get in the squad, but it's not like they've got a lot of players head and sholders above the England players. Because they don't.


England were totally outplayed on their own turf in a must-not-lose match that mattered more to them than it did to their opponents. Technically and mentally the Croats were a class above their English counterparts. The entire qualification campaign proves that it wasn't a one-off either. I think you are in denial if you believe this crop of English players is better than the Croats, whom I believe to be outsiders to win the European Championship, that's how good I think they are..


Also, I have to say I fear for England in the WC qualifiers. People have expressed their delight at a group with Belarus, Croatia and Ukraine, all of which I believe to be very serious opponents, especially away from him. If the England players, like many of the supporters, feel they will walk this group they've got another thing coming and it will only prove they haven't learned the lesson from this last qualification disaster..

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Player for player I honestly don't think many (if any) of the Croats are better than the English players (well maybe their keeper) but we just don't perform very often as a team. This is partly down to trying to fit players into the team rather than playing the more effective team.

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Player for player I honestly don't think many (if any) of the Croats are better than the English players (well maybe their keeper) but we just don't perform very often as a team. This is partly down to trying to fit players into the team rather than playing the more effective team.


That's the wrong way to look at this though, surely? International football isn't played on a compare-player-for-player basis. If it was, Spain and England would be higher up than where they are, and so would Newcastle in the Premiership. What matters is not how good the individual players are at playing a style of football that suits them, it's how effectively they combine together against different styles of play. Holland have just qualified from a group with a lot of Eastern European teams, and I can tell you it wasn't easy. We all know what Croatia can do from first hand experience. Ukraine didn't qualify but took France to the last round of matches if I'm not mistaken. Belarus didn't qualify but did beat Holland at their place very convincingly despite taking off their best players at half time. The trips to Ukraine, Belarus and Kazhakstan will be anything from easy from an environment point of view too. Expect bad pitches, extreme cold and a hostile atmosphere. These teams are very decent tactically and technically too nowadays. Are you confident the England players can handle this? Many people here seem to think it was all McLaren's fault, but I believe you need to take a long hard look at your players too, because many of them aren't up to the task at all.

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Guest toonlass

Its the England players arrogance that gets me. They all come out with, "England deserve to be in the finals" bollox and claim that they can see England winning something, and yet they don't even qualify. Surely the fact that England couldn't win or come second in their group means that they don't deserve to be in the finals. I think Owen's words are quite disrespectful to the Croatians who beat England off the park last week, England's scoreline was made to look better by a very soft penalty and a virtuoso performance by Peter Crouch. Point to Owen and co, if you don't even qualify for the finals of a tournament you will win fuck all.

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Its the England players arrogance that gets me. They all come out with, "England deserve to be in the finals" bollox and claim that they can see England winning something, and yet they don't even qualify. Surely the fact that England couldn't win or come second in their group means that they don't deserve to be in the finals. I think Owen's words are quite disrespectful to the Croatians who beat England off the park last week, England's scoreline was made to look better by a very soft penalty and a virtuoso performance by Peter Crouch. Point to Owen and co, if you don't even qualify for the finals of a tournament you will win f*** all.


Well said

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