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Allardyce gone if we suffer defeat on Wednesday


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Guest Stephen927

Would be very harsh if he were sacked. We looked very good against Blackburn, unlucky not to get anything out of the game.


If we put in the same heart and work ethic against Arsenal, without the silly defensive mistakes, we should be able to do well against them, but in reality, they'll probably win because they have so much quality.

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Would be very harsh if he were sacked. We looked very good against Blackburn, unlucky not to get anything out of the game.


If we put in the same heart and work ethic against Arsenal, without the silly defensive mistakes, we should be able to do well against them, but in reality, they'll probably win because they have so much quality.


Highlighted for comic effect.

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Worrying IMO.


Given thats he's had the following issues since joining I'll be gutted if we sack him after 15 games;


- He's had to buy a new back four and then try to get them to gel without a proper pre-season

- He's not had a settled back four yet

- He's not had Owen for any length of time

- Viduka's been the 'turn up one game in 5 man' we worried he might be

- He's had to flog Solano

- He had to endure the takeover talks and uncertainty when Ashley bought us which impacted transfer planning

- Given's been injured

- Duff's not played

- He had the Owen 'is he/isn't he?' shite in the summer


He also doesn't feel he can play his preferred 4-3-3 system for some reason.


I can fully appreciate those pissed off with the football being played and the tactics used but I think he's said the right things, he knows what needs to be done and he is capable of meeting the challenge this place has to offer but to do that he needs time.


I'd honestly like to see Mort or Ashley come out and publically say 'we're judging him over 12-18 months unless we look like genuine relegation candidates in which case we'll review it'.


Lets face it, we're a middle of the road club in a time of major change and upheaval; things aren't going to be great for a while but thats because we need a huge overhaul to give us the chance to be a force again.


I've always looked upon change as the potential for opportunities and whilst Mort and Co. are analysing everything behind the scenes does this not make it a perfect opportunity for somebody with new, fresh ideas like Allardyce to generate positive, sustainable change within the first team set up?


Giving him time is brave and, to me at least shows long term ambition because it's the club saying for once we can't expect somebody to come in and achieve instant success - we are here for the long term good and we'll take the short term pain.


Come on Ashley & Mort lets not be swayed by those who think we can walk back into the top 6 or the press. Stick by Allardyce and have continuity.

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You're in no danger of going down and it could possibly be too late already to make up ground and qualify for the UEFA.


I know the points difference isn't massive but the sheer number of clubs who have realistic European aspirations and are ahead of you makes it difficult-  City, Villa, Blackburn, Portsmouth, West Ham and  ourselves. You could overtake maybe 2 or 3 but can you go past 4 or 5 to qualify for the UEFA? I doubt it.


With that in mind, the best thing you could do is have some stability. Give Allardyce until the end of the season to settle in and the players get used to his methods, see if he brings in what is required in the January window.


If, by the end of the season the team's form is looking rosier and  a couple of the new players have  come good then you'll be in a much better  position to achieve things next  year than if you get another new gaffer in part way through the season and effectively start all over again.


That's what the board should do, have a bit  of patience and nouse. I fully expect them to do the opposite and sack Allardyce though. Ashley will want the boo boys on side so he can carry on doing publicity stunts in the stands with his replica top on.

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Why do people think this is going to happen?  Mort has spoken about backing the manager and he was sitting next to Allardyce again yesterday so will have seen the support given to the manager, the story just looks like more made up shit from the press.

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Why do people think this is going to happen?  Mort has spoken about backing the manager and he was sitting next to Allardyce again yesterday so will have seen the support given to the manager, the story just looks like more made up shit from the press.


The way the press are portraying Ashley & Mort is comical.



MA: "Well if we can't even get a point off Arsenal I think he has to go, cos they are shite"


CM: "OK Mike, we need a proven manager to replace him, given that he's never managed a bigger club and we never wanted him here in the first place.  I know just the man, I'll get onto Shearer"

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The way the press are portraying Ashley & Mort is comical.



MA: "Well if we can't even get a point off Arsenal I think he has to go, cos they are s****"


CM: "OK Mike, we need a proven manager to replace him, given that he's never managed a bigger club and we never wanted him here in the first place.  I know just the man, I'll get onto Shearer"


You're right it is comical the way they look at these two because as far as I can see Ashley and Mort have not put a foot wrong since taking over the club.  Everything they've done has been well thought out, good for the club and professional yet the press seem to think that Shearer will picking the teams after Arsenal if we don't get a result.


As for people coming out and saying Mort should make a quick denial, why should he?  He's already given Allardyce his backing twice, I'd rather nothing was said as a finger to the press.  The more we give them stories the more they will shit stir to get a reaction and in doing so get some easy page fillers.

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I really hope he isn't sacked until the end of the season but it's so frustrating to see that he isn't even helping his own cause. I want to support him but I can't see any logic in anything he's doing and I think I stand with the vast majority on that. He changed the formation yet again at Blackburn after the 3-5-2 farce against Liverpool and the square pegs in round holes against the mackems. None of these decisions have been forced upon him, he chose not to show faith in his only left back and instead shoehorned N'Zogbia into defence. Again. He simply refuses to go back to basics and we've lost to a Blackburn side low in confidence and tired from midweek. Managers often make the odd eccentric decision that doesn't sit right with fans and if they get it right they're labelled a genius, but to make decisions which baffle every onlooker all of the time is just bizarre, espescially for a side struggling to get even the basics right.


I'm beginning to question whether we will ever see Allardyce's first team because I can see him fannying about, panicking and swapping the team around until he gets the sack. He simply can't seem to make his mind up and it's astonishing, really. We're 14 games into the season and there is no semblance of a 'first team'. I know quite a lot of the lads have been poor but you've got to have a spine to your team and stick with it. We're not helping ourselves at the minute.

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As for people coming out and saying Mort should make a quick denial, why should he?


Same morons want Mickey Owen to say he is happy & is staying every 5 minutes.




I wouldn't call them morons, I just think they don't look at the outcome of keep jumping when the press demand it.

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We are in a poor run of form - not many expect us to get anything other than a hiding from Arsenal on Weds, which makes the Birmingham game crucial. Crucial as in stopping the rot, because once you get stuck in a rut, it's hard to get out of. We are struggling to score goals, leaking them at the back and still beset by injury problems. He should be given until the end of the season, but the question is - how long do you let the poor form continue, before making a change ? I don't want to see us sucked into a relegation scrap, for the sake of giving him time to experiment.


Shearer won't come here anytime soon - he's wise enough to know that it would be the wrong time and he'd be setting himself up for a fall if we are still struggling.

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We are in a poor run of form - not many expect us to get anything other than a hiding from Arsenal on Weds, which makes the Birmingham game crucial. Crucial as in stopping the rot, because once you get stuck in a rut, it's hard to get out of. We are struggling to score goals, leaking them at the back and still beset by injury problems. He should be given until the end of the season, but the question is - how long do you let the poor form continue, before making a change ? I don't want to see us sucked into a relegation scrap, for the sake of giving him time to experiment.


Shearer won't come here anytime soon - he's wise enough to know that it would be the wrong time and he'd be setting himself up for a fall if we are still struggling.


I can understand that, sometimes a manager can't motivate the players and if that happens then the manager has to go, I don't think we're at that stage yet.

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Because we are right in the s*** at the moment?


With a record of LLDLL in our last 5 games and Arsenal sure to add another L then yes we are in the s***.


We're not a sinking ship so they can stand by him a bit longer.


Just because we haven't finished sinking yet doesn't mean we aren't a sinking ship.  We can afford to give him a little bit longer, but on the other hand if Mort/Ashley have the man they wanted all along lined up to come in then they should sack Sam and be done with it.  If they don't have a real replacement then fair enough, I'd agree they should wait another few games.  But if we don't get more then two wins from our next 5 games Allardyce has to go.

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