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Ashley wants Capello. In other news winged pig sighted.

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Magpies want Capello to replace Allardyce

Last updated at 05:31am on 5th December 2007 Daily Mail


Newcastle are preparing to sound out Fabio Capello as a possible replacement for under-fire Sam Allardyce.



The Toon board are putting in a contingency plan in case the club's dismal form continues and they are forced to give Allardyce the axe.


Club owner Mike Ashley is believed to be prepared to give the Newcastle boss until Christmas to turn things around.


But with the January transfer window looming, reports in the Daily Star suggest Newcastle have targeted the Italian boss – who last year won the Spanish League with Real Madrid – as a potential successor.


Although Allardyce has admitted his job is in jeopardy, tonight's result against Premier League leaders Arsenal will not have any impact on his future.


But with one point from their last five games, the former Bolton boss knows he has to get some points on the board soon to save himself from the sack.


Many Toon fans would like to see Alan Shearer as boss but Ashley plans to send a delegation to Italy to speak to Capello and see if he would be interested if the job does become vacant.


Capello has made it clear he would love to manage in the Premier League, and has already voiced his interest in the England job.


But a number of Toon legends rallied round Allardyce last night – and the clear message from Newcastle greats Les Ferdinand, Peter Beardsley and Chris Waddle to the Geordie nation was: "Lay off Sam."


Ferdinand, a regular visitor to his old stamping ground as a Setanta Sports pundit, urges fans to put their grievances to one side and turn the stadium into a cauldron of noise.


He said: "When I played there, the fans weren't like a 12th man, they were a 13th man too. No wonder we won so many games.


"We had a great team under Kevin Keegan, but opponents were often beaten before kick-off because of the intimidating atmosphere.


"After a bright start, things have fallen away a bit for Sam and it's understandable that the fans are frustrated but an atmosphere like that's needed even more now."



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Guest nufc_geordie

Wouldn't be against a Capello appointment to be honest, certainly a better route to persue than appointing a certain Mr Shearer. I wonder however have much of that article is sh*t.

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Its not like Madrid has a reputation for showering love and respect on managers through thick and thin. Seemed to have no problem going there. Surely Ashley could only entice a manager of his calibre here with a guarantee of a massive war chest.

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He would be a good appointment to be honest. Bu now isn't the time to talk about it, Allardyce needs to be given some time to turn it round. Though I have to add I doubt an Allardyce team even at it's best could dream about playing like a Capello side.

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Guest The Libertine

who is this foreign tosser? nobody even wants crapello, we all want sheera or keegan!! who writes this shite? at least consult the fans first!

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Guest ChickenKiev

I wonder what he'll do in 14 games? Win the league?





No speaka da englaise either.


Still better than sam though!

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I wonder what he'll do in 14 games? Win the league?


It's what he could do long term that is more important compared to what Allardyce could do long term. A Capello given Mike Ashley's funds could create something really special, whereas Big Sam given funds might just create an expensive Bolton. Conjecture I know, but deep down everybody's probably wondering the same thing.



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Get Capello in with Mourinho as his translator.


Wonder what kinda team we will form if those two work together, they seems to like playing a big man up front? RVN and DROGBA? Don't worry, we have Viduka!

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The second Capello says he wants the job I'd sack Allardyce on the spot.


I agree.


I'm all for giving Allardyce time but if someone of Capello's calibre was interested in managing us, he'd be forgotten about faster than last night's sex dream.  It would be a significant upgrade.


The problem is that Capello won't be interested anyway so we might as well not even bother.

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The second Capello says he wants the job I'd sack Allardyce on the spot.


I agree.


I'm all for giving Allardyce time but if someone of Capello's calibre was interested in managing us, he'd be forgotten about faster than last night's sex dream.  It would be a significant upgrade.


The problem is that Capello won't be interested anyway so we might as well not even bother.

Yeah agree with all that -

A:\ That if Capello was interested I'd pack Sams bags for him, and pay for his taxi.

B:\ That its a significant upgrade (I like that computerism !)

C:\ Thats its a snowballs chance in hell.

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