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BBC reckon we could join G14 soon, which will be expanded to 77 members

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Totally agree with Wullie. It's disappointing that Platini has backed down from his 'too much money in football stance'. 


This, along with Sky and complete and utter greed have contributed to alienating the avergae fan from the game.


Without trying to sound nostalgic, it's change and for the worse.

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Surely defeats the purpose of the G14 if everybodys in it.


No, because it will now be a union of clubs, the first of its kind. It'll give football clubs a better chance of being a part of discussions about changes that can be made to the game because there'll be one and only one voice representing them all.


It's not representing them all though is it? What gives Manchester Utd any more right to demand how the game is run than Hartlepool Utd? They're both professional clubs operating in the same league system, they should be on a level playing field.


But, eventually, it will give clubs such as Hartlepool a say in things. Do you not think that it is better that the membership has been increased? And not all 77 teams will be 'rich'. I can think of maybe about 7 teams in Premiership who are rich, maybe one or two in the Serie A, 3 or 4 in La Liga and then 2 (maybe) in the Bundesliga. That's about 20 or so teams who you could say are rich. The other 50 or so will be smaller teams. This is a good thing. At least it's a step in the right direction. And if we're a part of this, I'm happy.


These money grabbing parasites don't care about smaller clubs. They want all clubs in who pose a possible threat so it would make it easier to break away from the rest and destroy football, all for their greedy gains.


I'd disband it yesterday.


It's proctectionism by any other name.

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Newcastle United and Hearts will take their place at the top table of European football tomorrow as the new European Club Association stages their first general assembly in Switzerland.


The organisation has been brought into being to represent club interests with Uefa's blessing in place of the elitist G14 forum. Under Uefa's ranking system, England, like Spain and Italy, are entitled to send five clubs, and Newcastle have been given the fifth spot behind the acknowledged big four of Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool. Scotland have three places and Hearts join Celtic and Rangers.


Heartbreak in the DaehtihS household.



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Guest MaetihS



Newcastle United and Hearts will take their place at the top table of European football tomorrow as the new European Club Association stages their first general assembly in Switzerland.


The organisation has been brought into being to represent club interests with Uefa's blessing in place of the elitist G14 forum. Under Uefa's ranking system, England, like Spain and Italy, are entitled to send five clubs, and Newcastle have been given the fifth spot behind the acknowledged big four of Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool. Scotland have three places and Hearts join Celtic and Rangers.


Heartbreak in the DaehtihS household.





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Newcastle United and Hearts will take their place at the top table of European football tomorrow as the new European Club Association stages their first general assembly in Switzerland.


The organisation has been brought into being to represent club interests with Uefa's blessing in place of the elitist G14 forum. Under Uefa's ranking system, England, like Spain and Italy, are entitled to send five clubs, and Newcastle have been given the fifth spot behind the acknowledged big four of Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool. Scotland have three places and Hearts join Celtic and Rangers.


Heartbreak in the DaehtihS household.






Irony fucking overload.

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